<Sargerei> Man'ari Eredar, or fallen Draenei Welcome

The Sargerei, a faction of eredar in the service of the Shadow Council, have sacrificed much in pursuit of power. The cult has embraced the worship of Sargeras.

The Sargerei see themselves as the chosen ones who are meant to conquer the stars. Those who join the cause will be empowered beyond measure in service to our Lord Sargeras. Those who do not yield…will be destroyed.

Rivals of the Shator, the sha’tar in outland, the Army of the Light, and any draenei force in existance. Man’ari Eredar who work to bring the end of Azeroth, we will not yield to the forces of the Light or the false promises of the Prophet Velen.

In the Alignment Category, we are best labeled between Chaotic Neutral down to Chaotic Evil, depending on the players interests or desires.

*Please note that should you be killed in any RP event, all posessions are forefeit unless reclaimed in battle. Your corpse is left where it falls as your soul returns to the Twisting Nether. As a demon, you can revive only in specific circumstances. Ritual resurrection at any Altar of Storms (upon body reclaiming and transport), natural resurrection within the twisting nether (one week must pass), or sacrificial resurrection (a number of souls equal to the value of the demons own soul).

*Second note, if you are killed in battle on Argus, or any area heavy in fell energies your life is forefeit permanently. Your soul can be captured via soulsteal or soul trap but only if cast prior to death. Recommendation, always have a portal to escape, or a few invisibility potions handy.