Sargeras-US 610 sub rogue looking for semi-hardcore aotc guild

leaving a guild after 2 years for a change of speed. would like to reach aotc faster and do mythic prog.


We’re looking for a great rogue to add to our roster. Below is our guild recruitment post and a way to get in contact with me if you’re interested or have any questions. Talk soon.

need later at night i am busy in the morning. looking or maybe 8pm to 12am est

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Hey there, we are looking for a solid rogue to add to the team. Here is the guild spam on the forums [H/A] [Zul'jin-US] <Four Dads One Pizza> Tues/Thurs 9:30-12:30am EST AOTC/Mythic 8/8N 6/8H - #3 by Unholyftw-zuljin feel free to reach out as I would like to ask a few questions etc.