Sargeras returns as a Void Lord

plz stop retconning my game. no more Demon hunter classes.

I would only make exception for void elfs and high elfs if ever introduced cuz basically those are just blood elfs

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You ever seen the show Prison Break?

Literally quoted it for you…


So who’s breaking him out just to make him explode? Doesn’t make any sense.

For anyone who wants an insider spoiler:

Sargeras is the one who puts down Zovaal at the end of the expansion when nobody/nothing else can stop him.

Kind of an ironic moment where “the big bad” saves the universe. Aman’thul just lets him go crazy on Zovaal in a 1v1 after enlightening him that it was Zovaal (through Denathrius and the dreadlords) that tricked him into engaging in his crusade, and thus sending countless souls to The Maw; rEdEmPtIoNnNnN

The developers were so excited to label Zovaal “titan + +” on the power scale.
The only characters that have been introduced with that power level is Sargeras (high on fel energy), Elune and Azeroth; the latter two have obvious reasons for not being able to fulfill this role.

After the end of Cataclysm and Bfa with the story utilizing a McGuffin to kill the big bad and boss, Blizzard realized this story-telling wasn’t going to work again. I think the original idea was to have the players rebuild the sigils and use another “super item” to help bring down Zovaal. Gross.

All energies can be mixed. There are examples and circumstances in which they have gone wrong, and there are examples and circumstances that have gone right.
And with Tazavesh’s writings, they mention that all cosmic energies make countless combinations to weave reality and

What is clear is that great powers took shape. How many? There are numbers within numbers, my friends. At first I thought only two, until I perceived an infinite array – O, the terror of it! – but as of late I have settled on six. Possibly seven, but the last might be an artifact of the geometry. A fractal.[…] With a framework in place, all that we now comprehend came to be. As if reality were nothing more than a fungus growing upon the frame. Six forces now in balance, and from their intersections arose others. A simple structure growing infinitely more complex.

When a blizz mixes Light with Void, Arcane with Fel and Life with death (Actually she already did, but people insist on playing words to say it’s not really the same thing) They’ll say she destroyed the lore (Once again)

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It would be so much more beautiful if they formed a couple and destroyed the universe in the name of love

NGL, that’d be friggin dope. Make Mawduin the final boss of the raid and have Sargeras kill Zovaal.

Don’t redeem Sargeras, but do a “Lucifer” / “Supernatural” with him and have us have to make a deal with the devil.

Honestly, it’d be the ultimate fan-service. I have waited a long, long time to see the rematch of Illidan and Arthas, and Sargeras vs Zovaal would represent an interesting proxy for such a rematch. Sargeras wielding twin glaives because his sword is still embedded in Azeroth.

That’d honestly be awesome. I’d much rather have something like that than a “Covenant Friendship Beam” kill Zovaal. That’s the most cringe thing I can imagine to be honest. We literally just had a friendship beam last expansion. Limit the Sigil to being the key to Zereth Mortis and that’s it.

Bro chill Blizzard’s FBI Unit is about to lockdown this whole thread what have you done

As others have said you’re very wrong. The legion was numerous but not unbeatable. The majority of the races they conquered were killed, not converted. Once the resurrection was stopped they were easy prey.

Good, I hope Illidaddy comes back with him.

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To be fair that wasn’t a friendship beam that was an orbital weapons platform “on the surface,” beam. Still not exactly appropriate to the genre x

That would be a massive retcon in itself with the current lore. Blood Elf Illidari are Blood Elves that joined Kael’thas in going to Outland.

There weren’t any High Elves or Void Elves present at the time to have journeyed to Outland and been trained by Illidan. Remaining “High Elves” were exiled from Quel’thalas and Void Elves did not exist.

If Sargeras returned Illidan may pull a Bolvar and be like “time to bolster the ranks my dewds.”

I’m not a demon hunter player but I see so many people requesting more races for it, and a scenario like Legion 3.0 is the only way I could see it happening. I just hope that if Sargeras does return he gets Devil May Cry music.

High elves void elves blood elves are all same.

So it’s acceptable

But either way. None of this bolster ranks bs.

Only blood elf’s and night elf’s as dh.

Returned as fel or void no it doesn’t work. But if we lose I mean really lose which would be a different direction for once then the enemy of my enemy could play into the equation but even then it is just a bad idea.

You’re right that High, Blood, & Void Elves are all the same race, but the Blood Elves as a faction were the only ones present at the time to become Demon Hunters.

Yea but a blood elf demon hunter could latter embrace the void powers to also fight the void.

A high elf could just be part of the blood elf’s thT went to Outland.

Since it’s the same race they are all high elf’s there is some room

It’s all possible. What isn’t possible is panda DHs get that trahs out of here.

Don’t mess up my high elves demon hunter illidan lore

I created this monster.

ok that made me laugh real freakin loud

we both know it’ll be a rainbow beam too


All a Void Lord should be is a member of the Pantheon of the Void.

The Old Gods are pretty much the Void’s version of Mueh’zala: a lesser Deity who runs their own Realm that is inferior to the members of the Cosmic Realm’s Pantheon.

Sargeras could quite easily become a member of the Pantheon of the Void one would think. The Void Lords are implied to be in large numbers as befitting their belief in Infinite Possibilities.