Sargeras returns as a Void Lord

That would be one of the dumbest decisions ever. How about developing & creating new & interesting characters instead of having to shoehorn in an old character for just because.

I was referring to the story/lore, not classes.

The Scarlet Crusade weren’t good guys. Read up on their lore

Druids of the flame and of the nightmare… also weren’t good guys

As far as the titan constructs, that one is a bit tricky as a number of them were

  • corrupted by old gods, thus trickling down into any underlings they had
  • were guarding something (and thus saw as as adventurers as threats, either inherently or due to them dealing with corruption of themselves or their master)
  • etc…

Also, if we were fighting against life/light/order… that would make us the bad guys so… not sure how or why that would make sense to you for us to do that

To be fair that lady in Blackfathom Depths died losing control of a turtle so… maybe he just shouldn’t have taken so much power, not that they can’t ever be controlled together. Of course both seem to make you hungry for more, so you’d still need to be the right person.

I don’t think he’d become a void lord though

Most likely he’d just be void corrupted and controlled by the void lord’s :thinking:

The legion basically doesn’t exist anymore. What made the Burning Legion “endless” was the soul of Argus rebirthing them as they died. With his destruction the Legion all but died out.

Not so, the Legion was infinite to resurrect, however its contiguous was in fact numbers because it was composed of various races of the cosmos spread to be able to control the worlds and resources of the legion. Without the Sargeras they were only left without a supreme leader, however the vast majority of creatures still exist. The logical succession would be for the generals to fight to control the factions within the legion.

Well it’s assumed without their ability to constantly be reborn the Illidari would eventually wipe them out after the events of Legion.

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The lore has not revealed so far whether the Illidaris are active for this purpose. Not to mention it’s like you looking for fish in the sea. If even Sargeras couldn’t extinguish all the demons when they were disorganized, imagine now that they know how to do an army? And by the walk of the lore, blizzard intends to tell how the other cosmic forces work, probably must have a ‘‘pantheon’’ of the fel or know whatever it is.

Oh, you’re just trolling, I see. Carry on.

This is correct for another reason additionally; most of the Demons in Sargeras’ employ had to be mind controlled, as they either aren’t by nature destructive, or the opposite is true that they were so chaotic and destructive that the concept of cooperation would be utterly foreign to them.

How? He’s locked down in the Seat of the Pantheon with his brethren and Illidan keeping watch. And why would they turn him Void?

Your example is literally a boss that uses both fel and void at the same time

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And he literally becomes nothing…

He states very directly that the two energies are tearing him apart.

Had I been able to post the WoWpedia link this would have been distinctly understood.

Because we kill him, like all void creatures they disintegrate

Flat out says he was eating tons of fel energy, and uses both after he consumes the portals

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The example is proof of how too much of both results in a catastrophic explosion that kills everything.


Yes, if someone absorbs a crap ton of any energy in the game, it usually ends up badly

Doesn’t change the fact hes literally a void creature who was easily weilding and using fel power

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He wasn’t easily wielding it. He was destabililzing by being fed fel as a void creature.

Developer notes:

“A lot of our boss concepts for Hellfire Citadel began by imagining what would happen if we added fel energy to different parts of the Draenor ecology. What would a fel variant of one of the void revenants we saw a glimpse of in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds look like? Xhul’horac answers that question”

Final ability that results in him exploding and killing everyone:

And his final words:


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No where does it say he was destabilizing from being fed fel, only says it after he consumes all of the power

Yes, the thing he says after absorbing all of the power, he’s not the first boss we’ve fought that blows up from absorbing too much power

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Light, Void, and Fel are the equivalents of Matter (Light), Antimatter (Void), and Gamma/other radiations (Fel)… none of those should collide and have detrimental effects on each other whenever any of the three are combined together.

They’re never going to have Sargeras be a BBG of a expansion. How do you justify us being able to kill him?? Should have stayed strictly in the lore to begin with.

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