Sargeras Alliance Reconnections

Wasn’t in your guild Cor, but I do remember you from all the PvP. Hope to see you in one of those epic AV battles again.

Alliance - Paladin Tacorn

Hand of Thanatos (Vanilla)
Motley Brew(BC, Wrath)

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Tasiden - 60 Holy Paladin full T2

Combat Medics (Oneleg was GL I believe)
Mark of Valor
Order of Inner Light

Looking for:
Sorataxjr - Mage/Pally
Tiiga - Rank 14 Warrior
Juras - Warrior/Hunter/Priest(TBC)

I’m still in touch with Druidgirl.

Played as Lodrazon (Human Priest) and Kabouter (Gnome Rogue) in Classic. Was in Club Sixty, Lux Aeterna, Aeternus Censura, and eventually Blood Pack.

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Deoluimina (NE hunter)
Deoluna (NE Druid)
Guilds - Blood Pack and Divine Vigilance

How many of you guys are still out there?
Wrath - NE hunter
Tribunal - Dwarf Hunter
Shiftyjim - NE druid
Grevious - Gnome Rogue
Foxxer - NE hunter (remember that time we kited a demon from the blasted lands to SW and he bugged and kept killing everyone and I got a 3 day ban? lol)
Switch - NE rogue

Let me know if you guys are still out there!


Dude I hunted you (Siko) so many times on my hunter at the boats but I was a noob hunter back then and I think I only ever got you once. I made an ironic post on the realm forums afterwards gloating that I finally killed you even tho I was like 1-30 against you LOL

  • NE Hunter, named Carrera.
  • From the guild Valhalla.
  • Looking for any of the other guild mates that I used to raid with in my teenage years, as I am now nearly in my 30’s! So long ago! Used to play with a lovely couple and their family would play, too. I play Horde now, but would be wonderful to reconnect! Cheers!

There was a Warlock whose name i can’t really put my finger on. something along the lines of: Alexenrrda. (male irl) can’t remember but i left for basic, came back after a few months and he was no where to be found. i was in my mid 20s at the time.

Hi, I’m Digerati. Same toon, same server, still, since the beginning. Won’t be playing Classic, or Live, much for the immediate future. Just saying hi! Some familiar faces. :grinning:


Kitch ganked, and then camped, everyone on early Sargeras. Good memories. :slight_smile:


BTW, used to play a human Paladin named Ozherbie. Was part of =OZ= when I started. That was back when Rag was still unkillable.

Kneebasher - Dwarf Shadow Priest

< Righteous Fury > and < Nexus > for PvE
< Face Melter > and < DA BEAR > for PvP

Here with some other ex-RF: Asano, Xeros/Rasil, Manji, Kegs. Got a few other ex-sarg with us as well: Obliteratex and Castina are ex-TI I think.

We rolled up a new guild, < Spellplague >. Got 100 nolifers frothing at the mouth. We’ll see how many survive the attrition of Classic. Hope to reconnect with some more old faces!


Hey Ne warrior names Zuirel. Played with Righteous Fury and Pugger Stompers for pvp later. I recognized a few names. Digerati, kneebasher, Clauss. Haven’t played in many years and ready to check out classic. Also trying to get my brother to play classic. He was a NE Druid names Nalo. Was an officer in righteous fury.

Killinisi - mage, also had this lock in there.

Clauss, pretty sure I was in Nexus for a bit as well. I remember your name.


Are you sure about those names Zuirel? I checked with a couple of the guys and none of us can remember either of those characters in RF, nor can we find them in old screenshots. I don’t remember every single person who was ever in the guild but I feel like I’d know an officer.

Hey guys, I played a R13 human mage “Bonesx” with my brother Zyrtec in Pugger Stompers. We have a good amount of old Pugger Stompers guys in a discord gathered and have even recruited some new people too. We will focus on raiding and world pvp this time around rather than go hard on BGs. We would be happy to have any old school sarg members with us so feel free to get in touch!

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Lemme know if you wanna join up with Pugger Stompers again :wink:

Yeah 100% I wasn’t there as long because of high school sports got in the way of raiding for me but I was with you guys during aq40 progressions. Unfortunately I couldn’t commit to raids like I wanted to.

My brother Nalo got me in. I believe at the time you were pretty low on druids so kinda by default he was a officer in your chat helping distribute gear during raids. He had some naxx pieces as well.

I still have my very first character that I made on Sargeras, a Human Mage named Craniosacral. I think I wound up in a guild called Guardians of Azeroth at some point, but that may have been during TBC. I was just busy trying to learn my way around the world during most of Classic.