This is just silly. Cute little mouse, has a flying animation for his mount special… and doesn’t freakin’ fly.
All he needs is to fly with these sparkles instead of wings and he’ll be different enough from the shop mount. Which means people will still want the shop mount AND this one, as well. Not to mention, more people would be willing to try out Hearthstone if they got a flying mount. hint hint nudge nudge!
For me not being able to fly isn’t enough of a reason not to get a mount. Some of my favorite mounts that I own on my retail account are ground only like the polar bear mount you get from Storm Peak daily’s. I want to hug that bear all day long.
Yeah, I agree. I already have ratstallion and squeakers, I don’t need a strictly ground reskin of squeakers. If he flew I could possibly be persuaded to play some hearthstone, even though I really don’t like it. I was a magic: the gathering guy for like 20 years and it’s the only card game in that genre I can (or well could) play, and I’ve even quit that.
*dips into mah speshul swarfy bag of tricks and rummages around until… AHAH! ~ mah sooOOOooOOper seekrit portion of pixie dust I’ve been saving for jusssssst a worthy occasion.
Then I could have two flying mice mounts for my gnomes. A friend bought me a 6 month sub to get Squeakers. As he put it, “Germans must be in Panzers, gnomes must ride on mice.”
More like this please, even special events in WoW… the cross promotion thing was neat. I never played hearthstone and it was fun but quick to get Sarge. Issue being later with how hard it is with non meta setups to even survive in apprenticeship.
That said Yes, that mount special is so disney like lol I love it.
It’s a shame it doesn’t fly… it doesn’t even need wings, just like the paladin legion class mount where the flying leaves foot prints in the sky.