Sap and Blind should share DR's with Stuns

so does ganking. the game still has low levels.

the fact that it happens isn’t a legitimate argument for why the game should be balanced around it.

If the game was balanced around 1v1, than all classes would be super generic and everyone would be able to do the same thing.

Git good rat.

There is a 1 shot build and I’ve definitely died in a cheapshot multiple times with 30 vers

Thats because you’re bad.

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That was nerfed last week.

It broke the day your class was introduced… stop crying cause your class was on top for the last 2 expansions in a very dirty way.


I have never understood the bizarre outrage over Kidney Shot (5 cp) stunning for 6s. It requires dedicating 5 cp that you could use offensively into CC at melee range only. No other class has to decide between using their primary generated offensive pressure resource on CC instead of DPS.

Whereas say… Hammer of Justice is a 6 second stun with a 10 yard range, no cost and no setup. “UH WELL HOJ IS A 1MIN CD” - Is it, though? With Fist of Justice that CD is reduced tremendously. It’s also Magic, which allows it to hit through physical defensives like Evasion, Die By The Sword, Blessing of Protection, etc. Could you imagine the outrage if HoJ cost 3 Holy Power?

What about Storm Bolt? 4s stun, 20 yard range, 30s CD – no cost. Could you imagine the frustration if Storm Bolt cost 50 rage?

Psychic Horror? 4s, instant cast, 30y range, 45s CD – no cost. If P.H. cost Insanity it would be useless.

Fel Eruption? 4s stun, instant cast, 20y range, 30s cd – 10 fury cost? Basically free. If F.E. cost 50 Fury it would be useless.

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I think the OP should just learn to adapt on his DH and communicate with his healer/partners in 2s or 3s to peel the rogue. After dealing with the fact of having to deal with DHs only really needing to know to press the w key to win games in BFA with mana burn and not having to worry about mistakes I have no sympathy at all for the DH class. That being said they should be viable at least in arenas. I do not agree that Sap and Blind should share DRs with stuns because this will affect the DR list for other classes as well like blinding sleet and Dragon stun for Dks.

I agree


Did I mention an Arena situation? I don’t recall that.

I’m talking about Skirms, BG’s, world PvP, duels, etc. (where a rogue and you are basically doing a 1v1) I don’t care if this game isn’t balanced around 1v1. Nobody should be stuck in a stun where they can die from 100% health to dead by a single character attacking you.

Rogues just stunlock from 100% to dead never allowing you to control your character while you’re deleted.

I can’t understand how anyone can defend, or think being stunned from 100% to dead is a fair gameplay mechanic.

then ur not to be taken seriously. crying about 1v1 situations when the game isn’t BALANCED AROUND 1v1 is antithetical and illogical!

There are classes that rogues stand absolutely NO CHANCE against in 1v1’s as well.

Feral druids, guardian druids, pretty much any tank spec for that matter, arms warrior, BM and MM hunters, shadow priest(if played correctly) , frost mage, the list goes on and on.

Pretty much any dps spec with a stun can take you from 100-0 in their stun if they pop cd’s.
if you get taken from 100-0 in a single stun from a rogue its because you got OUTPLAYED.


DH complaining that another class is broken, this is original, someone could make an NFT of this and make millions

Might as well just remove them from the game if they share DR with stun. Heck, might as well remove rogues from the game because without Sap and Blind we would be horribad.

I agree with most of your posts except for one thing: One healer should lose to one dps if left alone 1v1. The game may not be balanced around 1v1, but in instances where you’re DPS vs Healer there is almost zero feasible chance of winning the fight as a dps.

Particularly against offensive-healers, like disc priests and paladins.