If true, that is a pretty good sign that we could see them fleshed out more and maybe even become playable in some fashion, which I will admit is still a bit of wishful thinking. Moreso whenever the old world (of Warcraft!) revamp ever becomes a thing, since that would work well with an updated Ghostlands, Eversong Forest, and Silvermoon. Another chance for a neat event like the Cataclysm pre-expansion events too.
That said, I’m still tempering expectations, but I do feel inspired to keep at it with the playable Horde San’layn support. It’s about time I make some updated posts about them with a more current look as well.
I still say Deatholme is the perfect place for them. They can help keep the Scourge in the area in check, the area suits them perfectly, and they’re right by Silvermoon to help defend it as needed.
A lot of vampire stuff has been popping up in various media. Even in several Activision games, like Diablo Immortal and Call of Duty, have had vampire stuff in it. Really wish WoW would get its turn with playable Horde San’layn, especially with it making for a fun Halloween event.
Several playable races were once entirely bad guy mooks with the depth of a raindrop on concrete. Even several NPC races have either had pretty big face turns, like the Rajani Mogu, or fleshed out to be even more than being brainless mooks, like the Gilgoblins with the Kelfin. I see no reason why San’layn would remain an outlier in that. Especially with how Man’ari were before.
—38 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—
–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race!