Yeah true that. I got into a kerfluffle with people on it in another thread (Actually I think some folks here saw that clash) and ended up deciding that it isn’t worth my time anymore to wander anywhere beyond this thread, the Saurok thread, the Ogre thread, and the Sethrak thread, because people would like to make false claims about me without backing them up in attempt to slander. It’s very frustrating and even stressful, and something as silly as game forums shouldn’t cause that.
More to the point though, they also shove ‘but now you have light themes’ on blood elves when there are no such thing as ‘lightforged elves’. I don’t know why people are doing it because unlike Dark Rangers/San’layn v. Void Elves, “lightforged elves” would be stealing directly from Lightforged Draenei. It honestly boggles my mind, if I’m going to be completely honest. While in the same breath saying “no you can’t ‘steal’ from void elves”. And people are trying to claim I’m the hypocrite, but it’s not how things work because:
-San’layn/Dark Rangers have existed and were sought out for long before void elves were even a thing, whereas Lightforged elves literally do. not. exist. Dark Rangers of which are present on the Horde right now, as well. San’layn of which have attempted to join it.
-“Goth” and “Dark” isn’t a theme like people want to pretend it is. Void = / = either death or fel. Void Elves are NOT San’layn, they’re NOT Dark Rangers, and they’re NOT felblood elves. Whereas Blood Elves and High Elves ARE interchangeable.
-Golden eyes don’t suddenly mean golden themes. As I said in another thread, if they really want to emphasize blood elf, they would add either more arcane themes or fel. And the other THEME wouldn’t be ‘light’ because lightforged elves aren’t a bloody thing.
-And these people say all of this in the same breath as "give us more regular stuff for void elves and ignore their void theme FROM BLOOD ELVES while also saying only we can have ‘dark themed elves’ (not a theme so incorrect on their part anyway).
It just… sigh. If they want to make up lore for lightforged elves as blizzard does so ridiculously a lot, fine, but I am adamantly against the notion because they very much should focus on lore for elves for the Horde that has been made and sought out for.
Honestly? I say we don’t even worry about it. If these fans want to be ridiculous and try to push this on us, they can try. I entirely reject it, don’t want to see it, and am allowed to disagree. I know it’s practically a sin to disagree here on the forums, but there we go. I think it’s a bad idea like how I think Shadowlands Races being playable is a bad idea. I’ll never put down people who want it, that’s fine. I’ll never tell them they shouldn’t express their opinion or wants either. That’s also fine. But I, too, am allowed to say what I dislike, just like people come in here all the time to bash San’layn.
Very much agreed. I really wouldn’t be upset if felbloods became an Allied Race, and San’layn customization, or vice versa. I wonder if they’d end up doing felbloods as an AR or customization, because I know there’s some who would love felblood orcs as well, and I’m wondering if that’d be customization or an AR. Definitely something to consider. Oh, then we add Eradar to the mix, and again if we get lore for all these demonic free-willed entities, any of them could be possible. They at least actually exist, we just need to see them express desire to join the factions.
Outland, as we know, is still functional even if it’s shattering (thrall cinematic showed that) so I wonder if they’d ever do a revamp and return. Something to certainly think about!