San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Be fine with me, being able to switch subraces, voice sets, etc at a barber shop would be great. Maybe race changes would only apply to core race and not subraces, or just do away with it like they did changing sex and roll it into the barber shop.
Then you could have subrace customizations unlock as you play, same way they do allied races, but you’re not the penalized by having to make a new character, but the options would be there for a new character.

Like say you make a draenei paladin, later unlock lightforged and want to be one…off to the barber shop you go! Although a little quest/ceremony to lightforge would be kinda neat :wink:

Perhaps even allowing a little overlap in subraces via the barbershop? Pick dark iron, but pick a lighter skin (half bronzebeard?) and then pick a bronzebeard voice set. Due to picking dark iron as your race, you’d be referred to as a dark iron by the game, npcs etc, but with the voiceset, you could say you were raised in Iron Forge…or whatever your heart desires :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe even have the options on the regular character selection, and have little blurbs that explain the option on mouse over.

More options are always good. The more you can allow a player to set their character up as they want, the better.

Wildhammer and San’layn and any race added deserve the extra work of voicesets and heritage armor, fun racials, and being referred to as such by the game and npcs.
It better fleshes out the race.

I’m still surprised there’s not a death knight Reinhardt. I’ve got one I made to level that’s a kultiran named Rimeheart :smiley:


Yes. This sort of already happens with the Mag’har orcs. I love my blackrock orc monk. She’s a badass. But I think it would be cool to be able to save different customizations on the barber too. For Mag’har changing your customization can literally mean changing your clan. I would have also like to use the black rock customization on a warlock. So I hope they do just make the subrace system we originally wanted with allied races being how they call them. And it would still be useful to unlock them for your old characters so they can get new looks, just like we already do for new gear and mounts. Customization being a thing we look forward to each expansion is more exciting imo then mounts for example.

Looking at the extensive system for soul calibur I think Wow can do stuff with it’s own races in it’s own ways. I just get inspired by these other games I’ve played.

In kameo the skins were awesome rewards.

They should definetly do a lich king Reinhardt like with Arthas. Or maybe a Jailer Reinhardt. Would be nice to see frostmourne in overwatch. And his shield could be a blood red anti magic shell color.

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It’s defiantly not optimal but that’s the hand we where given, and we have to play with it.

On the subject of subraces, I would absolutely prefer that system to the one(s) we have now. I hope that something like that happens in the future to smooth all this out.

Back on the subject of San’layn, I think the lowest hanging fruit is Dark Ranger Skins/Eyes since they already exist. Then we can focus on the Fangs/Claws/Ears that come with lore of some kind like Night Warrior.

San’layn options without lore would feel… bad to say the least. So I’m not too keen on the idea on adding them without it.

Ideally they would be their own race. But we should keep pushing for them to be playable in some fashion.


san’layn are currently servants of the jailer (like all the scourge), maybe good sylvanas can be their racial leader.
ICC as a racial capital would be great and we might as well have an AR unlock quest there.

Figured I’d toss in some more support for the San’layn as an AR race.

Preferably for the Horde.


I don’t really see any reason why it would have to be excused from the horde could be AR for the alliance as well.

I can see no reason why they would be Alliance…

If you do thats fine. I disagree.


because they are not horde and alliance now they are scourge therefore they should be able to choose faction.

I’m not rehashing the reasons.

You may disagree as you wish.

I don’t see any way for the San’layn to go Alliance.


why not? Didn’t the alliance accept former members of the plague like the DK?
also uses the night elf model one more reason to make it playable also in the alliance.

Cause I don’t want to?

Why you keep trying to engage?.. think I’m being pretty clear I’m not interested in discussing it with you.

You can vie for the San’layn for whatever side you want to.

I’m just saying that it doesn’t seem wrong to me that they are playable for both the alliance and the horde. after all the void elves even joined the alliance after being horde in the lore.


I think that the racials of the sanlayn should be a teleport like the one of the venthyr and the suck of the blood (HP) of their enemies.

I hate the San’layn idea and I do not like it.

But there is a minor difference.

Anduin wanted to try and recruit the Blood Elves again, failing that, however, Alleria proposed instead to take in an exiled batch of Blood Elves who happened to be corrupted and turned into Void Elves when Alleria arrived to recruit them.

The recruitment of San’layn was easier for the undead because… well, they are undead.

I still don’t want no San’layn or Felblood Elves though, bad ideas.

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I do want to say thank you for expressing this in a mature way and attacking the idea rather than people presenting it, I appreciate it, even if I strongly disagree. I wish more could be this way. I am not shy with saying I hate the idea of lightforging options for elves, for example, or venthyr, and no one should attack the people, but rather express their distaste for the idea. And be free to share their opinion of the idea. Which you’re doing, which I think is a good thing. We will see what happens in the end, but I wish you the best in presenting what you want as well and thank you for not being rude to us!

Just a block of text saying ‘thanks for not being mean about it!’

As for my opinion on it, to be honest, I really don’t see the San’layn going onto the Alliance. They actively hunted/slayed them in BfA, and don’t take kindly to undead, death knights or not. Not to mention, in BfA, the San’layn wanted to join the Horde, and I feel like the new ‘council’ will be more open minded for a variety of reasons;

Ideally, and these are my ideas in this case, but a splinter faction of San’layn would come from the missing blood princes, the ones we saw in Lich King era but who were never found (Atherann and Theraldis). They would be where Dreven came from, but I’m thinking Dreven broke off out of desperation to join the Horde (and failed.) They would start sending more scouts or young princes more receptive to helping the Horde, forsaken & Blood Elves especially, until eventually seeking to join the Horde. They would be, theoretically, super helpful against the still-rampaging (because that was still not resolved) scourge on Azeroth because they’re powerful tacticians and especially know scourge methodology, so it’d be a case of using their own medicine against them.

Customization-wise, again, ideally they’d be an Allied Race. Hopefully pulling hair styles from Blood Elves and Forsaken, perhaps void elves as well (and there can be new ones AND exchanges too. I’m all for sharing the love with hair styles, I don’t see why they need to be restricted aside from special features like tentacles or what have you. Perhaps blood spatters in the hair for San’layn). San’layn would have bat-like ears, claws, and fangs, with a variety of different face options.

We could even go all out and have a different amount of FANG variety. One of my biggest wants for a racial would be a flying mount (like worgen, but flying, again would be in place of a racial ‘mount’ and castable). This would be a cloud of bats!

Edit: Also it’s no secret that I’m not a huge fan of the faction war/split, so I favor the idea of neutral races, but if there’s no options in the forseeable future to go neutral on all, and factions remain as they are, then Horde San’layn make the most sense to me. That said, I do wish we had neutral guild/PvE options in the very least for all races.


That should definitely be an option.
Seems like it’d be easy to do, doesn’t that already exist for the transmog?
Even having the various mag’har clans divided up by clan would be neat, add in some additional options, but still allow the crossover. Have some sort of labeling so you know what’s specific to that clan, and other options could be labeled so you know they’re not. That way you’re free to mix and match a bit. Parent of both clans type of thing or whatever.

Another reason subraces would be nice is that’d be where the class is linked. Like if we were to have wild hammer druids. Having them separated out and having that as an option would be great.

I’m also thinking it’d be nice if they’d just section the high elf stuff out of the void elf stuff into it’s own subrace. Add more void options to the void elves, can leave some of the regular high elf stuff as well, but then have the high elf subrace and let them be paladins and such…make some cool void casting melee class for void elves and other races :wink:

It’s weird WoW hasn’t delved more into customization.
You’ve got games that allow mods like fallout and skyrim and there’s a crap ton of visual customization mods just for the characters. Those are some of the top downloaded ones.

I’ve seen some fan concept art for something like that as well as Vindicator Maraad and I think a Yrel for Brigitte. They were very well done.

I’d kinda hope they’d do a variety of eye colors for san’layn, blues seem odd, but the ones in game have that coloration. Then reds and yellows would be nice as well. Could even do something sorta like the night warrior.

Dark rangers typically just have red don’t they? Although I wouldn’t mind seeing that expanded as well. Little crossover between the rangers and san’layn since they’re both undead elves.

I wish there was a dedicated lore questing team that continually put out story/lore heavy questlines. Things like the heritage quests but without necessarily being heritage quests.
Maybe even questlines that cover the stuff that’s usually in the books. We occasionally get some like the one with Huln Highmountain or whatever his name was or Illidan.
Having them be replayable would be a nice addition as well.
Just set up a library somewhere, and there could be books we interact with to play through a “history lesson”.

huh? The Ebon Blade are not servants of the jailer, nor would most san’layn be.

Restricting hairstyles is dumb, but having additional little bits as an option on the hairstyles, like the tentacles you mentioned, is a nice option for setting them apart…but continuing to have the regular options as well as the one with additional bits and bobs.

There’s some existing hairstyles that look fantastic on other races and make a lot of sense…the undead with the human hair styles and facial hair look fantastic (kultiran options too)

I’d want there to still be some regular ears as well, but the addition of bat-like would be great.


Because we already have too many blood elves in the alliance, with the entry of Umbric and his 40 emos.

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I would say the alliance got void elves and high elves already. San’layn and fel elves should be horde only to maintain some faction uniqueness. They already high elf stuff which is ok.


Kaelthas calls the void elves his people and continues to call himself the prince of the void elves.
kaelthas would be the racial leader of the sanlayn who join the void elves!