San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)
Best murloc.


Just saying, I would have a total of 0 complaints if Mrrgleton was involved in the recruitment scenario for the vampyr. I know I only saw him briefly in Stormheim, but he was lots of fun. I’d love for him to make friends with friendly vampyr, maybe to explore the curse more!


If you wanna see more of him, get the Tombs of Terror adventure in Hearthstone. You play as him, and he gets tons of dialog. It’s great.


Makes sense! I don’t prefer the game myself if I’m going to be honest, just not my thing >< Might look up videos of his dialogue someday though!


One way they could go is having an alternate form as a racial powerup or a toggle or something that has more monstrous customization options compared to your regular look. You could do the best of both have it be a toggle like shadowform for priests, but have an added right click option on the icon (like some pet abilities) toggle on and off, but when right clicked it toggles on during combat and off after.
Just throwing out ideas. It’s not something we’ve seen though currently that I can think of.

I thought it was interesting you don’t really see much blood magic used in Revendreth until you got to the raid, then there’s a number of bosses that do. So Blood magic is used there.

Would be a cool way to do a demon hunter class variant.


I posted this in both my megathreads, but felt it was important to post it in other ones. I made a step by step guide on how to submit in-game feedback to suggest races to become playable while also referring to their respective megathreads on here. It’s something I think is important to do as part of a way to show support for races to become playable and bring attention to our megathreads for them.

Once a month on only one character, I send an in-game suggestion for the races I want playable. I do one suggestion for each race and refer to their megathreads on the official US WoW forums for more information. It’s something I don’t regularly do, as I don’t want to spam the system, but it is something I try to at least do occasionally.

If you’re interested in submitting in-game feedback for any races you are interested in becoming playable, here is how to get to it in game:

Step 1: Press ESC to bring up the general menu.

Step 2: Click “Support.” It’s at the very top of the menu.

A new window in-game should load. It can take a few seconds for it to load completely. Underneath the “Search World of Warcraft Support” search bar, you should see a line of square images that refer to specific categories of support.

Step 3: Click the “Submit feedback or bug report” square. It should be on the far left when you first load the support window.

It’ll take a second to load that part.

Step 4: Click the lightbulb icon on the right that says “Submit a suggestion”

Step 5: Click in the text box on this window to begin typing a suggestion.

You’re now ready to submit an in-game suggestion!

It’s limited to 500 characters you can type, so you have to be a bit creative in the limited space. As I said before, I usually do one suggestion for each race I want playable, giving a very brief mention of the race, the faction I want it for, and why I feel they’d be great to add. I then make sure to type the name of the associated megathread, assuming they have a megathread, and mention they’re on the official US WoW forums, stating to go there for more info, such as ideas, fan support/designs, ongoing discussions, etc.

When you submit the feedback, it states you won’t get a response, but that it’ll be looked at in some way. Now, this wouldn’t be a sure-fire way to get a race playable, but it can’t hurt to do so in my opinion. After all, we have to show support somehow!

So for those interested in supporting a race you want playable, this is how to do it in-game. As I said, I usually do this once a month (on just one character) at most so as to not spam the system. However, multiple people doing it could help a lot to showing support for races we’d love to see playable.

Also make sure you’re submitting a suggestion and not a bug. I mean, yes, the character creation screen lacking playable San’layn is quite the game-breaking bug (with an easy fix!), but a suggestion will likely be received better as opposed to sending that as a bug report.

As I said, I do this for my most wanted races each month, and San’layn are one of them. I don’t know how much it helps to do it, but I don’t think it hurts to find reasonable avenues to bring attention to playable San’layn support and this megathread in particular. :wine_glass::bat:


Completely random, and open to anyone here, what all pets do you have out (if you bother with them) with your San’layn and/or gothic characters in game? Or any character really, don’t know how popular they really are.

On Zazda I have the Blighted Squirrel until I can get enough friggin Grateful offerings to purchase THE-SQUISHY-CUTENESS-THAT-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED (because the ingame chat doesn’t allow it).


I’m too boring to bother with pets most of the time, except occasionally when I want a second succubus on a warlock.

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I haven’t been playing Felcula lately, but when I do I typically don’t bother with pets on him.

Whole reason I went to Black Temple :3

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The pets I go with generally fit the character’s story, to be honest. Therefore, a lot don’t match their ‘theme’, and they are interchangeable as the years go. Granted, I’m going to be transparent, I don’t even log in anymore at all (haven’t done anything since blizzconline), even to roleplay, as I get no joy from the game. But when I was actually playing, Fallynn usually had dragon whelps with her, years ago, because she rescues them. Vampyr can’t have children, so it was an adoption situation.

Since she was created years ago (beginning of Legion), some of her whelps have grown into drakes, and so, I don’t use those as pets for her anymore. Some, however, were on the younger side, so will be children for a few more years.

Picture reference for Falls (this toon):

^ Here she is with one of her adopted whelps. This is by

Now, when we look at mounts, that’s a different story, generally Falls ‘matches’ her type. She uses the Blood Tick, the Widow (2M spider), & the bat from revendreth I got as a lucky drop. I hesitate using shadowlands pets/mounts but just say they’re ‘bats or foxes of Azeroth’ because putting aside the fact that I utterly hate Shadowlands lore, they look close enough to Azeroth fauna to justify it.

Now, with Elias, he was active in WoD, and ended up saving a tiny felpup. He has this intimating look to him, and is a generation 1 San’layn (turned at the time Lana’thel was, in that original group), and so, is a Blood Prince. He was known as “the butcher” in his scourge days due to being so excellent at bloodshed.

With him, I tend to match him with cuter pets, like tiny wolf pups (though they grow up too and eventually become mounts, like the felwolf pup would now be a battle hound). I do use “The count” for him, as a tiny bat that just happened to follow him around, so that one does match the ‘vampyr’ thing.

Here is how he looks:

This art is by and as you can see, he’s heavily scarred due to constant combat. But with pets, I like to show his softer side.

Then there’s Rexton, my San’layn bard:

and this is by

He is a mage, and I use the spectral rabbit on him as a ‘familiar’ of sorts that developed a personality. In character, the rabbit does have glowing red eyes.

Those are just some examples of my characters and what I do, but I generally go with the ‘backstory and feel’ of the characters as opposed to ‘theme’. That, again, all depends. The vampyr I play are unusual (this is how I play them, my headcanon lore) and a lot of them started off as ‘evil’ but ran into situations which challenged their true morals, which ended up turning them into (very violent) antiheroes (so like Death Knights or Demon Hunters).



Zazda rides around on the Prestigious Ivory Courser. She’s from Lordaeron , she likes horsies.

Until I get Midnight. Someday.


Just to add on to this, you can also copy the appearance of High Priest Andorath from Borean Tundra as well.

Darn, I’ve been away for quite a while.

My TL3 has eroded away.


Oh yes, mounts. I tend to match the mount to the character either visually or thematically. For example, my Dark Rangers ride bats, and my Garrosh cosplay rides a Bronze Drake.


I appreciate you showing me this. It helps to find different models of races that I could use to pretend to be a player character of said race. I’m already thinking on potential places and stories to do for screenshots in the future for different megathreads (including this one).

It’s odd that the Darkfallen Deathblade mob is pick-pocketable, but Glyph of Disguise doesn’t work on them. Apparently I can steal their steamy romance novels, but I can’t become them via an illusion. Go figure.

I did take a few quick screenshots with one of the models I discovered:

Took a quick screenshot of a random place in Oribos. I haven’t gotten to Revendreth on this Rogue character, so I was thinking I might take some images there sometime, though flying would be really helpful in that regard.

If San’layn became a Horde allied race in BfA. Oh what could have been…

In front of the throne at the Zandalari capital. Wanted to take another angle in the area.

Oh BfA…so much potential, so many missed opportunities. Still hope we see that offer for the San’layn joining the Horde still open in the future, though. :wine_glass::bat:


This is too true. I feared that BfA would end up that way, since Cataclysm had a similar “change the world” scope, and ended up squandering so much potential.

Agreed. It would be a real bummer if they made that whole “the San’layn are in talks to join the Horde” questline, exclusively for it to be tanked by the Alliance with no plans of ever revisiting the issue.


More vampire art, this time GASP A human! This is one of my OCs ^^ his name is Robert Smoke. By the lovely of course.

Should also have more soon, though I’m slowing down now since I’m saving up. I just adore getting art of my characters. It’s kinda where my spending money goes… oops

ANYWAY support artists!

Also, I love how the screenshot Lance posted has him making the gesture like “Hey 'sup” :stuck_out_tongue: That’s glorious.

Don’t have much to add aside from “Woo new art let’s celebrate vampires!” and “those screenshots look amazing” ^^


I was doing some thinking regarding my own San’layn character and a thought occurred to me:

Since the Blood Elves can be a bit proud, and given that tragedy would still play a part to San’layn in general to an extent, would San’layn be the type to take what the Scourge made them into, claim that as their own when they regain their senses, and use it for for their uses like turning it back on the Scourge?

I’ll try to explain as best as I can. The San’layn character I had in mind was going to have his backstory of not rejecting who he once was, but accepting that he can’t really return back to his previous life. Instead of sitting around and moping, he decides to assume the persona given to him by the Scourge, mostly with the name. In such a way, he’d be sticking it to the Scourge for taking one of their “creations” and concepts and both turning it back on them and also to do some good in the world, which would be the opposite of what the Scourge was wanting to accomplish.

Theres something about this line of thinking that seems fitting for Blood Elves having turned into San’layn. Yes, tragedy is there and yeah, it sucks to have been slain and become an undead minion, but to have regained free will, surviving, and standing proud of what they are now seems like something the Blood Elves would potentially do.

It’s a bit of a reason I felt that the San’layn taking residence in Deatholme was fitting. The Scourge attempted to take down Silvermoon and they failed multiple times. Silvermoon still stands, and Deathholme would be in posession of the San’layn. To them, the Scourge failed, and to take their own buildings and such away from them and using it against them seems a bit fitting to me. Sure, the Scourge mostly wouldn’t be sentient enough to kinda grasp this concept, but it’d be something of a victory that the San’layn would feel accomplished at. Something they broke free from and turned on its head. It has meaning and adds quite a bit of depth to San’layn, in my opinion.

I hope I explained it well enough to make some sense. Speaking of characters, I was contemplating a female San’layn character as well. I have very few character slots left over, however…really wish I could get more character slots per account. x- x

Anyway, just an interesting thought I had I wanted to share. :wine_glass::bat:


I think it was stated somewhere (maybe Chronicle) that Arthas wanted to use the Scourge to protect Azeroth from the Voidlords or the Legion or something, which is technically good, but I get your point. :stuck_out_tongue:


Funny you mention that, since Void Lords have been a rumored expansion theme for awhile, including among the rumors for the next one.

Sounds like the San’layn could be very useful to help take them on and gives more reason for them to become a playable Horde race to me! :wine_glass::bat: