San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

My concern is that this line right here indicates they’re going to completely ignore ongoing requests like San’layn, Ogres, Sethrak, Saurok, Ethereals, Vry’kul, and many, many other Azeroth races in favor of the new flavor of the month.

With Vulpera and Mechagnomes at least, they were relevant to Azeroth. This new stuff just feels disjointed, disconnected, and I have 0 interest in any of it. I don’t play anymore, and most of my guild has pretty much stopped playing as well. Adding any of these new races as an allied race without any attention to Azeroth races will likely seal the deal for me never coming back.

Not only do I sincerely dislike them, but I’d be very annoyed that it seems like they entirely ignore player feedback & ideas on a regular basis. It gets tiresome. While in the same breath saying ‘we don’t get feedback’.

I understand there’s a number of people who want the afterlife races. That’s great. I definitely do not, myself, and am just stating the bottom line of what will and won’t get me to play. I’m just one player, though, and I understand that. Still going to use my voice on here to express my feeling on it, however.

We can’t even have the simplest maybe 2-3 part questline saying “Oh yeah, a group of San’layn joined the Horde, like the Death Knights! They branched off from the scourge because they’re intelligent undead and can make their own decisions.”

We can’t even have red eyes (in game files), fangs (which night elves literally have, it wouldn’t take much effort to add simple fangs for Thalassian elves for goodness sakes, Sylvanas has them), and claws (demon hunters have them. And DK hair is now available for everyone, so DH can give up something too). It’s not that difficult. Yeah, obviously I want more, look at all of the ideas and work we put in here.

But the fact that they can’t even give us this just annoys me to no end, especially with what happened in BfA.

They even bloody weren’t going to give purple eyes to blood and void elves. It was a glitch. Yet “Nah we thought players would like it, so they can keep it!” while turning around to say “Nah we only add customization where it makes sense”.

Really Blizzard?


To put a positive spin on this, they could take note of how when people see Venthyr they usually comment “Oh like San’layn/I hope we get to see more San’layn”. That or requests for actual dresses and/or thigh high boots.

Haven’t really seen anyone saying they want to play an Ossurian or Kyrian, a few for the Sylvar.


That’s a good positive spin, and very true. Thematically, San’layn do match very well. Perhaps in a future patch if we return to Azeroth and fight the issue in Northrend, they will be the ‘fit’ that’s being looked for.

I have seen people say they want Kyrians, but to me they’re just blue humans with horrible lore. Vry’kul, something people have been asking for now for years, would be far more interesting, especially lore wise. Sylvar I’ve seen asked for, but they make little sense like the rest of them in my personal opinion.

We will have to see what happens over the next year or so. I wonder if a new expansion will be announced this time at Blizzcon, or if everything is thrown off.

Edit: I also notice a lot of San’layn art lately which is awesome, hope to see more of that from the artists I follow ^^ I don’t buy art as frequently anymore(money…) but I do enjoy seeing it.


Heck, they could just give a blue skin customization option to humans and we’d pretty much have Kyrians.


Agreed, the only thing missing would be wings, which…

Let us have wing mounts Blizz, THAT would be a viable reward for the covenants


Wings of various kinds and jetpacks!



I’m curious if we may see Blizzconline again at the end of the year or if it’ll be pushed back to February of next year again. I wouldn’t blame them for doing that if things have indeed been impacted from the pandemic. If that were the case, though, I wish they would at least say so since we’re in radio silence mode and updates seem to be at a crawl.

As I said before, I don’t really see many more patches left for Shadowlands. At the very least, there will be one where we take on the Jailer in a raid. I can’t see there being any more after that unless a new big bad or emo-phase death metal Anduin becomes the focus of a patch.

I honestly feel that the next expansion’s announcement is rather likely. Not guaranteed, but it feels like it. Honestly, I’ll be happy to get out of the Shadowlands in general. As I said, the setting is really not my cup of tea, and all things and systems being equal in another setting, I’d likely be enjoying my time in the game more.

I’ve heard a lot of rumors for what the next expansion could be: Dragon Isles, Void themed, a return to Pandaria, and another Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor Revamp. Hopefully the setting will be better at the very least. Bonus points if races that have been requested become playable.

I also still don’t feel like the covenant races make any sense as playable races. Aside from the afterlife duties I’ve mentioned before several times, it’s hard for me to imagine the Horde or Alliance accepting Venthyr, who were previously beings of any race that sinned pretty badly in life and then got yelled at into a fetal position only to be told they’d be “redeemed” if they acknowledged they sinned and became one of them.

I mean, Kyrians, Venthyr, and Necrolords were beings of several races and cultures that turned into another being or were stuffed into rotting bodies. It really is hard for me to imagine any of the covenant races becoming playable. We’ll see what happens, though as I did say before, it would very much disappoint me to see beings involved in the process of the afterlife playable over several others that have been requested for so long. No offense to those who would want them playable, of course. It’s just my personal opinion.

We’ll see what happens when the next expansion gets announced. In the meantime, I’ll still keep marching for the races I want playable as best as I can. :wine_glass::bat:


A list of raid bosses for the next raid has been shown off on Wowhead. There doesn’t seem to be anything related to San’layn (thankfully) or any regular undead minions Sylvanas had. I have yet to see if there are any mooks you have to beat up between bosses, though it all seems to be minions of the jailer for the most part.

You can see the boss list, with images and text here:

So far, I haven’t seen anything Kael’thas related, but stuff is still being datamined. I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything of interest.

So far, it seems like the San’layn were smart enough not to follow Sylvanas. Let’s hope they’re smart enough to side with the Horde. :wine_glass::bat:


Well, in that specific case, no news is good news. Would have been very disheartening to see the San’layn once again used as a tool to be destroyed. I haven’t seen anything interesting in 9.1 so likely won’t be returning to play for a very long while. Wonder if Kael’s story is going to be continued, or if it’s dropped. I know there’s more Dreadlord lore coming, so says the rumor mill, so who knows if either will be relevant. Perhaps.


Last time a San’layn sided with the Horde it got killed shortly after. Keep in mind that these aren’t a plague like Blood Elves, the death of a San’layn is very meaningful because there are very few of them.

To be fair, we don’t know the exact amount of San’layn, as quite a few came out of nowhere as recent as BfA. We also saw with the vampyr humans in Stormheim that the curse is still active and can be spread, even to other people. After 10+ years (since Wrath), there are still 2 missing blood princes, so I would not be surprised if there were far more than people realize.

If they can pull void elves out of a hat and make an AR out of a small number, I’m confident in San’layn. Either as an allied race or at least customization for blood elves (on the customization end I still don’t see why there is opposition, considering void elves now have 2 themes, it’s entirely fair that the faction with the original dark-magic elves should actually have, you know, dark magic elves)


At least the separate shoulder mogging was finally added. That interests me.

Sylvanas also drops a quiver back item that hopefully will have a quiver appearance when the patch launches. Quiver mog? Yes please! :heart_eyes:

It looks like a random cloak right now, but hopefully they make it display as an actual quiver.


Nice! Yeah it doesn’t really hook me at all, it’s all interesting certainly, but not enough to get me to play again. I’m glad there’s stuff being added that’s interesting to those still playing though!


I’d say very likely, given the penultimate boss of the new raid.


I sincerely hope he gets a jab at that [inset a colorful word here that I can’t express on the forums]. I feel he definitely deserves the chance to get his vengeance after what happened. Granted, since he might finally get what he’s aiming for, he might be turned into a venthyr and work for them forever, which would be disappointing, but not surprising. (Personal opinion, I would rather him return as something like a San’layn and aid his people on Azeroth to give back in that way).


If this does happen, I wonder if they’ll have him just keep his blood elf look?

Would be kinda odd to keep modeling them after Denathrius now that everyone knows he’s evil, right?


Yeah, and they also look nothing like Denathrius anyway. (Not a fan of their looks, but we already know that). Perhaps he’ll become the new leader of them, who knows. I would be meh about it myself, considering I wish he had more connection to his people and I really don’t like the Shadowlands, but there’s a high chance we’ll leave him behind to there.


That’s what I always thought. It’s kinda weird.


I agree with this.

Denathrius looks sort of like a cross between an elf and a Dreadlord, whereas Venthyr look like Orlok.