<Sanguinem Banchod> 2/10 Mythic Progression Recruiting DPS and Healers Tuesday/Thursday 8:30PM-11:30PM Pacific

Sanguinem Banchod is a new guild on the server currently recruiting DPS and Healers for Raiding and M+.

We are an experienced group who have previously raided in top end progression once upon a time and looking to expand our ranks to continue progressing through Castle Nathria and future raid content. We raid Tuesday/Thursday 8:30PM - 11:30PM Pacific Time Zone. Looking to progress through content without the pressures of 3/4+ raid nights.

We will accept all players who are willing to learn and improve.

If interested, PST to Voldimor , Tyballtt or Jaxom or Dividin for more info and/or questions.

Recruiting for Mythic progression