Sanguine Depths Last boss

General Kaal, we are unable to grab the shield, therefore unable to cast the bubble to protect from Gloom Squall, on M+0


Same here. It’s kinda frustrating that after a lot of time we couldn’t finish it =(

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Just ran into this issue with our group. None of us are able to pick up the shield again after we wiped on the boss. Completely unable to complete the dungeon without it, really annoying.

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Same issue today. Some player was stuck outside the boss area, got charged and it reset the boss. We then couldn’t pick the shield back up again. Had to just power through.


This was what caused it for me as well. Boss reset from a player outside the gate and shield was stuck after that.

Same issue today on last boss in mythic

Happened just now.
Can we get a fix for this?

As of Nov 29th 2020… This is still a bug.

Still a bug doable, if people can jump or leap back in after knockback

Still bugged

Seems like Sanguine Depths is the new Tol Dagor…

I had a little bit different experience but on last boss too. The person who grabbed the shield didn’t know to use in the hallway so I was knocked back and fell through the floor to what appeared to be the outside world. My character kept falling and then I was disconnected from the game. I logged back in promptly but was still falling and was quickly dc’d again. I am currently trying the scan/repair tool to see if that will help anything. I actually tried to log back in three times with the same results - my character still falling followed by a dc.

Edit: I was finally able to get back in after a scan/repair was done. It found nothing wrong but when I logged back in I was relocated to Oribos instead of where I was when I joined the dungeon which was Bastion. I was also at about 10% HP. I hope this info helps in future patches. Hopefully as stated above - we do not want/need another Tol’Dagor.