Sandstorm counter

Hi guys, I battle for fun and enjoy trying out new teams. When I come across a team that beats me regularly I usually rework my team and go back in. If I’m on a win streak and getting quick queues I always use it as a chance to try new teams so I’m not beating someone over the head and taking the joy out of it.

Today I hit up against the sandstorm team (Anub, QG, Living Sand), and was cycling through different strats, which beats sitting in a queue, even if I’m losing. Then the guy changed his pet names to something mocking, so I decided to stop PVP (not getting to queue to go off is worse than losing IMO).

But, I am struggling to find a team that will counter the sandstorm team. I personally hate the combo. I pull it out when I’m getting insta queues with someone running a DOT team, but otherwise stay away from it. I’ve been lucky not to encounter it too much.

Can anyone help? Usually if a team is getting me I’ll replicate it and run it until I get an idea of what beats it, but I can’t bring myself to spam sandstorm.

One pet that works well to harass a team of multiple humanoids is S/S Lost Limb. Death Grip out the Sandling, hammer the Guardling with Empowering Strikes, and Bash to free swap away from the Sandling.

Generally, Sandstorm’s biggest weakness is Block effects. Squirky and Stout Alemental are strong options in the Bubble category with Aquatic attacks for the Sandling and stun or debuff to further boost your action economy. Refuge is probably the best way to punish Sandstorm teams. Frostfur Rat can trade weathers and free swap into other critters with powerful weathers or defensives.


Exellent reply, thank you!


Shouldn’t that be reported? That’s disgusting.

Afaik, we don’t have a reporting system for PvP pet battles in WoW.

I’ve come across toxic names in the queue before, but nothing that vulgar. I’m sorry that was you experience, Zargus. :pensive:

We don’t. But you can still file a report without one. It just takes longer.

Sandstorm, like Darkness, is one of the hardest to counter. And even if you do counter it, chances are you lose anyway just due to the power of the pets outside of Sandstorm. Honestly the best counter is to pray you don’t encounter it in the first place, lol. Another counter is your own Sandstorm or alternate weather team and then just play smart and, again, pray.

While not exactly a counter, one of the things I’ve started doing for annoying metas/teams is my 3 Singing Sunflowers, tend to see a lot of forfeits but, a win is a win :wink:

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Works well with Fozling too, or the Ancients pets people might have. Sunlight is low-key the most powerful weather but it’s more difficult to use than other weather