Sandstone Drake - Dragonflight Makeover?

Honeslty this. There are far more terrible looking drake mounts out there. Onyxia, the blue, white, red ones from wotlk, basically all the drakes from wotlk are derp levels of terribad textures now etc. So many more severely derpy looking drakes that need updating.

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As long as you donā€™t turn sandstone drake into a dynamic flying mount.

I seriously hope they donā€™t screw up with that customizable flying vehicle next expacā€¦it looks amazing and sounds like fun. Sadly Blizz seems to be anti fun at times and god Iā€™m hoping I donā€™t jinx this but please donā€™t let this customizable flying car end up like PvE for Overwatch 2 in that they quietly cut it without saying anything at firstā€¦ Iā€™ll be so upset if they do.

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Simply because thatā€™s the one you can become the mount! I find it great fun.