Sanctum Upgrade Recommendations?

Okay we’re a few months into the expansion, several folks have at least 1-2 Rank 3 upgrades if not more and some are probably coming up on theirs.

What’s your recommendation on the order folks should be pushing upgrades?

Like, for Night Fae their travel network offers really easy daily quests that often pop up with anima rewards. Conversely, their rank 3 on the Queen’s Conservatory is just an extra seed with 2 catalysts and a spirit with a questline that awards a toy, so you can probably prioritize the network or conductor over that first.

Nothing but command table

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They all suck, pick whatever. heck! They couldn’t even make the portal to Oribos 2 way ,! nope just 1 way there lmao!


The transport network first all the way, specially if youre Kyrian

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I have no rank 3 anything. Ive survived

For Night Fae, get the transport network as it gets you a portal to Oribos, then the anima conductor so you can finish that off asap, then the command table. The Queen’s conservatory seems pretty worthless.

I’d say transport network is the most useful. Anima conduits next. Your covenant specific feature (if it’s something fun). Command table last, if at all.

If Venthyr, rank 1 travel network unlocks a mirror near the pridefall hamlet flightpoint, use that to fly to Oribos. Ignore the Ember court. Get rank 1 Mission table. Go for Anima Conductor.

If you are Kyrian, I would do 1 Anima Conduit for access to the rare and daily quests and then the travel network. This will give you access to more anima.

Path of Ascension doesn’t really help progression and Anima Conduit after rank 1 is pretty much a waste of anima.

I prefer Transport Network first for Kyrian, cause they have the worst flightpaths points by far out of the 4 zones.

Rank 1 of the conservatory is useless, don’t waste seeds.

Once you unlock catalysts though, it’s a steady supply of mats. You can’t pick what you get, but cooking supplies come up frequently, makes it super easy to level cooking and even for making feasts (Plus, you can fish in the conservatory, with usually 1-3 schools up, including Elysian Thade). The rank 3 is uninspiring but it’s a 3rd seed with 2 catalysts so, again, it’s an easy and steady mat farm, especially to send to alts.

You can farm more mats in 15 minutes than what you get from the satchel. Hell in 3 days you can level a brand new alt 1 - 60 and farm more mats than you would get from a satchel.

You all are upgrading?

This is true, but the conservatory is super little effort. Spirits come from maw dailies and the weekly 1k quest, catalysts rain down from callings. Like you get everything you need from just playing other parts of the game and you get cosmetics, pets, and mounts, no effort other than just checking on them every 3-4 days. I didn’t say it -replaced- mat farming, but it’s an easy low effort supplement, especially for easy Disenchanting crystals.

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Get the conductor up first so you can start unlocking permanent anima streams. Followed by the mission table so you can start leveling up companions. If you are Kyrian, get rank 1 of the Path of Ascension so you can start getting the mats to drop. Save the transport network for last. Also, get rank 1 on all of them before chasing rank 2 on anything.

I like doing the Anima Conductor first. Reason is, when you get the calling to defend your covenant’s land, you can get good progression on that by doing the Anima Conductor stuff.


And, like Venthyr, have a transport pad at the first (aka the free) flight point to and from Oribos.

Level 1 of command table has been the most useful. Have gotten gold, anima, rings and trinkets from it.

I found the transport network for Venthyr and Night Fae to be useless, but the one for Kyrian marginally useful.

The conductor upgrades for Venthyr and Night Fae to tier 2 are great for three of their four quests (the fourth being a lengthy kill X things for 35 anima.) Was disappointed in the one for Maldraxxus, so didn’t bother with Kyrian.

I find the QC boring and Ember Court one of the worse things I’ve ever seen in WoW and games in general. As a result, I’m jaded and stopped buying or upgrading all of them.

Edit: I also stopped upgrading since I don’t trust Blizzard to not invent another reason for anima.

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