Sanctum of Explosions and Shard of Kyr (absorbs)

I’m very curious if wearing the frost shard of domination that does an absorb (Kyr) is worthwhile for an entire raid, and if it could possibly reduce the number of healers needed in normal and heroic. How can I see amount of healing received by a player in WCL?

https ://www.wowhead. com/item=187065/shard-of-kyr

I’m sure it’s not worth breaking up a DPS set bonus (my understanding is that those are very very good) but to folks with 4 and 5 sockets I’m thinking it’ll be quite valuable, particularly for Sylvanas who does a lot of abilities that hit players with 40-45k health for 40-45k damage.

There’s just a lot of explosions in this raid where clumping in a Barrier or AMZ is common:
Sylvanas has 3+: Wailing Arrow, Banshee’s Fury, Banshee Scream (that’s a spread though)
KT/Fatescribe: N/A
Guardian of the First Ones: All explosions all of the time
Painsmith: Absorbs would get eaten by the DoT but still a LOT of raid damage going out
Soulrender: N/A
Fragment of Ner’zhul: Also big explosions that an absorb can smooth over
First three: enh who cares

Also details on the Heroic Sylvanas fight are available here:
http s://www.mmo-champion. com/threads/2602126-Details-on-Heroic-Sylvanas

People should probably be wearing it anyways if they’re on a raid encounter suited to their gear and performance level and it wouldn’t cost them their optimal set bonus.