Sanctum of Domination Raid Finale *spoiler*

Will Banshee Queen will be a Mary sue? Found out now!

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Reeks of Kerrigan.

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I think we had seen it coming.


if you want to know what happen to Garrosh, here you go



Blizzard, what the hell?

This is some “Teenage DM’s first campaign” level storytelling right now, I cant lie. Like, I was expecting bad, but this is just cliche levels of bad.

Edit: Not Garrosh though. Garrosh proved himself to be the truest of Chads.


Garrosh is Garrosh. that how we loved him

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1: you think the meme “This isn’t my final form” is the best for the Jailer?

2: I really don’t know what to say about Sylvanas right now…Im going to have to wait for this to settle in. But whatever. If she dies it will 100% be on her terms. And at this point I’ll take what I can get with Sylvanas not getting killed.

3: Ill give Garrosh some credit. Hell was a stone throw away and he was still proud for what he did. Its pretty hard for me to miss him considering he was a racist fascist. And I been through enough of that in 2020.

4: It seems Sylvanas got her soul back…

So since she has her “GOOD SIDE*” back she will submit to the judgement for all the crimes she committed.

Since that is what a good person would do.

Also LOL She goes from Zero to Betrayal in one sentence. I would say Peak Undead Karen, but it really doesn’t top Her Throwing out her plans because a No-name Sentinel Told her No.

*LOLOLOLOLOL Sylavnas has always been a Spoiled Brat even before she died I dunno how her getting her “Good Side” back matters that much.

This might give me some RP ideas. Think its possible DKs are in the same boat with Sylvanas regarding their souls? DK are after all meant to be killing machines even without the Lich Kings influence.

Pretty much people are outrage with this result.

No one saw this coming.


.999999 contempt.jpg
:poop: 's old man, its got real old. Feels like all the discords and pieces of clipped twitters just talk about how all predictable and lame this was. Couldn’t even believe one of the bosses you face is just… armor, doofy armor, teeny weeny helm wielding a teeny axe. Granted I really didn’t mind it and the boss as a whole looked interesting but it feels… cheap?

Well it seems the writers are receiving death threats on Twitter after this video came out… :man_facepalming:

yeah just saw that too. Look I’m not a big fan of christy or any of the writing team/etc but you can not like something or someone and not :duck: ing slop out death threats like your some upset teenage weeb with too much free time and not enough hygiene applied to yourself? I don’t even have a twitter but do they do any :duck: ing cleaning up or soft bans what so ever? hell id like to see a more strict guideline on over how old you need to be on that place. Granted everyone seems to act like 14 year-old preppy’s but feels like they do diddly and squat.

Man not afew days ago some one did a spoof on ‘Garrosh gets captured and is jailed for war-crimes’ cinematic back in MoP but with the current roister and everyone got pissy with that. I wish I got a switch that turns off twitter for a day and maybe people would go outside, get a life and not do this nonsense :unamused:

For doing exactly what the player base predicted they would do?
It’s totally unsurprising. Both the writing AND the reactions. Some players have no chill or even self-control.


I sense a disturbance within the Force. Something very disappointment.

After you defeated Sylvanas, Orbios Skybox has change yet again