San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I´d cry happy tears, I´ll totes roll that haircut without the tiara in this toon.

It´s funny cause I wasn´t able to pick FFIV thanks to the visuals… I rather disliked how all the races were basic clones of each other in looks; also I like more Dark humor and Dark stuff (my third fav race is the Goblins, i just adore them) and FF is NOT a franchise that historically thrives on this. Everybody there must be a “100% certified Good guy”, and I find those plain and boring after a while.

Take it positively then. Ergo: congrats, fellow Boogeyman. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiley_cat:

It´s good to see people ACTUALLY fears a reprisal from you regarding their trolling attempts (and they should, the amount of work and love put on this thread is NOT small).

The aforementioned troll that sells the idea Velves deserve the Dark Ranger red eyes used the “buut, buut!! the Emerald Nightmare!!” argument. Ignoring the Emeral Nightmare was sponsored by N´zoth so yes, if Velves DO get red eyes a design reminiscent of N´zoth would be much better (and unique too to boot).

That person probably doesn´t care AT ALL about the red eye color, that person only cares over a petty vendetta towards the antis, no more and no less. Cause I´d take the N´zoth eyes 10 times out of 10 considering It´d make my toons extremely unique, menacing and cool as per their visuals.

Please, with our bad luck, it´s gonna be Blanduin solo´ing him while both Sylvanas and Jaina cheerlead from the sides. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: