San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Basically (and this is just my thoughts for the thread) but as a Blood Elf fan visual uniqueness has been lost, as I said I take issue with, coupled with the fact no similar arrangement for a second visual theme was done in return. We’ve seen Blizzards work of taking the easier routes, or not really giving everyone a fair share in the sun, why did VEs get two passes? They didn’t fit all the ARs in but VEs made it in twice? Why are core races all across the board still lacking?

So I see it fitting to fix the problem they created where the need to give BEs something impactful like that would be nice in regards to people who feel their favorite race has been more or less given the short end of the stick.

Moving forward to my main point with ARs rn, I just don’t see them as any time soon. As in peoples main complaint here seems to be if we got DR stuff for BEs or Sanlayn stuff with nothing past a generic RP tool scenario and no lore that is disappointing, which I agree but once the main thing has been done more can be asked for down the road, where as the alternative is a long wait anyways. It would not feel good to me on what ever race was my favorite was (its blood elves but what ever) to see Blizzard introduce an AR next expansion if they can’t catch up with customization additions, and it seems clear they’re going to be lagging for some time given how long this .5 patch took and they didn’t even do all the ARs.

So would it be so bad to have the base tools or toolkit to make people happy using citation for Velonara now, or even just Sanlayn with an explanation later, then arguably waiting multiple expansions, they didn’t even take the time to let races have accessories that weren’t locked behind choosing a guy or girl.

I’m more interested in seeing something happen even if it means a little bit at a time as opposed to what ever the AR route is which is just me saying I prefer customization not that I am against an AR just, Blizzard hasn’t left a great taste in my mouth that they can give attention to the races they introduce.

I find the second visual theme for Blood Elves immediate only because I feel there’s a small window before they move to hope people quit bringing it up, we need to push to remind them now that Blood Elf options like there’s an inequity being seen here. Other races besides BEs need work and assuming even if we got the base tools for a second visual theme my attention would move to unique options to the main theme like Farstrider tattoos, before asking for additions on our assumed second visual theme, but I still think that is all in the realm of like possible where as ARs just seem like such a long time down the road, if I had the tools for a second visual theme I’m likely to continue subscribing and requesting while I am here, if nothing is being done and its like just wait 3 expansions and Sanlayn or an undead elf will come I’m not going to be here during that wait, I think adapting to having stuff added over time rather than this big thing all at once is more in the realm of like likelihood and also I don’t mind it because I’d rather have something than nothing.