San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I wouldn’t mind seeing draenei and orc demon hunters, though that’s partially because I would really like to sneak broken/fel orc customizations in on them.

I mean, I’m fine with pretty much everything. The player character is supposed to be at least a bit special.


Take my like. Can’t go wrong liking anything orc in my book. My favorite playable race. I’d like to see orc druid then orc pally before orc DH but that is just my preference.


Orc and Draenei DHs would be cool, though I’d personally rather the fel customization not be class locked. Eredar Warlocks anyone? Or Eredar Warrior, Fel Orc Warrior, ect.


I mean, you had me at warrior.

I kind of want a mag’har warrior, come to think of it. It’s a bit overdone, but sometimes the classics are the classics are classic because they’re good.

And this is the long and complicated story of why I’m always out of character slots.


I would not be shocked if at the last minute Blizzard adds access to Monks for Lightforged, Goblins, and Worgen. I’m surprised they weren’t announced with Mages, Rogues, and Priests to be honest. There’s really no reason why those races can’t be Monks right now.

All three races have all the unique Monk animations already so that’s not the issue. The only thing I can think of is a matter of continuity (those starting experiences take place during Cataclysm) and that Blizzard might need to add a Monk class trainer NPC to the Worgen and Goblin starting zones for any starter quests that require them. Lightforged don’t even need that.

And if Blizzard wanted to avoid the time frame of those starter experiences seeming out of place, they could just force Worgen and Goblin Monks to start in Exile’s Reach.



(This is Somand/Dawnsteel)


Me: Oh no, please don’t be someone new yelling at me about no more elves.

Me following seeing who you are: OH, NEAT! HEY ^^

I technically have a laughing skull orc ‘trial’boosted’ but I still haven’t truly boosted her yet … forgot what class, though.

(Orc druids, please and thanks.)


Taur was actually my main in 8.3 believe it or not.


They could also just start in Org too/ have a little npc added to the old zones with an infinite dragon/bronze dragon with some nice flavor text saying something like… strange this didn’t use to be here.

Either way, it doesn’t seem like there’s much preventing those last three races from getting access to Monk. I’m hoping Blizzard realizes this and gets them access for Dragonflight.


I too hope they do this. Mostly for lightforged and goblin monks. I wanted a lightforged monk when they came out but I made a void elf. The goblin monk I wanted since brewmaster really fits goblins imo the most for a tank class.


Wait, gnomes can be monks but not goblins?

… >:(


New PTR build flagged as release candidate. Good sign. Most if not all files in this build are encrypted.


Oh wow. How many files would that be, you reckon?

Edit: I suppose I’d need a translation too, since numbers don’t mean much :stuck_out_tongue: More like ‘how many roughly and what do we think it means’

Edit 2:
Also, on a Monday? See, I can’t get the days right ever, clearly. I thought it was only Tues/Thurs. I’m very incorrect.

Sadly not. Honestly I love the Goblin starting zone. They had a training dummy be the warrior class npc for them. I thought it would have been nice for the goblins to get a talking punching bag for the monk class trainer. There zone tends to have a bunch of comedy . And then we find out that it was a pandaren monk trainer in disguise.

The monk class hall mount (who is also a master monk teacher) said he visited Kezan. They have been hinting at goblin monks in Legion but it’s still taking a while for them to be added, which is why I hope they consider just adding them along with the others in dragonflight.


Wowhead just now reported on that PTR build mentioned:

Hopefully this means an announcement of its features is soon. :wine_glass::bat:


Steps on how to get Kezan:

  1. Speak with the Kelfin, who know a thing or 2 about bubbles.
  2. Make a big bubble around Kezan.
  3. Get Kelfin customization on goblins.
  4. Get goblin monks.
  5. Restore Kezan while it’s in that bubble for a somewhat-but-not-really underwater city of goblins & Kelfin.
  6. ???
  7. Profit. (they’re goblins, so…)

I’m too new to know, so I’ll just repeat what another more experienced dataminer said: Almost 200 files are encrypted using what’s 99% likely the pre-order encryption key, so whatever it is, is (likely) tied to preorders.


From the Twitter link above:

I will of course try once again to temper expectations, but will also hope for the best. :wine_glass::bat:


This is prolly a really dumb question you don’t know (since you already said you’re new to it, haha) the answer to so forgive me :stuck_out_tongue: But maybe others in this thread can also help us brainstorm.

200+ files.

Does it sound likely it could be customization or an AR?


How many files does customization usually take up? Same question for AR? Big hmm.

Edit: as expected google did not help me. “how many files are in a wow allied race” isn’t the correct thing to ask. :rofl: As you can see, I am a noob.

I personally really like the forms they are now but wouldn’t be opposed to more options!