San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Vampires, as in blood sucking creatures, come from pretty much everywhere in the world, but when people think of vampires, that type is very loosely and distantly based of a Romanian folk creature, called strigoi, and a real life figure, also Romanian, Vlad Dracula, better known as Vlad the Impaler, or in Romania, Vlad Țepeș.

This I haven’t heard of, but the fire burned stake thing comes from Romania. Some people still bury themselves with them through their hearts for fear of becoming strigoi.

Staking people is completely accurate, but I haven’t heard of eating in front of them. It doesn’t sound out of character, but if he did that the reason for the staking was either something else or not exclusively for the purpose of eating in front of a staked person.


I did ICC for the first time awhile ago, and I actually found out you could become a vampire in the boss fight with Blood Queen Lana’Thel. There is even an achievement for beating her once without getting bitten and also once while being a vampire:

Interesting thing to note is that via this method, in theory, any race could become a vampire. Not sure if it would be via the same curse the San’layn have, but still something interesting to think about. :bat:


That is actually one of the few things I knew, lol. I’ve run that place somewhere near 280+ times without Invincible. Use to love that place but now I hate it. Hate it so much I stopped running it this week. Not sure if I’ll ever go back I am that tired of that place and the lack of an Invincible drop.

And, unfortunately, that vampire thing doesn’t last that long in that raid. Would be cool if it gave you some new powers for the rest of the raid. :smile:

But now that you brought it up, it could be part of the San’layn unlock quest chain. Kind of how the Lucid Nightmare had you do all those puzzles.

Maybe the San’layn unlock could have you turn into a vampire during that fight and then use some item that you got from another raid in order to keep it longer. Then you have to go to the secret San’layn city in vampire disguise in order to make contact with someone who wants the Horde’s help.


I always wondered why Blizz didn’t go this route as well. Just make a vampire blood curse that changes the skin cosmetic of your character. And it’s like a permanent debuff that actually just functions as a permanent cosmetic that lasts through death.


What do you guys think about my new san’layn shadow priest transmog?


Honestly not bad.

I like it.


Thanks! I’ve been working on fixing my anatomy lately (no experience = no eye for it unfortunately) which is going well, so I can probably start focusing on playing with shadows and highlights more. Yeah I’m glad my shading is well, I know how to do it somehow pretty naturally usually but have some tools to play around with when it comes to perspective. So we’ll see how that goes. I’m happy for it being day 70s when it comes to art (without any experience prior) in terms of progress. We’ll see where I am in a year though! I might eventually take an art class but that won’t be for a while.

Yeah and I think this concept was emphasized when they added the “Vampirates” questline to Stormheim, which was highlighted to be the same curse. One of the reasons why I think questline-customization unlocks, for vampyr, could be a neat reward for doing something like Revendreth. Specifically expanding San’layn lore would make me very happy.

Wow this sounds super super neat. I hope Blizzard is taking notes. They could even use the underground dungeons in Northrend, specifically The Old Kingdom. One of the princes was a boss there ^^ I’d love to see that sort of thing.

I love it! Very Blood-Prince-Esque. Particularly the mask is great, I wish they released more colors of it. If we ever get San’layn as an AR and heritage armor, that sort of set would be a lovely basis. But yeah you did a great job!


I was a bit bummed none of the monster movies did all that well since they had plans to a cinematic universe thing with them all.


Scifi and horror fantasy always comes out like every year or so. Then any sequels get slashed cause the people who made the film/tv show 1st season expected it to be like insane runaway viewer numbers or something. But then a year later they do it again expecting different results only with a different show which is the same cliche. It’s ok that it’s a cliche. We still watch it cause muh vamps. But it’s dumb. People are dumb. Directors are dumb. Devs are dumb. Everyone is dumb.

Today on wowhead have some light purple eyes. BONUS. The dev called it a BONUS. Like… it must have been so easy for you to slap that code in there and BONUS the players. It’s like they had a epiphany while eating some cheetos in a basement somewhere and found a bug. It’s like why don’t you slap some of that code for dark rangers over to the character creation screen?

I’m so mad right now. Well, not really. But there is salt.


I won’t lie there’s a little salt for me there too. Falls has been asking for San’layn as an allied race with little lore crumbs to satisfy us during the wait. And those of us asking for anything dark ranger have been completely ignored even despite how nicely and politely most of us have asked. You ask the devs on twitter about Dark Ranger customization, they ignore us. You ask them about anything else and you’re more likely to get an answer.


That’s because we already have Dark Rangers. They’re just Forsaken hunters.

I don’t need to tell you how fundamentally flawed that statement is. You are well aware of that fact and are making that statement, possibly, with the intent to evoke an emotional response. However, I won’t react with anger or outrage, just cold logical annoyance that you’d perpetuate such a poor argument.


I’m just stating facts. Dark Rangers aren’t a race, or a class. They’re just Undead Hunters, which we already have.

Dark Rangers are actually banshee

As per

Dark rangers are undead archers in service of the Forsaken or Sylvanas Windrunner.

The Forsaken use dark rangers as elite agents or as the personal guards of Sylvanas.

" Nearly all dark rangers are undead high elves found only among the Forsaken. No other faction has the elves’ history coupled with the personal knowledge of shadows to learn the arts of a dark ranger. In fact, many dark rangers refuse to teach their arts to anyone who wasn’t a former elf. While these rangers have slackened their restrictions some, most dark rangers were once elves.[ citation needed ]

There has been only one recording of a human ranger and subsequent dark ranger. Nathanos Blightcaller’s resurrection as one of the Forsaken and service to the Dark Lady has earned him the rank of Champion of the Banshee Queen. He used to reside at Marris Stead in the Eastern Plaguelands, but now resides in the Undercity teaching hunters to learn new talents. Nathanos has recently been training a new generation of Forsaken rangers comprising of undead humans, making the undead racial composition more diverse.[2]

During the War of the Thorns, lots of night elves were killed. Sylvanas and her Forsaken would later take that chance and raised them into their ranks turning some night elves into loyal dark rangers."

An elven ranger who dies and returns as a Forsaken undergoes a great shock. She can no longer cast elven ranger spells and loses her woodland stride ability. While some may choose to let things be, most immediately seek out a dark ranger to relearn their arts.

An elven ranger seeking to convert to a dark ranger must, of course, have died, returned as a Forsaken, and seek to learn the arts of the shadow rather than the wild. This ordeal is difficult, as the dark ranger must twist everything she was taught about nature to start learning her darker trade. Then comes the hard part. A dark ranger-to-be must undergo a lengthy trial, where she unlearns everything she was taught as an elf and learns the new arts of a Forsaken.[8]

Dark Rangers are primarily elven, with Nathanos (and his human form currently) being the only known human dark ranger. They are different than forsaken hunters in that they learn different dark arts, and are banshees in their elven bodies.

Dark Rangers appeal to elven players & undead players. There’s debate on whether they should be on forsaken models or blood elf models, but that’s not technically for this thread, as I’ve said before to someone who so kindly insulted me after suggesting they start their own. (Besides, seeing as we have Blood Elf DEATH KNIGHTS, having Dark Ranger on Blood Elves makes more sense to me, that’s all I’ll say on the matter though.)

As of now, Dark Rangers are not currently playable. It’s like how Shadow Hunters for trolls (I think I’m saying the right one) aren’t, same with Dragonmaw orcs, and similar concepts. Not playable as of yet.

In terms of being angry/annoyed… yeah, I’m feeling it. It’s why I made this post: San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} - #6946 by Fallynn-wyrmrest-accord

I just… argh. It’s so frustrating putting a ton of ideas out there for years only to have a complete theme replacement. I just wish there was some sign of a connection and San’layn in Shadowlands other than feeling like they’re completely tossing us aside.

I used to think that freaking out over the “private forums” was exclusively for progression people. Now I’m not so sure. I sure hope it doesn’t apply to AR discussion and customization, but who knows.

Edit 2:


Well, it looks like we have dates for Shadowlands and the Prepatch.

Launch: Nov. 23rd for NA (Nov 24th for Europe)

Prepatch: Nov. 10th

We also have a story trailer for Shadowlands:

I don’t expect the launch to be 100% smooth with no bugs at all, as a lot of unexpected things can happen in terms of programming, but hopefully the delay will have helped in improving the launch some.

Also, as I said before, I’ll be keeping an eye out on any San’layn sightings or mentions and report anything of interest back here. :bat:


'Nother San’layn of mine (in costume), he’s one of my San’layn bards.

Bat-like and ripped ears would be lovely ^^ As would tattoos. Here’s to hoping.

((Note: I’m a beginner artist and just learning))


Well, you know what I meant earlier… dark ranger skins. I mean… the darkfallen in ICC are essentially using the same skin. Some have black eyes. Some have a pale but slightly tinted green.

Drathir in Deathholme is another example. Whatever you call it, at the end of the day it’s gothic themed customizations. Blizzard hasn’t budged on it.

Gothic fantasy expansion, where’s my fantasy?

Reminder that I still think if we get San’layn as an allied race, the dance for San’layn women should be this specifically:
(Timestamped) a ghostly dance, could you imagine how cool that would look? It’s haunting and would be super neat, as if they have a partner but they do not. Could you imagine how cool it would be to see them floating and dancing like that?


That’s… freaking perfect. I hope if San’layn ever become their own allied race they get that dance!


Seems the Headless Horseman’s Hearthstone summons a bunch of tiny bats when used.

I know some people here would be interested in that.