San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

One of the main reasons I want to see San’layn playable is because of their story potential. I already went in depth as to why I would prefer them as an allied race compared to just a customization option a few posts ago. It would worry me that them joining the Horde wouldn’t get addressed at all in the game, let alone have any presence in future events whatsoever.

For something like Wildhammer, it doesn’t take much to really put them in the story, but for things like Sand and Blood Trolls, it would require a bit more work. With Blood Trolls, are they just going to see the error of their ways, learn the true meaning of Winter’s Veil, and just join the Horde and be forgiven without much fanfare? Will that be shown or addressed at all in the game, or will it just treat them as Darkspear Trolls just cosplaying?

Until we see more of how they handle races as a customization option, it’s a genuine worry. I really don’t want to see any race in general just tacked on to an existing race without any lore or gameplay presence.


The Red Eyes being Datamined might be for Worgen. It’s not known yet.

The fact that some have “Missing” eyes kinda points too it. Since Worgen are getting clawed faces.

Grain of salt and all that.

It’s what I’ve been saying people!

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Red eyes = / = San’layn anyway so I’m not all too worried. We’ve seen distinctly through both Lana’thel and the Blood Princes that San’layn are more than just silly red eyes. Those red eye colorations might be related to magic use anyway, like for people who want to play blood mages and such.

Unless they specifically say “No you’re not getting San’layn because we’re adding red eyes”, I’m dismissing it. I think it’s neat, but I’m dismissing it as a problem for this request.


I agree with this. The red eyes on blood elves should not dissuade anyone from wanting the San’layn as an AR.

San’layn deserve their own racials.


Its a Good Time to be a Vampire Fan because there’s a ton of Datamining for Revendrath and of course Vampire Kael’thas.

Here’s hoping that Kael’thas becomes a Leader of the Revendrath Covenant instead of being a Boss Fight again. Poor Guy could use a Break.


It will only be a setback.


we were all thinking it…


I’m on my art journey right now (just on day 16 of learning how to actually do art in general, with no experience) but really wanted to make a fan art piece, so I did ^^ I know it’s not great, and I’ve seen so much awesome fan art already, but I wanted to join the hype train. So here’s mine (Here’s what he’d look like with fangs >:D )


Just me again with another thread bump! :grin:

Also, is anyone else freaking out about Kael’thas’ new San’layn aesthetics??

San’layn aren’t that far off from his new model :heart_eyes::vampire:t2:


Looks like the red eyes for Sin’dorei aren’t added yet, 'twas seen on the stream and a few other places, but nothing in terms of being set in stone yet. I assume they’re going to add a whole lot more though as we get further into alpha and into beta, with feedback of course.

I’m curious to see for instances where they perhaps might add in a skin via customization that might not quite make sense, like sand trolls (think we fought against them?) Or even if they’re ambitious, felblood elves and etc… (Which we haven’t seen yet as an option so it’s doubtful but you never know) whether they’re going to add a short corresponding quest chain regarding things like splinter groups (think I’m saying that right).

You know how we helped the Kelfin and then Mogu in this expansion? And they were ‘friendly’ (kelfin were, mogu… ehhh). I wonder if we’ll get other small groups like that of which can justify these various odd races being added in as skins. Like Night Warrior for example, but that wasn’t really a separate race.

Wildhammers don’t need justification (could be key to getting dwarves druids in the future) and a few others don’t as it just makes sense/they’ve been working with the faction.

But for the really odd races… yeah. (Though Kelfin not really, they already joined the Horde so I wouldn’t be surprised to see those skins on goblins.)

If we see them doing quests like that, the chances of San’layn as customization would be a lot higher. If we don’t, then I don’t know how they’d justifying saying the customization is set in stone.

Surely they’ve been listening to our tiny community at least a bit! Perhaps we had some influence on the vampire stuff too. I guess we shall see in time.


Someone told me there was an undead folder they didn’t open.

Not sure if that’s true though.

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Just bumping the thread and FREAKING OUT over all of the datamining. If there aren’t any confirmed Belf customizations for San’layn, I’d like to be optimistic and say they’re being considered as an allied race!!


Yeah that would be pretty sweet! Blizzard said ‘nope’ for Allied Races in the beginning of Shadowlands though, and feelings toward Allied Races have been… well, tanking. Prior to the datamines, the threads were virtually dead (except for high elf threads). This one finally is back in pretty good activity due to all of the vampire activity.

Funny how those who were calling us ‘Twilight lovers’ and other much worse things I can’t repeat here having to do with REALLY LIKING elves (very offensively) are now quiet. Suddenly vampires are cool?

Of course, then again there’s prolly some that support only Venthyr strictly because they’re really ugly, Nosferatu vampires. I’m not a fan of them myself (though the bulky one datamined did look cool) but I’d be fine if we got both.

I was thinking, if they add in vampire customization (again, NEEDS FANGS not just red eyes!) for more races, perhaps they would expand upon the vampyr curse, BUT logically we’d need lore to explain how exactly the vampyr of whatever race joins the factions. Would I be opposed to more vampire options for other races? Heck no, so long as San’layn are included and we get more lore for them/others too.

So. We shall have to see. I haven’t lost hope for an allied race, but with how little Blizzard seems to want Allied Races to continue at this point, I’m being nit picky but at the same time open minded. :stuck_out_tongue:


Blizzard not doing a month long tiresome grind I’m not against dropping it but, you think they’d ever retire their favorite form of wasting peoples time?

I definitely see what you’re saying about the low morale for allied races. However, I think it’s good that they’re giving it some time before introducing more - IF San’layn are next, I think it would give them a chance to flesh out some story and lore through Revendreth and Kael’thas to justify their addition. It would be much more satisfying imo. I also feel that people will be much more accepting of the system if they continue forward with no rep requirements. I personally didn’t mind it, but I have some friends who don’t play as often that would LOVE getting their hands on a new race, but end up getting discouraged from the rep grind. Totally understandable. In short, I think the reputation system is the problem, not the allied race system. So it’s a step in the right direction hopefully :slight_smile:


Vampires hate twilight.

It’s the time they have to run hissing back into the shadows.


I’d say Allied Race hype always kinda falls off when we know we won’t be getting one for a long time. And we don’t have a timeframe for Shadowlands, and if they said no launch AR. Then that means the next set won’t be till 9.1 and that’s like over a year away at this point. But I still support this dream. And blood elf druids :zipper_mouth_face:


If they’re looking to spread the vampyr curse, and these are just my ideas on the matter, but:

-they can give DH like fangs on the vampyr skin of the race.
-red eyes as an option, maybe required for the skin? Idk if they can do that.
-Could be unlockable via night warrior like quest line?
-Origin of the vampyr curse which includes San’layn could be explained in the theoretical quest line. Maybe linked to Venthyr?
-Ambitious: Ear modifications on the skin.
-which races would get it? All? A few? All would be a lot of work. But we know Thalassians and Humans can get the curse. Doubtful that it’d be restricted. However, the problem is, that’s a lot of work for this.
-How would joining the factions with the curse be justified? The Horde has many undead and there was a hole left by Dreven. That could be filled in. But what about the Alliance? They do have DK.

Yeah just random thoughts.

Also if we have to wait for a solid AR that’s fine with me. I just wasn’t sure if they were still interested in making them!


That is to be expected moving towards another expansion, since it may be awhile before we see the next set of playable races. While I personally believe we’ll see more core and allied races in the future, and currently I feel like San’layn still have a decent chance in the near future, we likely won’t see another expansion with 10+ new playable races. Say what you will about BfA, but it did cause a lot of hype with people showing support for the races they want playable. It was an exciting time that may not be able to be replicated to the same extent.

I still think it’s a good idea to continue to show support by having discussions and ideas. You never know what Blizzard may be planning for future expansions, and they have taken fan feedback as some consideration, if Mag’Har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves are anything to go by. I’ve long marched with my support of Horde Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn, and I hope others will continue to do so with the races they want. :japanese_ogre: :crocodile: :bat:

…now if only I could finish up this semester’s college work. x- x

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Bit of a mixed bag for you lot today, hey? Well, grats on at least getting something in the ballpark of what you want that doesn’t necessarily preclude what you want for now, I guess.