San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed}

I see no good reason not to give ally High elves and Horde San’layn. Other than their desire to spit on us and keep us under their thumb as has always been their desire. They know we are hooked and many will stay no matter how bad it gets… they are holding those two highly desired races for when wow is really dying.


I definitely want San’layn more than the Venthyr, but they’re interesting too. Though, I’d definitely play the gargoyle/bat people, they look really cool and I can’t wait to see more for their models. They have wings though, so them being playable might be doubtful. I can have hope though!

Yeah, I’d be really happy if we got them both in some way (beyond just silly red eyes for blood elves). I’m interested in the LORE of the San’layn as well. New vampire lore is great and all, but the blood curse is something I really want explored. Not to mention, there’s many of us that have been playing our characters as San’layn without the customization to bring that out. Sure, roleplayers are in the minority, but still, it would be fun to look somewhat like how we visualize our toons.

Yeah same, plus some San’layn-esque jokes to go along with it. We came up with so many fun ones on this thread! Especially the setback joke. I’m really hoping that because Blizzard seems to be giving a HUGE nod to vampires, we have a chance to make this a reality. The guy who voices Alucard in Hellsing Ultimate (who is a very awesome vampire) also voices tons of characters in WoW. He’d be fitting for male San’layn.


Crispin Freeman FTW!


i wonder if they will troll and give blefs a blue eyed option for customization xD

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We also need to remember that they said (though I can’t remember whether this statement was a Q&A or a dev interview) that the number of remaining ‘slots’ on the allied race screen doesn’t mean that’s all they ever can add…the system is already in place to expand those slots/add another tab with a fresh screen of blank ones…so we’re not limited to another two (since we know we’re getting Vulpera and Mechagnomes) and that’s it.

Panels/Q&A mentioned at least or over 40 new customization options for blood elves. We’ve seen from the examples given with humans that this includes (FINALLY) separating eye color from face and different facial options…including level of decay from more to none (aside from their claw-like finger/toenails) on Forsaken, and new eye colors and such for trolls (finally my trolls can have more than 1 face >_> )

When I think 40 customization options for blood elves obviously that probably means new eye colors, hairstyles, facial hair (for those who play blood elf fellas and have been jealous over the male void elf beards).

But they’re giving us a whole zone with a Dracula/vampire theme…and confirmed Kael is there in said vampire-themed zone. Much like they baked night warrior customization in for night elves via a quest chain…

My hope is that, even if they don’t give San’layn as a separate allied race (from the customization options already given they’ve baked sand/blood troll appearance options into Darkspears and Wildhammer options into regular dwarves), I highly suspect Kael is going to play a major part of the story in the Ven’thyr zone. I can’t see him coming back to lead the blood elves, BUT…what if there’s a quest-chain to free him but he’s become a San’layn and he becomes the lore leader for the Horde-loyal San’layn and completing this chain unlocks full San’layn customization for blood elf characters? Not just eye color, but the other cool appearance options like small wings/fangs/claws? And maybe a choice of flavor abilities (like how the Venthyr covenant ability is already a shadow teleport…a blood-themed one? )


They kinda need to adjust that coven ability like…
a teliport… cool… but give us something a bit more. like between the teliport spot and destination enemies take damage. just more flare

So I was thinking regarding this:

"Q: With the faction war settling down, would you consider loosening faction restrictions on grouping with friends?

*A: I understand you want to play with the opposite faction and it would be easier for you, but mechanically, it is a pillar of what makes Warcraft Warcraft. That division has value, although we do want to look for ways for you to play with lots of people. However, formal cross-faction play is not in the cards."

It’s funny that BfA was more or less this with the war:

And currently this is pretty much how the war is:

Yet, from I gather from the wording, the Alliance and Horde are more or less one loud fart at a peace meeting away from going at each other again in the future. In all honesty, BfA has gotten me to hate the Alliance more than I did before, and how the whole war “ended” wasn’t really that great. I mean, I wasn’t expecting parading Anudin’s head on a pike around Orgimmar, but just the whole “Alliance is the Horde’s saviors!” malarkey was…ergh.

It could be favorable for San’layn if war is likely to happen again, and likely it will, I’m sure, for whatever reason. They can still work in a neutral setting, of course, and I’m sure regardless of any “peace” that occurs, the Alliance will still view the Horde generally as monsters and such. Thus I hope the Horde still seeks allies and adds to their faction in the future, just in case things go things go awry.

Guess we’ll have to see what happens in the future. Regardless, I’ll root for the Horde. Always.


Honestly I take the ‘not in the cards’ as a lawyer-esque ‘not in this expansion’ answer without a flat-out ‘we’re never going to allow this’ no would be. As in they’re probably going to evaluate how things go in Shadowlands (especially in terms of player populations) and then worry about that later because if they ever do decide to loosen faction restrictions that would be a lot more work involved for them.

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Given Warcrafts origins I’ll be extremely disappointed if there isn’t at least one reference somewhere in Revendreth about two of my favorite vampires.

h ttps://

They just have to be in!

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So a thought just occured to me. What if the Venthyr are like the nightfallen. Since they lack anima they are withered. And not very beautiful until they have a decent amount? Hmmm.


I don’t know if I’ll buy Shadowlands as I’m still jaded by the cinematic, specifically the destruction of the Helm of Domination and the destruction of the Lich King role. The only thing that will redeem this expansion for me is if the Helm is fixed and the Lich King role restored. I’m probably going to get flak for my opinion, but I’m too sad to care right now.

Saw an interesting theory on here. Bolvar will end up becoming the Jailer at the end. While his daughter, Taelia ends up becoming the new Lich Queen.

True, but thematically both San’layn and Venthyr represent almost the same thing, though the background and origin might be hugely different. Granted, with things like Lightforged Draenei and… regular Draenei not being a whole lot different, it might not really matter to have races in the same vein while still being different. San’layn and Venthyr are very different in virtually everything but thematics.

Not to mention a very key thing for trolls–they showed different types of trolls, same with Dwarves (they got Wildhammers), meaning there might be hope yet for San’layn even if there’s just customization. Though, the tiny selfish part of me wishes some of the jokes we suggested in this thread could have been used, along with some of the flavor racials, and all (Though something like that can be covered with the vampire covenant.)

Yes, see this would be very satisfying to me. While yes, I do prefer what we’ve been going after for half a year (allied race), this would be a wonderful compromise. We’d get the lore for the 'layn, and we’d get the looks of them too. Maybe not the jokes/flirts, but we could fill in flavors via the covenant. That’s why I’m way more open to the idea now, of course. No heritage armor either, but again with the theme coming up with the Venthyr covenant, we can just use those transmogs; the raid itself coming up is Dracula-castle themed, so that would work well in it of itself.

I really hope they don’t toss away what happened with the San’layn in 8.0. I know everyone’s focused on the shiny new lore, but man I hope the San’layn themselves get some love too. With Kael popping up, I think we do have a strong chance. Kael of all people they could have chosen, too. I hope we get to see him soon!

True. The Alliance and the Horde seem to always return to fighting no matter what peace breaks through. While I really am disappointed that there’s no sort of neutral questline for characters or guilds, it seems Blizzard is unwavering in that aspect. Hopefully they’ll eventually give a good reason for that, as it makes no sense as of now to keep the faction war in mind.

I could see it happening just to piss us off

I mean ill play my belf with blue eyes for fun but really… I prefer an alliance one for rp

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Use themod that lets you speak with alliance players for RP stuff.
In anycase, I think Sanlayn would be interesting, along with undead night elves.
Of course, it may be a bit


That won’t stop you from getting murdered by the guards the second you step into Stormwind.

Don’t go into Stormwind. Or kill them repeatedly and hide in a house.
Thats what I do

So I was at Blizzcon, and was pretty underwhelmed by Shadowlands. But at least you guys get Maldraxxus!

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I’ve always loved the Sanlyn. It’s one of my top xmog. I’m also excited for Yharnamn 2.0, I mean Revendryth.


I saw somewhere here on the forums where someone said that in a tweet one of the devs said Blood Elves will be getting the undead elf look. I can’t confirm if that’s real, but someone said it and frankly I wouldn’t be surprised considering Blizzard did say Belves will be getting 40+ new customization options.

If it’s true, it’s not exactly San’layn but that skin with the Venthyr abilities is basically a San’layn.