San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed}

I’d rather Hotde gets San’layn, Alliance gets High Elves.
Personally speaking I wish blizzard would try to stick to the lore and quit ‘importing’.
Both have a very rich and intricate presense in this game; I can easily see the San’layn turned loose by Bolvar, to infiltrate.


“Let’s make this thread about high elves.”


I had always thought of pairing our san’layn with something like Vrykul (fellow northrend race) Broken draenei (share the dub “darkfallen”) or a worgen AR (for vampires vs werewolves pair)

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Hey why stop with just pairing? How about a DARK FACTION?
That way, both the horde AND alliance can be victims…I MEAN…‘playtoys’.

I’m starting to understand why HE threads get closed and why people flag them. Coming into another race megathread and even bringing up another race is rude. On top of that the “If we get this you get this” or vise versa crap is very old and again rude.

I could care less about HE players before but now they are on my sh!@ list. If your thread gets closed then put in a ticket, ask in GD or wait it out but please do not come into another race’s megathread and try to discuss another race. Do not start multiple threads on the same subject because that is spamming even if you hide your intent. HE threads are rather easy to spot and annoy quite a few players because of that spam.

I know Fallynn is very good at handling rude behavior but this is ridiculous.

On a more San’layn note now. I resubbed like an idiot because there was the comp stomp which is pretty much free honor and conquest so I haven’t worked on the San’layn model recently. I will try to work on it this week and possibly post an updated pic if I do enough. I also am playing email and phone tag with a gaming bug tester job.


I understand that many of you are lacking a place to post about high elves due to the thread being shut down, but please stop coming here to support San’layn “if Alliance gets high elves.” We don’t really want to talk about high elves here, and support for playable vampires should not be contingent on Alliance getting a Tolkienesque aesthetic. It also does your community a severe disservice when it looks like you come into threads that are only tangentially relevant to push a high elf agenda.

Please. Stop it.


You basically said what I just said, but in reverse order…

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Some fun combos I’ve had in mind were
Vrykul/Ogres, giant progenitor races.
Broken/Mok’nathal, survivors of broken worlds.
NE Worgen/Satyr, throwback to the war of the Satyr. Although wouldn’t mind San’layn too…for this grouping, I mean. They need to be a definite addition. They all do.

Still don’t mind the idea of just doing away with the faction divides too =-]


It’s hard to believe that it is August now, which means it is 3 months away from Blizzcon (92 days at the time of this post).

Sadly, on August 19th, my next semester of classes start, with two classes corresponding to my career, so I’m likely to get very busy again. I’m not going anywhere, of course, but free time will likely be limited. I still plan to post in the various race megathreads and support my most wanted races, of course, but I’ll likely be more casual about it.

I think it’ll be a good idea to get my mind on other things for a bit. I’m honestly feeling burnt out, in particular because of the radio silence on new allied race news and even more of a wait before we’ll likely hear any potential announcements. On the bright side, if Blizzard is getting feedback from megathreads to some extent, then all of our posts are here on the forums and have been documented in some way. I assume that work on the next pair or two of allied races is underway, whatever they are, so hopefully there is something to look forward to in the near future.

My San’layn writings I’m working on will still come at some point. I’ve hit a bit of a writer’s block and need a bit of a break from writing so I can come back to it when I’m more refreshed. Sooner or later, you will see more Dreven snark. :smiley:

As I said, I’m not going anywhere. I still plan to support the races I want to be playable and post ideas and writings in megathreads when the inspiration comes. I’m honestly thankful for the concept of megathreads as a place to show support of some sort for races I want. I’ve met a lot of cool people and have had fun posting and writing for them.

In the meantime, I haven’t had any part of summer off in years, so I’ve been using my free time to relax and level alts (so glad I waited for flying to play them) and play other video games. I also have been getting to a point where I’ll do some writing with my actual WoW characters that I have been wanting to do for a long time.

At any rate, I’ll always show support for Ogres, Vulpera, Saurok, and San’layn to all be playable Horde races. :smiley:


So I was doing a quest on Argus and ran across Illdan saying something about blood and thought that could be an idea. He said “The Legion drains the blood of a colossal creature that slumbers beneath the surface.”. I was thinking maybe the San’layn blood curse could be from this thing because they orbs they are draining it with resemble the blood globes in a way. Only thing is how would Arthas tap into that thing if it’s on Argus and as far as I know he was never there.

Really wish we got some lore on all these races Blizz decides to put into their game. Besides the lack of any info on some races we have this dry spell from lack of any info about 8.2.5 or the next AR’s and that has got me really bored. Not to mention the two new zones aren’t really anything I will revisit with my alts. As is, I maxed both reps and now don’t care about those zones anymore.

Come on Blizz throw us a bone of info for San’layn’s sake.


With all the rumors of a death-themed expansion possibly coming, I’m curious if we could see San’layn around then.

It would make a bit more sense to tie them as an allied race for getting the next expansion, but it also could be used to bring back Dreven, his followers, and the Forsaken he siphoned as some sort of mission for Sylvanas, granted I would hope that if Blizzard is heading towards Sylvanas being overthrown, then the San’layn would support the Horde more over her. It also could be an excuse to bring back Kael’thas, head and all, back even as a San’layn like people have mentioned on here.

The lack of information is far from humerus. It’s why a lot of us have a bone to pick with Blizzard. :V

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Yeah, I keep seeing death-themed stuff more then anything in next xpac. And we still have an undead AR that needs filling and San’layn seem to be the most obvious to me. Of course we’ll probably get Dark Rangers which I wouldn’t mind. Only other undead I would want to see is undead Worgen but someone said, in another thread, that they are immune to undeath because of their curse.

I think that line keeps getting bigger. With classic out this month and 8.2.5 coming approximately around Sept. 10th I am hoping we get something this month.

I think there’s been one possibly two Q&A’s and that’s it for the whole year so far. I’m hoping it’s something big and that they’ve been busy with that. All we can do is wait and see.

I mean, if we’re being real the obvious pairing to San’layn are those undead night elves Sylvanas is currently pushing around.

Sylvanas is pushing around undead night elves? Rude :frowning:

She’s making them clean the Undercity for next xpac.

Oh it’s for a good cause then never mind.

Cause night elves are so tall they’re good for getting into corners.

It’s true I won’t deny it.

Calia Menethil has a model on the PTR now. It looks pretty cool too, though something about it looks unfinished.

Does that mean 8.2.5 is on PTR or is it just non-patch stuff?

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