San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I just created this on the app and thought it was fitting for this thread since you always say this so I decided to share it. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

As always yes, big yes it’s the only race whether it’s a core race or allied race that would make me race change my main. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:


So March is my birthday month and I’m sure y’all can tell what is part of my yearly birthday wish. Of course, y’all can help make that wish come true and even let us celebrate the birthdays of our San’layn characters!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Hoping my birthday wish comes true some day! :birthday::man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Would love to have proper San’layn for WoW.


Why don’t we have Dark Animus using, Undead controlling, Blood Mage heritage armor having San’layn yet?


As a heads up some of the pictures aren’t loading at the very very top :frowning:


I pinged her in Discord just now to let her know. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Sounds good ty :smiley:

Yeah I never popped into this one and I looked up and was like “where all the pictures?”


Venthyr! Denathrius could find a way for them to cross over to Azeroth and when they arrive the find they need to drink blood to survive, and BOOM Vampires. Could even use the San’Layne as the ones to bring them over. They’d already have more transmogs than Drakthyr. We’ve had werewolves forever the Horde should have gotten Vampires a long time ago.

Seems I no longer have TL3, so can’t fix the images. Sorry. I did use a lot of discord links, so yes, that explains it. Someone would need to use imgur in that case, or something.

This isn’t a return to the game. I’m not interested in WoW anymore and because I can’t update the images, this is my last post anyway. If someone I have added on discord as a friend pokes me for the coding that still has TL3, they can restart the thread. I can possibly find the missing images as well and give better links should someone do that.

But… yeah, I’m not going to be participating anymore.

Also, I do still hate Venthyr, lol, and Shadowlands in general. I will never support them or afterlife races being added. Though if they were, I wouldn’t find myself caring, as I’ve moved onto FFXIV for good.

Explanation as to why:

HOWEVER me saying that doesn’t mean I’ll put down people who want them, of course. It’s a personal distaste and disinterest I’ve always had for them. By all means, support what you want added. I just will not agree with it in some cases.

And in the end it doesn’t matter anyway, to me, anymore. Would just be an eyeroll on my part and I’d carry on in my other game I actually care about playing now.


I wouldn’t really be interested in Venthyr either.

I want to play the San’layn and while I can make a fair setup for that with the Dark Ranger customizations I’d really like a larger range of options and racials to go along with it for the San’layn.

Hopefully one day.


If you go the Venthyr route you might as well just go with Nathrezim. Venthyr are the weakest vampiric option.

On a side note I need a San’layn take on the blood mage for their heritage armor(with two recolors based on blood and fel of course).


I was disappointed with Venthyr. I get wanting to have the traditional vampire look, but what would have fit more into WoW lore would have them being San’layn.


I would main one of these so quickly you have no idea. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Idk what it’s worth but here’s my evoker in his mog and customizations.

His name is Alugard too. Love the vampire stuff.


Also thanks for the support of this thread, I am one of the people that has wanted and continues to want San’layn as a playable race for the Horde. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Oh hey it’s np. :smiley:


Lately I’ve been trying to collect Warlock Demon and Druid form customizations, and going into the barbershop, I saw that there were a few bat forms for Druids.

While a good thing to have, especially since we’d likely see San’layn Druids in the future if they became playable, it got me thinking about a bat form racial. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to have multiple different bat forms available to unlock for their racial and switch between in the barbershop? It could even include things like cloud of bats that some people have been interested in.

I don’t see why it couldn’t be a feature for San’layn and it would please a number of people. Personally, I’d go with a bat form myself for both my San’layn characters, but it would still be fun to unlock all the different potential forms for them.

Just a fun thought I had I wanted to share. This of course assumes we’d both get playable San’layn and they would be a full race instead of a Customization Race. :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Me too, I lost it today and I don’t know how and why :thinking:

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If you had the bugged T3 they fixed it so now you have to earn it like everyone else does as well as maintain it and behave where you don’t get silences and stuff, people have also said it’s 6 months after a silence before you can get it back which to me is a bit much but I don’t make the rules so.


I lost mine the other day too… Didn’t think I’d done anything to do so. I’d been a bit more hands off on the forums but not that much.