San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I already said I didn’t mean it. What else do I say?


Yea when your worry is that someone was so disgusted that they sent screenshots out instead of saying sorry for saying you wanted someone to die a painful and slow death something ain’t right.


You deal with the fallout of what you said instead of trying to pretend it doesn’t exist. shrug You can’t wish death on someone and then think that is going to just go away, because it wont. Especially on the internet.


Even saying stuff like that isn’t taken lightly as a joke Somand. You of all people should know that.


They’ve been trying to find out the mole this whole day. Instead of apologizing.

Edit: Thank you for flagging my post. It just proves my point instead.


Because they think it is alright for these sort of things, but think it isn’t alright of it is someone they disagree with to accidently drop a name.

Bit contradicting, don’t you think?


Can we just let it drop. Some people brought stuff to this thread that they shouldn’t have and now some keep talking about it. Lets try to bring the focus back to WoW stuff please. It’s bringing down the mood in this thread. Lets keep it light and fun if at all possible.

I just had a brain fart. Where are the San’layn invading in 9.2.5? Is it Tirisfal or Silverpine? I think I said the San’layn could keep an eye on the Worgen in one of my earlier posts but I was thinking they were in Silverpines and not Tirisfal which is too far for that to happen.

But if it is Tirisfal they could take over Scarlet Monastery or have an on going conflict with the Scarlet Crusade. Could add in an extra element plus they could be the eyes of the Horde to keep a watch on Undercity.


Yea, with that robe I always hide shoulders with on female characters because it just looks so nice seeing the exposed shoulders and neck. It just makes it look really elegant IMO.


And you’ve been trying all day to get people to engage in off topic convo to also flag them.

So let’s move on and discuss undead elf options for the Horde.


What robe is this? With all the mirky text above I skimmed through about a hundred posts so missed something.

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No. Would you “let it drop” if it was the other side who said/did such things? I think not.


Ferocious Combatant’s Felweave Raiment, Alliance version. Looks the same on Horde, just a different color. Other robes with the same model are Vileweave Robes (green), Nathrezim Acolyte’s Robes (purple), and Riven Priesthood Robes (brown/grey) which can be used on either faction.


It reminds me of Trump honestly, didn’t he say or do something and instead of apologize try and find out who told on him?


In one thread over here, while you guys did to 50+ High Elf threads by derailing.

Sound familiar?


No it doesn’t sound familiar. But you do admit your intent is to engage in off topic convo in order to flag, which is enough for me to be able to say please stop.

I hope you engage in better faith arguments some day.


Objection, speculation and leading and hearsay.


It’s the Alliance pvp recolor of one of the Legion dungeon/world quest robes.

The Horde pvp recolor is this one (which looks really nice on Blood Elves since it has red gold and green):

I hide the gloves with these robes since I like peeks of skin to contrast the outfit itself. I also hide the belt because I think it detracts from the lines on the robe.


that’s EXACTLY the problem. the group in question has brought up multiple people’s dirty laundry in the past. so the it happened and now it’s done philosophy really doesn’t work.


Honestly, I wouldn’t engage with the bullies. Somand said she said it when venting. She said she obviously didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Things are said in the moment.

At this point, it’s obvious people are using it to derail the thread, harass, and bully. Like they have been for a while.

If they were really put off and disturbed, they would put all parties on ignore and no longer interact with them. That’s not happening. They’re bringing drama here and in other media, exaggerating the issue, pretending it’s the end-all-be-all.

It says everything about them, and I’m done. If they are violating the TOS, I would report them. I have all of them on ignore but am seeing one side of the conversation. The parties who continue to harass show their true colors, and that’s that.

Put them on ignore/block/whatever. Don’t reply anymore. It’s pointless. If they want, they can start their own thread for ideas they want to share. I’m not responding myself to any one of them at all given their behavior ever again. To me, they do not exist. Would be lovely if they took the same attitude with me since I’m just so bad to them.

Think it would make many people a lot happier.

Silvermoon, a blood prince is planning to attack SMC. I think the conflict happens in Ghostlands but I forgot.


I like those robes, but haven’t used them. I’m not sure I’ve collected the looks though. Figuring out a san’layn mog would be fun though.