San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It would be nice to pick what you say when you emote. Sort of like the overwatch voicelines.


No worries. Perhaps they will contribute ideas involving San’layn when they return as opposed to derailing things, but I doubt it. They’re not worth talking to in my eyes, but who knows. People can see good ideas from them if they give them. I won’t, but :woman_shrugging: I’m not obligated to entertain bullies.

Good thing there’s a lot to discuss. Perhaps even more Tuesday… Who knows.

That Calia questline, after all, is on 9.2.5. So… it could lead to something. They are incredibly hush hush about it, too. NO mention in the preview. I find it weird too, come to think of it, given it’s so encrypted. It makes you wonder what in the world they could be hiding…


I think they might be hiding my sanity.


Yet shes still going to pretend shes the victim when they wanted someone to DIE…wow.


I don’t know how this is defensible in ANY circumstance. It’s abhorrent.


aren’t you part of their group?

Nope I’ve never been in there.

Huh. I assumed that you were siding with them with many things considering how they requested your Discord user ID and DMed you in regards about pro High Elf groups.

They didn’t request it. I sent it over because I know if I sent it in public channels I would probably get flagged. It was a screenshot from their discord sent to me. That’s been resolved. But this seems to be indefensible to me.


A mole took a screenshot of a private venting channel, where I made an offhanded comment in anger about a stalker.

Now keep this garbage out of this thread please.


Yea sorry still indefensible. I don’t care if it happens in the privacy of your home or in the public square it’s still horrid. It’s not normal to wish people to die out of anger regardless.


It’s hilarious how when something is incriminating high elves, you guys would derail every threads related to high elves about how awful we were, but when you said something yikes - all of a sudden, you don’t want it discussed because a “mole” leaked it to someone who doesn’t deserve death wishes?

Some safe zone discord that is. Sounds like there are more secrets behind that channel considering it’s private and you didn’t want it revealed.


In case you didn’t know, I’m a helfer.

So your “theory” is garbage.


No you are not. You are Helfer that plays Blood Elf race and siding with antis. Let’s stop pretending. You are a mod of that anti discord too. You should be a better example of that staff.

Don’t blame the mole for your poor behavior. Blame yourself for saying it.


So in your book it’s cool to invade privacy? Well, seeing as you’re pals with stalkers, that tracks.


Aren’t you else where complaining about derailing this topic in an effort to flag people? Why are you also engaging in the behavior you’re trying to get other people to not engage in?

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It’s not me that invited people in a private chat to talk awful things now, have I? Your team did. And one of those people, is obviously doesn’t agree with your behavior. Considering how you didn’t catch them, I am assuming it’s someone you guys trust really well.

Good luck to your crusade however.


Can we drop the discord drama? Or at least move the discord drama to discord?


The pals of the stalkers keep bringing it up. And no, I’m not giving them my Discord info.


So you’re basically trying to sweep it under the rug.