That red jewel makes my brain immediately light up with SANLAYN serotonin.
Something besides leather boxers would be nice…
The red cloth also looks a little more on the scarlet side then normal blood elf colors IMO
Is anyone noticing what looks like feathers in this one?
Possibly hawkstrider or phoenixy.
ohhhh what if San’lyan AR get a Chocobo mount like the others but it’s like the Water Deer
Big derpy vampire birb
Isn’t that parts of Alexstrasza’s new costume?
Might be. I’m not sure. I don’t know this stuff super well, I admit. But yeah, that could be it.
I examined it and I don’t believe so. The shade of red isn’t quite right. and that sigil doesn’t seem to be present.
Yeah, the colors are close but I wouldn’t say an exact match, and the jewel and feathers/birb head ornament don’t sync with anything on her outfit at all.
It looks like the bands on her arms someone created from her files they found
I’m sowwy!
More workload, heres the Dracthyr fem undergarments so it’s not them either
Do they normally make unique undergarments for unique NPCs that always have their outfit?
I don’t know, but the images that were posted are the details on her gloves.
Yep, I see it now, the “feathers” around the red jewel
I mean, I can’t imagine working for Blizzard helps your dating prospects tbf.
Bummer, but there’s other possible evidence of getting playable Darkfallen, so who knows. At the moment, I’m iffy on it. Don’t have too much hope to be honest, but the encryption is interesting. That said, yeah, the last part of Sadfang was encrypted and that was a pile of garbage, so…
Meh. I dunno. This lack of news is frustrating for sure. Who knows when we’ll know, at this point. We don’t even have a release date for the patch. I’m not sure how long we’ll wait for such an announcement.
Hmmm, hours of coding or just commissioning artists hmm
I know this is going to get me yelled at here, but tbh I would be a little miffed if we got a second belf and nelf AR before worgen and Forsaken get their first.
Technically it’d be a forsaken AR due to being undead. I’m not angry though, it’s okay to have different opinions & wants, and you’ve never been mean to me. You’ve always been a considerate person, to be honest.
That said, it might not even be an AR, still might be customization if anything at all, like Night Warrior, given they mentioned that specifically when asked about Dark Ranger customization.