San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Blood Elf Druids interested in healing the Dead Scar


Unpopular opinion and I know that most of you really dislike Calia but I really like her so I’m hoping that she get more developed and becomes the new leader of the Undead/Forsaken race, if that also happens to bring us San’layn/Dark Rangers (Darkfallen) as an Allied Race or Allied Races for the Horde or just customizations for Blood Elves and the Horde I’ll totally take them. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Hey if she brings Darkfallen vampyr to the Horde, I’ll have less of an issue with her, at least. My major issue is the whole idea of “you need to accept the light or you’re a disgrace/evil”. If she doesn’t push that and understands the Forsaken, and that the light can be pretty evil too, I’ll like her character development.

My main concern with Blizzard’s writing, though, is that they’ll push that really toxic message. That ‘you have to change and be a religious zealot in order to be morally good’. It’s why I’m meh about the light in this game. Though there are cases where they challenge that, it’s been really shifty as of late.


I also like Calia, but I’m going to go out on a limb and assume it’s for an entirely different reason. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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It’d be cool to get a San’layn overlord as leader of the Forsaken :heart_eyes:

Don’t want goody light pants calia…


I vote they take over Strathholm.

No more sewers!


Veryna Van Helsing just popping by to Spartacus that idea.
(Would make you all easier to locate)

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Calia could be my best friend, please and thank you.

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I’m ambivalent towards Calia. I’m not sure I’d like to see her as the leader of the Forsaken, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her as part of a renewed Desolate Council. I do like seeing her in an advisory role. She’d need way more development before I could see her in a Horde leadership role though.


I think Calia could be handled well if the writers tried to move her towards understanding the Forsaken and becoming one herself. Have the Alliance push her away and have Calia choose her people over the Alliance.

As she is now I don’t think she’d be a good leader for the Forsaken.

I could get behind the Desolate Council being rebuilt and Calia being a part of it.


Calia could be handled well by me grabbing her and throwing her into the Maw.


If darkfallen go “neutral” what do you think that will do to the blood elves experimentation with blood magic?

I would imagine darkfallen/san’layn would bolster blood elves with blood magic and the Dark Animus but where would that leave night elves?

I feel like in the case of night elves, vampyr would be shunned more than usual since they are the opposite of ‘nature’. Given how Night Elf society works… yeeeeah


A “Letter to Greymane” item was found recently, though what is written in it is currently unknown:

Speculation online is that the Alliance player gets caught in that quest where you spy on Calia and the Forsaken. I’m guessing she writes a friendly yet strongly worded letter to Genn. Not really sure what would be it, assuming the Alliance player actually gets caught in the questline.

Edit: Also a Dark Ranger quest was found on the PTR that existed before, but has now been updated to 9.2.5. Oddly enough, a Horde and Alliance version with the same quest text exists:

“Thank the abyss you’re here, Huntmaster -name here-! I’m concerned about Dark Ranger Velonara. We have become good friends during our time together in the Trueshot Lodge, and I fear she is in peril. She’s been training an apprentice dark ranger, a lad named Prelus. Newly raised, she said. At any rate, Prelus ran off after receiving a letter from his brother, and now Velonara has gone to Tirisfal Glades to find him. I have a bad feeling about all this. Could you check on her safety?”



Not sure why there is a Horde and Alliance version, unless you sneaking around from the previous quest factors into it. Granted, I’m wondering if this quest was intended for unlocking Dark Rangers as a skin, given the “Huntmaster” mention of it. Not sure how that would affect playable Darkfallen if Dark Rangers ended up as a Hunter skin for Blood Elf and Night Elf Hunters.

If anyone finds out anything more on the letter and its contents, please share! In the meantime, I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:


I think it’d be mind boggling if the quest just happened to lead to a gathering and BOOM there’s some San’layn chilling and looking to join the Horde.


If that quest I linked was for a Dark Ranger skin for Hunters, in which I’m assuming it be for just Blood Elf and Night Elf Hunters (unless there is a Dark Ranger skin for all Hunter races coming), what would that mean for a playable Darkfallen race?

The thing with that is that San’layn are now suppose to be part of the Darkfallen group and not the entirety of it, since Dark Rangers are suppose to be part of it. I have to wonder if Blizzard would treat a playable Darkfallen race as San’layn specifically or if it would still have Dark Rangers among them. We could see more vampiric features and an actual storyline presence as a result if the playable Darkfallen race is San’layn focused.

Then again, the rumor was one race and in which case, we’d see Alliance San’layn (likely Night Elves) as a thing. I can’t imagine Blood Elf San’layn being neutral. Maybe we could be lucky and see a pair or two of new races coming, though that seems to be more wishful thinking if anything. Again, this is assuming we’d get at least one playable race, as well as said race being a playable Darkfallen race to begin with.

Seems like we keep getting more questions than answers as we find things and the frustration and worry grows. Will continue to keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:


If it ends up being a customization unlock, I don’t think it will be class specific. Just like how the golden eyes option that Blood Elves got were supposed to be a side effect of being incredibly devout to the light (so Priests and Paladins), was available to every Blood Elf regardless of class.

I just don’t see Blizzard class locking customization outside of specific things like Demon Hunters… and even that could change down the road (wouldn’t mind having those Fel-scarred skin options on some of my Warlocks). Honestly, if this ends up being anything at all, I’d expect customization before a new race, if only because new races mean more Druid forms, Paladin racial mounts, and totems that Blizz will have to make down the road as they open up the classes.


I believe the rumor of a new race of some kind mentioned being tied into Dragonflight preorders as early access, which is likely a reason nothing has been announced unfortunately (Assuming said rumor is true, of course). I don’t see a customization race as a pre-order incentive for an expansion, myself.

If Dark Rangers were a customization unlock for Blood and Night Elves, I don’t think it would be the thing the rumor was alluding to. Again, this assumes the rumor is true and taken at face value. Of course, if Dark Rangers as a customization race isn’t class locked, then we could potentially see Dark Ranger Paladins (Blood Elves) and Druids (Night Elves) with possible undead beast forms if it is a customization option. Hard to know if Dark Rangers as a customization race would be class locked or not.

At any rate, if we did get Dark Rangers as a customization race and assuming that rumor was true, then it still raises the question about what this potential new race is, assuming it is just one allegedly forthcoming. I’m not sure if it would throw a wrench into the whole playable Darkfallen thing at all, unless playable Darkfallen would just be San’layn specific in this case. Still would cause a lot of questions, like if they were neutral for some reason and how Alliance San’layn would be treated.

Still not sure what all to think since there are a lot of possibilities with a playable Darkfallen race. My hope is that if we do get at least one new race of some sort, it is something that people have requested for a long time as opposed to something that came out of nowhere or is an asinine concept (like light themed undead).

And of course, who knows if that rumor is true or not? It’s a reason I’m trying not to get my hopes up. Regardless, I’ll still keep an eye out for anything else to report. :wine_glass::bat:


Whatever they do, we need to be ready for feedback.

If it’s just spell effects we need to ask for the Dark Ranger/San’layn skins need to be added.

If it’s an Allied Race we need to ask for San’layn Horde Side.

If it’s just Dark Rangers as Customizations for Blood Elves we should ask for San’layn as well.

If they do nothing… We keep asking.


BRB rolling a Blood Elf Hunter.

… I wonder if that’ll change Nathy’s dialogue in Seething Shore any?