San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Wanna see something cool, folks?

So I’m working on a project separate from here, a monster anthology. I wrote the vampire lore for it (there’s two types; trueborne and undead). The undeads are bat-based. An awesome writer friend of mine helped me commission Dracula!

I wrote the monster lore, and this art isn’t mine, but it’s made from my written design :slight_smile:

It’d be really neat if we got wings like that for San’layn :smiley:

Oh also, he’s got the really cool ears I’d love to see on vampyr elves.


Now that is glorious!

Can you go into the differences between your bat based and undead based vampires? Trueborne and Undead? That sounds interesting.


Sure I will!

So, I’ve designed vampires based off of animals for quite a while. For my main series, they have venom, quite like snakes & the digestive bacteria of vampire bats.

However, for this anthology, their origin is harpy-like in nature. I based my vampires off of blood-drinking/carnivorous birds. Three to be specific, though I might expand: The Kea, Oxpecker, & Vampire Finch. Trueborne vampires have a diet of 90% humanoid blood, 10% nuts & seeds.

Then, there’s pseudo, or “undead” vampires. Dracula wanted more power (though isn’t really an antagonist, he just wanted to be able to protect those he’s close to more) and so underwent a ritual with several other truebornes, which corrupted him via magic. He became bat-like as opposed to bird-like, losing his feathers and getting bat wings instead.

Truebornes have feathered wings, bird-like legs, and some feathers in their hair. They also have tail feathers. Their traits vary. Meanwhile, these traits morphed in Dracula & other undead vampires into having traits like bats. Undead vamps can turn humans & truebornes into themselves via the ritual.

I’ll be getting art of one of my truebornes soon.


Reminds me a bit of Legacy of Kains Vampires once they expanded their lore during the Soul Reaver series.

Very neat. I like it.

Also that picture of Dracula is amazing. I can’t wait to see the trueborn variant.


There should definitely be a red option, I wouldn’t even mind some others like yellow.
I know they’ve shown a variety of colors with the various art pieces of the San’layn.

I’d like to see Death Knights get a few extra options and maybe even the OPTION to link it to what space you’re in similar to how you can transmog.

I quite like the red eye effect the Venthyr plate helm adds. It’d be cool to have that and a green and maybe even the maldraxxus green as extra options.

Maybe even making the wispyness effect that was new to Shadowlands an optional toggle. I kinda like it, but there may be some who don’t. Options!


Did you mean being able to set barber shop options per spec like how you can set transmog per spec? If so, I’d love that!

Sometimes you have two different mogs you’d like to be able to switch between on the fly, but they each need different barber shop options to work.

Sure, I was mainly referencing the eyes, but any or all would be fine by me.

If you wanted red eyes in blood spec, set it that way, blue in frost, sure…or mix and match to whatever armor you’re wearing.

Yeah, you can already set up mogs that way, so being able to pair some barbershop stuff as well would be a cool addition.

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My post wasn’t a suggestion, but a speculative example of how Blizzard might corrupt the wish. :slight_smile:


Wowhead made an article speculating on Season 4’s release date. I don’t know how much seasons relate to patches, since I think they release at different times compared to patches, but I figured I’d share it in case it is of interest:

I imagine 9.2.5 will release before Season 4 begins. Hopefully an announcement of its features will be much sooner, though. As I said, I can wait for the patch to come out. I just want to know what to expect for this rumored allied race or races coming out of it, if we are indeed getting at least one.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:


Apparently the 9.2.5 lead-in to the encrypted Calia/Tirisfal quest was revealed in this PTR.

https:// ptr. wowhead .com/quest=65655/eyes-of-the-wolf ( I can’t post links?)

Not much to go on.

Like you said Bagzak, I really hope we find out about the existence of an allied race soon. I’m getting super antsy lol


From that quest you linked:

“An alarming rumor has reached me, thanks to our spies. The Forsaken are mustering in Tirisfal Glades. For what purpose, I do not know. Notably, Calia Menethil has gone there as well. We must know more of what they are up to, now that the accursed Banshee Queen no longer unites them. Go, don a disguise and see what you can discover. Observe everything. And if there is opportunity to gain their trust and learn more, do as they ask. I eagerly await your report.”

Seems like this is from the Alliance version of the questline. I’ll see if the Horde version has popped up anywhere, though if anyone finds it or anything else of interest, please share! :wine_glass::bat:


Darkfallen 100% make sense for the Alliance, look at those bright and hopeful attitudes and total understanding that not every forsaken is the same/they’re not all a hive mind! (/s)


You don’t need to add spaces. Instead you can surround the link with ` (the key next to 1).

Like so:

As for why you can’t post the link directly, that has to do with Trust Levels, which you can find more detail on here:

If you check your character’s page, there will be a section titled Trust Level. If you’re Basic User, you’re level 1, Member is level 2, and Regular is Level 3. If there is no trust level mentioned, than you haven’t achieved level 1 yet.


The Forsaken: gathering around for a festival now that the war is over technically


The Forsaken: You know you can join us, ri—

The Alliance: NOOOOO

Some Alliance: … I want to go to the party though

People who want neutral guilds: SAME


In all seriousness though, that sounds interesting. Calia is implied to not be involved, I guess? “Gone there as well” to check it out with them or to spy on them? I dunno. She’s been alliance leaning for a while, so…

…Gods I hope it doesn’t lead to Lightforged undead.


What is the fastest way to tick off players? Hype them up for Darkfallen, then give them Lightforged Undead. Seems on brand. :frowning:


As I said, it is really hard for me to imagine Light themed Undead as a playable race:

-Calia’s circumstances took a lot of effort and isn’t something you could mass produce.

-I really don’t see Light themed Undead as something popular at all. Likely, it’d be something with a lot of backlash, which isn’t anything Blizzard really needs currently or in the future. Moreso when trying to make a preorder bonus.

The only potential mention I recall of Light themed undead was a “leak” during BfA, in which I can’t remember when it came out but it was well before the vulpera/Mecha Gnome pairing, where they got all the allied races correct with a pair that didn’t come out then. Lightforged Undead was for the Alliance and some cursed Troll with boar/cat features was for the Horde. Not much info was ever given on said Trolls with that “leak.”

Obviously, it never came to pass and I doubt said “leak” was legitimate. I wouldn’t necessarily rule our Light themed Undead, but I feel like the chances of them being that rumored allied race would be very slim. That said, I really hope if anything undead comes out of it, it’s Darkfallen and San’layn, who would be much more popular and push preorders and subs much more than the abomination that would be Light themed Undead.

We’ll continue to see what crops up as we get closer to whenever 9.2.5 comes out and hope for the best. :wine_glass::bat:


In the book. Calia was shadowing Lillian Voss to see how she rules the forsaken. Lillian didn’t want to be the leader. She and Lillian Voss were representing the forsaken in the new horde council (mostly Voss and Calia shadowing her).

In BFA Lillian Sought out Calia to be the new leader of the forsaken I believe.

Calia still has abunch to learn about her people, she wasn’t trained to lead people. Arthas was and he failed. Calia made some mistakes that got her killed in the book with Slyvanas.

San’layn have been top of my wishlist for years so I’m really hoping the rumours end up being true. Got a name reserved just in case and my fangs and vampire cape on stand-by.

If it happens I really hope they can be DKs because it’d be a crying shame to not be able to play Blood with one.