San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Woo lawd this post is very extra. It’s also not a good way to start a conversation with how outright antagonizing you’re acting.

You don’t really get to complain how people respond to this. You reap what you sow and you done gone sown bad seed here.

This post reminds me of a villain speech. It almost reads like someone auditioning to play a bond villain. A very smol bond villain. The smallest. “yOuR dOwNfAlL, mIsTeR bOnD, iS nOt LiKiNg WhAt I lIkE aNd NoT dIsLiKiNg WhAt I hAte!”

Like chill out.


let’s see if it will let me post moosik


Uh oh…

They made a mistake.

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Obligatory silent hill Promise song post since it’s my favorite background horror song of all time, it’s simple but it does it well.


One of my favorite darker songs, though not that dark, is MCR teenagers which I can’t link here because language.


I LOVE the soundtrack from Silent hill, it’s super great, omg. I know, it’s not a horror film a ton like because they compare it to the games, but I never played the games myself and sincerely love it. Especially the music. Not the second one, though…

Also, yes! I’m a Helluva/Hazbin fan.


I got art of my vampire OCs in that style.

Here’s one of them. I can’t post my main OC without covering his hands due to a rude gesture though. :stuck_out_tongue:



I love that one. Also their song “Blood” which also has a cuss. I might have linked it here in the past though… not sure.



Some old weeb creepy osts. I know they usually aren’t really scary though because it’s usually hard to portray through animation.


Because no one cares. Stop being so cringe.


At one point I had their album and an Atreyu album called lead sails and paper anchors or something. Unfortunately they both got lost in a move.

I’ve been enjoying papa roach lately though some of the newer stuff is less ‘emo’ and more… I don’t know.

Anyhow off to bed for realizes.


Yes to music, no to history, how does history set to music go?


yay! HH and HB are awesome!

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Oh cool, right up there with Shrikes then.

Edit: The new thumbnail is just as traumatizing since it makes them look deranged XD


Yep, I love shrikes. They’re so neat.

Yeah, lil serial killer birbs

What I find odd is them trying to indicate I’m apparently saying they’re connected to someone? I haven’t made that claim myself.

This made me chuckle.

I just tossed em on ignore. Better not to engage with that.

I need to make a dnd monster based off these one day… I made a monster based off the Lyre Bird awhile back… Wonder if I still have that document.


I’ve been like wanting a new mage so I decided to make him a Nightborne, since they actually represent a continuation of the Highborne story I love them. Actually my priest was originally a NB uhm bcz I think they look super cool in shadow form for what ever reason.

I feel like I’ll put leveling him on pause though until I do everything I want on Lannislight bcz I have like a list of things I want to do.

Also I was deciding if I liked the name Lannistop or Lannistor I went w Lannistor since its a subtle reference in spelling for the old republic

Anyways support for San’layn obviously…

Also this


Running out of likes :angry:


Speak for yourself.


Wowhead finally reported on Exploring Azeroth: Northrend becoming a thing, though not much new info about it is given:

Clan Bronzebread is involved with the exploring, though I don’t know if there are any specific characters at this point. If there is anything about San’layn in it, it might not be a friendly meeting between the two.

Speaking of, would there be any areas of Northrend of particular interest to where San’layn could be hiding out? I know the Scourge had several areas and you fought one of the Blood Princes in a Necropolis, but I’m unsure of what sections could have any mentions of the San’layn in it.

I’m likely going to pick it up at some point, since it has some interest to San’layn, Furbolg, and Taunka information. No guarantee we’d see anything San’layn in it, and hopefully they wouldn’t be villain batted again, but you never know.

It also currently comes out just in time for Halloween. How fitting! :wine_glass::bat: