San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Please Blizz, let me play a big chonky unit tank dragon

Your downfall is your fixation on horde.

When you ask for all this ridiculous stuff and then put in brackets (FOR BLOOD ELVES) nobody takes you seriously.

This game has always been catering to the faction that doesn’t make sense in the story.

Alliance generally make for great storytelling and Horde generally make for great villains.

The Legion story was alliance driven. The WotLK story was alliance driven. Great stories come from alliance-focused plots.

I think your problem is you are too stubborn to admit that lore-wise alliance are carrying this game hard and you just want to be an edgy vampyr. Or whatever you prefer to be called.

You’re totally right, no one takes me seriously, I’m actually 500 bats responding to one another in a single thread. No one actually supports this despite it being one of the top 20 all time threads, and speculation bleeding out of here to Twitter for Darkfallen, and people wanting undead elves on the Horde way before I even joined the forums.

You caught me.

I totally love the Alliance & Horde faction war, bad story telling where everyone is shoved into an ‘evil’ box if they’re Horde which you so wonderfully support apparently (bad writing), and just want to be edgy even though I’ve stated outwardly I hate the faction barrier, being hit with the ‘evil’ bat (which is bad writing), and just want all my characters to be irredeemably evil with no substance because I’m ‘edgy’. (also in case anyone can’t read my tone here, it’s sheer sarcasm.)

Y’know, if that’s how people see me, they aren’t paying attention. And that’s okay. Because I couldn’t care less about opinions of people who type a ton but say, quite literally, nothing.

You have a nice day now.


ah yes.

Destroying the home of the gilneans, the forsaken, the kaldorei, and betraying the warchief who explicity forbid plague weapons of mass destruction just make you shoved into the ‘evil box’. Of course. The horde are the real victims. We should just learn how to love them and post sarcastic gifs on the forums to reinforce this rock solid fact.

Ah. So they won’t post here themselves so they found someone else to do it for them. That’s cool :+1:


This is why gnomes get kicked.


wut the frick are you even talking about?

I’m not interested in feigned ignorance. Feel free to tell them if they’d like to try and start drama the least they can do is post themselves :heart:



What are you even doing in here?

Can’t really even tell at this point if you’re here to oppose San’layn or just complain at Fallyn.

If you’re not interested you’re not interested.


It’s obvious that a certain group is just trying to stir up trouble.

It’s just growing my ignore list :hugs:

Time to post some edgy stuff to scare them away. It’ll work eventually.

You’d think if this idea offended them that much, they’d mute the thread, but hmm… it’s interesting how certain folks just keep coming back.


You’re a gnome in pyjamas.


I was trying to comment about something ridiculous on the forums but now I’m getting swarmed by horde apologists that don’t seem to care about lore or facts.

I’m feigning ignorance to what? I’m part of what? I literally came here and tried to talk to people on the forums and as usual, it was just a toxic cesspool of hate and negativity.

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Some people.


This should’ve 100% been a thing and it just wasn’t because 2 specs is the new standard instead of 3 specs. I don’t buy the “lore” excuse for a second. They are quite literally created by the black aspect.


I present another edgy song for the edgy experts in this thread.




… you walked into a Horde AR thread, was rude and didn’t apologize, and are surprised the Horde players aren’t happy with you?


This part!

All of us rn I feel like


Maybe some lessons could be learned here

Go figure now you want to play the victim card to further pretend like you didn’t come here just to harass people. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


the video was about you lol

You were complaining that folk who enjoy a thing are here still asking.

Now you’re finding that they’ll comment on your foolish posts and opinions.

If you weren’t or aren’t interested in the ensuing arguments you shouldn’t have started em.


You said…

Don’t pretend you’re actually here just to talk.

Here’s your second post.

You came for a fight you’ll get one.