San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

They are invested. Just differently. Silvermoon would be attacked since it’s like the only horde city over there. A military target easy picking for the alliance.

It would be nice to see like the horde council sending folks to defend it or reclaim it. The blood elves got the nightborne to join which I think is really cool. I wouldn’t mind seeing like a nightborne presence there. And perhaps the nearby trolls could be involved as an ally or foe in the areas. It was the trolls sacred land that the blood elves stole at least in there point of view so who knows.

All land troll land knife ears btfo.


Me this entire convo

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I personally disagree myself. I mind a lot since world pvp has been overfocused for too long and we should be moving away from it. World pvp can be used for other zones or something anyway, not Blood Elf stuff where we’ve already been hit hard with…well everything >< And the Horde in general tbh.

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Senjin is an easier and better military target and fully taking and destroying Zandalar would further diminish the Horde navy.

If you were a Blood Elf fan instead of just roleplaying one on the forums you wouldn’t be pushing an Anti-Belf agenda.

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Well I just personally see it as an opportunity to enjoy the zone as an endgame zone. It’s very aesthetically pleasing and I wouldn’t mind reasons to be in it more. Compared to just for leveling.

So we will see what happens. The first toon I wanted to make when I started was blood elf dk. Wouldn’t mind getting some plate based blood elf armors on him.

Yeah, they just need to pass out of Azeroth and into Lordaeron, through the Hinterlands, ie the last place the Amani Empire is still dominant, through the Plaguelands with the Forsaken on their flanks and then into Quel’Thalas that has natural defences all along its border into the ancient home of a race of hyper-militant elves who survived a zombie apocalypse.

Easy pickings.


Ok? That’s not mentioned in the leaks though. But I wouldn’t mind getting another cata prepatch sort of event if it happened. It was cool killing Zalazane and getting the darkspear disguise toy.

You mean the fake leaks?

Oh yea. Just read some other leaks that said Turalyon would conquer all of lordaeron and that was included with the new zones. So who knows if silvermoon would be the last place hit or not.

I would liken it to how the horde hit Teldrassil slowly taking lands. But again plenty of pinches of salt for speculation.

Wonder if that’s ever happened

Like, ever

Would really be crazy bro

2022 still no forest trolls playable 0/10 Blizzard


But if it were up to you as someone who claims to be a Blood Elf fan you would want that idea right?

Look man I am just speculating for fun >.> you don’t have to take anything I say seriously. I am just thinking of what can happen. Doesn’t mean anything I say will happen.

I can separate my feelings of the races I play winning all the time, with speculating with what will happen in lore. What I want to happen and what I speculate that can happen are different things.

Did I want the Zandalari king to die? Nope? Does that mean I could predict he would be killed off? No I could still do that.

I’m talking specifically about the darkspear and zandalari.

I’m doing it specifically since this Anti-Belfer is posting on a troll character, so he is clearly a fan of trolls.

Unsurprisingly, the character he’s posting on doesn’t exist on the servers anymore. I wonder why.

Sorry, I’m German, things that aren’t literal aren’t my strongest subject.


Fair enough.

Ah yes Blood Elves the real winners of the story, its not like we saw our race duplicated to appease Alliance fans who wanted 6 elves to be playable, now you want us to after all this winning take a loss at long last and see Silvermoon become a warzone that we can gift story to VEs to? Do I have that correct?

Seems its always best to try to understand one another in these discussions but I do believe everyone here as understood you perfectly.

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Oh god you just grouped me into that category…
I am not sure I want to keep talking.

Anyways folks we can only wait and see.

I literally would have been fine with the forest troll recolour for regular trolls that some forest troll tribes use instead of the swole guy.