San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

At this point, that’s a great question and I wish I had the answer.

There’s now so many “I don’t knows” floating around. I really hope they didn’t chuck out the lore of the vampyr elves having the blood curse like the vry’kul in stormheim though… that’s a huge concern of mine. Reducing them to ‘just former blood mages’ would be so disappointing.

Yeah, I would agree with this!


At least comics have the “benefits” of alternate universes and reality-wide reset buttons for when the lore gets too convoluted.

Probably not a great cue to take when you’re trying to craft a single, coherent narrative.

I mean, I guess WoW has alternate universes too, but they’re terrible. If we meet alternate universe vampires (or Sylvanas), I’m out, fam.

This does make me wonder if they’re now specifically expanding ‘Darkfallen’ because they plan on adding in an Allied Race for Darkfallen, yeah. Expanding Dark Rangers to be multiple classes could be another step there.

The visual racials thing would be helped by a Zandalari-like-racial. Plus… if Darkfallen encompasses all elves ‘corrupted by magic’ then it would include felbloods, tossing in even more options to said theoretical race.

We have Mah’gar, with a bunch of different clans represented, Zandalari, with a bunch of different tribes represented, so… I guess elves might be next on the table?

Though… the customization options for both MG & zandalari aren’t screamingly different from one another though. My concern is we’d not get things like fang & claw options for this theoretical race, but I’m not sure.

I don’t play either of those races, is the community very unsatisfied with their options, or do they think there’s enough variety?


If we thought San’layn was Darkfallen what is it now ooc

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At this point we have no idea D: ‘Darkfallen’ seems to include both Dark Rangers & vampyr elves. And Blood Elf DK, I guess. MAYBE felbloods but on that end I’m not sure.

Enter: The thread title getting longer and longer because we don’t know what the heck to use anymore


A number of the customizations make sense to be shared.
Make a hunter, then figure out if you wanna be a dark ranger, or slap some fangs in there and be a vampire :stuck_out_tongue: Let people customize their undead elf however they want.

I hadn’t thought about going that route, but could be doable.
Although for things like heritage armor and mounts etc, I wonder if they’d go more generic(probably) or make sets for each group (probably not).

I don’t see why not, claws work on any of them. The fangs would be a bit extra, but worth it, especially if there were a few different types.


True, not to mention elves do have fangs (motions to Sylvanas, who is a banshee). So I suppose they could work for both DRs and San’layn, it’s just what one would use them for in that case. Claws are the ones I figured would be harder to explain for all undead elves but maybe not.

the most difficult would be if Felbloods were included but at this point I somewhat doubt they’d be in this umbrella even if I really want them to be.


Why haven’t we recruited “smarter” undead such as the San’layn that can act like wardens for the mindless scourge that infest our territories?

Not only would that be an amazing service but that would also increase our security in case of outside invaders as we would have a horde of undead.


Banshees certainly have claw-like hands. Works for me :stuck_out_tongue:

I know I’ve seen people say Dark Ranger is a class they’d want, but I’ve wondered how you could make a fully fledged class around it, 2-3 specs.

Some have said they’d like it as an a race, but I’ve wondered about that since it felt like it primarily related to rangers, although rogues and warriors could be quite fitting as well.

Made more sense as a class skin…

But if they went the route of an undead elf allied race of which dark rangers and San’layn were a part of, I kinda think that could be a good route to go. It’d be even better with some added class skin visuals for blood magic wielding mages etc.

Some changes to visuals for rangers…

Might be a good middle ground to bring in both.
More easily explained why they could be most/all classes…you’d be able to choose options you felt fit your character.

Some options to get a fel blood visual would be neat as well. Maybe establish some characters of each variety to use in the story.


That’d be fine if comics kept that mess in the alternate realities, but it messed everything up instead. Main universe is a complete mess.


Here is some interesting info with regard to more on the scourge being a major threat


Taken from the Twitter link above:

It does sound like it leaves the door open for future playable races to become Death Knights and having a role in the world (of Warcraft!) still, which would be good to have as an option. :wine_glass::bat:


I just finished that “stay a while and listen” before clicking back on this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice to see they’ve not forgotten about the Scourge. Wonder if it’ll be featured a bit in the upcoming expansion.


Was I the only one that thought the picture on the right side of the face looks a bit off lol like “:o” but in a weird vortex kind of way


I think it would be pretty funny if they added that goofy flowing Banshee hair style to the Darkfallen.

Well, model selection isn’t something we’ve seen before. Worgen’s spell to be a human out of combat doesn’t count, since it doesn’t function the same way an actual toggle would I’d imagine.

Would be cool though, and would certainly suit a Darkfallen AR.


Yeah, I’d still like to see Night Elven Worgen. It’d need a proper voice set though instead of just a model change.

There’s a number of places a voice set option would be great. Wildhammer deserve it too.

The two forms for worgen should have a toggle option. Along with other similar things.
Although having a gilnean voice set to make a non-cursed human would be cool.

More options the better.


Could you imagine if they implemented them without new voices?

Something about a Night Elf with a British accent telling me about how “the only honest merchant’s a Gilnean merchant” is making me giggle.


Haha. I liked the suggestion of redoing the UI for characters into more of a subrace based one.
Like for Worgen, you’d pick that, then next screen would be picking the type…gilnean or night elven, that’d assign the proper voice set.

Same could be done for dwarves, pick dwarf, then you’d pick the type, bronzebeard, wildhammer, dark iron…all with proper voice set.

Even having multiple voice sets for existing races would be cool just to change things up. You’ve got a voice actor in the booth recording some quest lines? Let’s record a player voice set they can pick as well!


The forsaken are also former scourge that has no bearing. It actually strengthens the arguement for san’layn. Since we have fought scourge even in BFA. And the forsaken are the ones that extended hands to let the blood elves join. It would be like a nice callback for the blood elves to extend hands for the san’layn to join. Since they were former allies in life. And the scourge forces are vying for power. Could be of interest to have friendly san’layn help control them.

Especially since after chapter 8 you have bolvar and Morgraine saying the ebon blade will focus on dealing with the scourge problem. San’layn joining the ebonblade in that effort and the horde allies would feel natural after these events if put in the story well.