San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The worst two handed animations is hands down male blood elves

Orcs are good. Kul Titans one hand them and it looks cool unlike say Pandaren where it looks super unrealistic

I really like the female draenei one, but that’s partially because it is so dramatic. My heart is with melee and tanks, so that’s always a consideration for me. And combat sounds.

…which is part of the reason I really hope San’layn get allied race treatment, if I’m honest. I utterly loathe the sounds male humans, female blood elves, and male orcs make in melee combat.


Wait until you hear the sound our characters make in dark souls 1 :rofl::rofl:

I love male orcs.

…But there’s a reason all three of my baseline orcs are females. My Mag’har is a dude, though! I’m sorry! They’re fun, but they sound… So… Like, apathetic and yet constipated when they get thwacked in the face and it just doesn’t work for me.

I thought being enslaved by the Alliance was my race’s greatest trial.

But this is truly the orcs’ darkest hour.


Appears from stealth to bring back the guessing game.




I made it too easy, didn’t I? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Its great but you are expecting too much. Really think Bliz would let us have something we enjoy? Also these should have wings at the back and maybe a transformation like Humans → Worgens. Remember, these are a mutated form of Elves just like how the Worgens are that of Humans. I think that there should be more to differentiate them than just… skin color and red eyes. Maybe make them taller, larger and more menacing Kul’Tiran size. With semi-gliding wings, of-course! Or wings that can fly!

Nothing wrong with that.

Though you’ve brought them here before. >.> I didn’t even have to use the pet collection trick.


Friendly reminder for Horde San’layn :sparkling_heart:


San’layn on the Horde make the most sense and have the most reasonable expectations to exist there. I really hope to find out what happened to the San’layn during BfA that were still present on the ship after Drevan’s death. They were still labeled as friendly and could easily be a foot in for lore there.

It also means my void elves don’t have to be split into three separate races where their stories could get further diluted. Which I appreciate.

:wine_glass: :bat:


Fingers crossed that them showing up again isn’t bad news, but rather that they’ll be relevant again! I really don’t want to see them just as fodder for pushing the story forward, I want to see them go their own path & actually have nuance!

San’layn for the Horde! Also sort of sad to see yet again they didn’t update the San’layn model but at this point I expect it :confused:


I’m ok with some being used for villain stories… but like. Lets sees at least some of them join the Horde.


Right, exactly! I love a good villain BUT I want to see variety and nuance. A few villains are brilliant and can be intense, but I hope to see more character types.

And I’d ESPECIALLY love antiheroes. I LOVE redeemed villains so much :drooling_face: To the point where I have a hard time in roleplay keeping a villain BAD because I end up eventually having them cave to morals and joining team ‘good guys’.


It would have been a cool time to show some Friendly or at least Neutral San’layn/Darkfallen willing to help against the aggressive one.

You know, nuance. The thing Blizzard needs more of.


I was watching Lilo & Stitch which might seem incredibly unrelated but it’s not, it’s actually the perfect story for what I have in mind.

We know Stitch was created to destroy, ‘hard coded’, yet he had free will and, with Lilo’s help, became a wonderful character that protected her & got a family. He had really cool character growth despite wanting to destroy at first (and is adorable, come on).

Well, San’layn were created as tools to destroy as well, but they too have free will now. So… I just thought it was a cool comparison. Sometimes things seem like the most unrelated in the world, but when you look at them side by side, they start to make sense.

Like the ugly duckling & Stitch & San’layn.

Edit: Also this applies to Saurok too, come to think of it. Bats and lizards can be friends. :slight_smile:


You’re describing the Horde post-Warcraft 3, tbf.