San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Womp womp. That’s it for my likes.

…Oh well. Bromero matches the thread aesthetic more anyway.

I’m Sledgehammer and I love alts.

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Exactly, what’s the point of lugging around a ton or two of wood on your back if you can’t smack some fools with it?


Imagining a Tauren rushing at you with a giant log about to crush all bones to pieces is horrifying! I love it.


Add a tabard for us Sunwalkers!!!

A tabard illuminating the Sun An’she


It just took a couple of seconds of it in the Vanilla cinematic of a Tauren smacking the Dwarf Hunter’s bear (which is the first thing I stole from that cinematic) with one.

That and the Tauren charge in the BFA cinematic is just a thing of beauty


I want special animations for the log weapon. Because again… It is really magnificent and sells tauren in a way worth appreciating.


I’m really happy they made that the HMT racial, it’s fun to use and has some niche but nice uses.


Him and the Very Happy Draenei made that cinematic so much better.


I want that so bad.


Not really. They said in lore that that only Belves that moved on to the light are those that chose to be devoted to it. Which is how Belves can have different eye colors.

I don’t think San’layn will be Alliance either. Since several of them were murdered by Alliance. At least for now it seems that one of them is still with the Scourge.

Can we get heritage sets for all the races for starters?


And no, warfront armor doesn’t count.


Kind of. Umbric follows Dar’khan’s letters on void magic, but not Dar’khan himself. Dar’khan was already dead for over a decade at that point.

Following his teachings does not make Umbric nor the Void Elves allied with the Scourge. They were fighting back against them in the pre-patch like everyone else.


It’s weird how people will claim warfront sets are heritage but no one’s out here saying shaman t15 was a troll heritage set.


All Thalassians are vampiric if you take that context out of it. Only San’layn feed off the blood of the living. Most Thalassians only feed off energy. Some Belves do. Look below.

The Alliance murdered several San’layn after they had allied with the Horde via Sylvanas.

I don’t think they are going to either side, honestly.

Some Blood Elves already use hemomancy. It’s in a world quest in Nazmir.


I mean… If I was elected queen of WoW, yes, absolutely.

Because the warfront armor really doesn’t count.

But since I am not, I’ll enjoy what I am getting (weapons and mount for blood elves/dark iron). And keep asking for more of what I want. Which is… Cool looking mogs, mounts, pvp rewards, and ye olde CUSTOMIZATION FOR EVERYONE.

Apparently I can only post 3 times in one thread on Bromero. Oh well. Back to like alt hopping, I guess.

Especially since most didn’t follow Kael to Outland.

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I hope they also add eye color options for Death Knights if they allow San’layn customization on the Horde. I’d prefer deep crimson eyes for this guy.

Also imagine DH San’layn… it would be very interesting. Technically it’s possible if San’layn are still turning people which they were in Battle for Azeroth.


It’s sad when there’s finally news and I have to come back to the same old stuff…

The Undead Blood Elves should be on the faction with Undead and Blood Elves. Shocking concept.

Also, Void and Undeath are enemies, Alliance Races do not trust Undead, Blood Elves already use Blood Magic, and San’layn where already welcomed to the Horde once.

As for the Darkfallen/San’layn thing… that is a pretty weird change. Either Blizzard made a mistake or there’s more to the name “Darkfallen”.

Maybe it’s a general term for Undead Elves?

BTW… Isn’t the San’layn on the PTR TECHNICALLY just going home? How rude Liadrin! Very rude!


It was kinda weird that the same PTR kinda was a bummer for the San’layn option, but also kept the DR hope alive. I do wonder if the two options are compatible, or it was bound for one to happen over the other.

As much as it bums me, I do think this kinda kills the connection through the BE for San’layn, but I still think there’s a possibility through Forsaken. They are vampiric undead after all, they are perhaps more of an undead subrace than blood elf one.

Storywise that HAS potential. With the growing light zeal on Quel’thalas, both undeath and void are becoming anathema; I do wonder how that might strain relationships between BE and undead, and how it might affect BE society itself.

Sadly, San’layn have been portrayed as, well, evil, in BfA and now SL, so that’s not good. But that doesn’t close the door on them being a more opportunistic Neutral Allied Race, the way Eredar could be as well. Which would allow for some symmetry for the two BC races as neutral “enemy mine” archetypes.

Cause I am into the idea of playable races that aren’t “nice”, and are self serving and selfish, and with the Forsaken perhaps turning a new leaf finally, I could go for some ethically ambiguous playable races.