San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah, doesn’t seem solidly fleshed out, but could be an interesting thing if they ever delved into these things


So many replies in the muted tab.
It’s almost like the same people denying the Alliance playerbase the ability to talk about things, are the same ones who have always done it.

The same ones that weren’t listened to last time.

Dar’khan is associated with Void Elves, which means the Void Elves have associations with the scourge, which the san’layn are a part of. No amount of spam will ever change that fact.

This is something we’re allowed to talk about, we’re going to talk about it because this is a public forum, we’re going to weave in and out to talk about it, people are talking about it, people are literally playing it right now on retail, and there is nothing you can do to stop these players and trying to frame them as anything you possibly can only makes you all look worse to everybody but your own group.
I can literally log in, go do vampire RP on Alliance, and hang out with multiple san’layn - or other races/concepts - on Alliance, with the odd Horde elf wobbling in cross-faction.

We’re having fun looking at what’s happening on the PTR, and seeing the parallels between shadow vampirism.

Perhaps you should try to do the same instead of spending your time doing whatever this is.


At any rate, I hope the horde gets san’layn whether they be an AR, core race, or customization. Personally I’d love to see a few different shades of red as well as black eyes for them. If customization then dark rangers could easily be tied in as well.


There is, though that was likely because the void was minorly aware of Zovaal’s plan and Sylvanas’ part in it.

The Void and Death and more competing powers it seems. Still separate. Not like Light and Void that may or may not just detonate…


That would be super awesome, I agree. I think red eyes & pitch black would be phenomenal. Also San’layn & Dark Rangers working together. Toss Death Knights into that story and it could be really rich.

And like I said, I’m fine with some of them being evil. It’d be a great foil, in fact, to show they will oppose nasties of their own race in support of what’s right. Like Death Knights.


I prefer something that sees BEs getting something out of losing visual uniqueness


The void is vampiric.

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This would be absolutely fabulous, omfg I am such a big fan of Horde San’layn and Horde Dark Rangers, like omfg yes please!!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


That’s a theme we’ve explored already as well, like belves vs felblood belves. I think it would be cool to see other san’layn come in to help the blood elves against the scourge and that’s how they join.


Right? Big same here. I still love the image shared above, it looked fabulous. People still bring up the customization video to this day, and that happened YEARS ago.

Yes yes yes! This is what I want the most and would add so much to their lore.


Yeah customization would be the most effective for that, plus like I said both san’layn and dark ranger fans could benefit and death knights as well. I could easily see red eyes and plague greens, dark greens, dull greens, etc being added to fit the various themes.


For this one I would have to say I actually have to agree w Nico

It certainly serves to offset the loss of visual uniqueness

Very much this


I’d be game for San’layn blood elf customization though I really want an AR more. That said, I definitely would love to see fangs & claws for San’layn customization bare minimum, but also bat-like ears would be amazing. And of course red & pitch black eyes.


I think having varying sizes of fangs to choose from would be neat. I’d pick cute little fangs, to be the scariest vamp ever!


Also today I learned I’m a harasser for sharing my opinions in this thread and on my personal twitter. While people actively screenshot and call for people to flood me here and on there. Even when I’ve blocked certain people and told them to leave me alone! The more you know! :bat:


This already sounds absolutely adorable so it has to happen for sure now. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Different fang types!



It’s a shame tongue piercings probably wouldn’t be visually possible, but the face piercings would be nice, even for regular belfs.

The malkavian ones are cute and the toreadory, if I spelled that wrong I apologize, deciphering cursive is hard right now.


Wait, have they massively changed the Malks since I vaguely paid attention to those games in the past? That seems rather tame for them


Yeah you’re right, it does. I’m not sure, I never played extensively (also RIP Bloodlines 2, the game that will probably never be…) but from what I know of them, I expected more vicious fangs.

That said, it’s just a fan rendition so there’s that!

Agreed. Tongue piercings would be cool but yeah I doubtt they’d do it. Face piercings though would be really cool, agreed. I’d use some lip piercings for sure on my characters. Most of mine have lip piercings!