San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Happy Winter Veil to the San’layn megathread!

I know it has been a rough year, but I still want to continue onward with the playable San’layn support. I still have some hope that we could see them as a playable Horde race sometime, and as long as I keep playing WoW, I plan to keep up the support for them as best as I can.

Whatever your plans are, I hope you have a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil!



You should really consider joining us in Discord, I know I mentioned that to Bale previously in the Dark Ranger thread and then here but you should as well because that would be totally cool and I know many of us would be more than happy to have you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Happy Holidays folks. I will try to grab some ‘Lana’thel celebrating Winter Veil’ screeshots soon. Possibly tomorrow. Maybe more art to share as well.

I haven’t been posting lately due to being disheartened. I do hope for playable Horde San’layn someday, be it through customization or an Allied Race. I hope I was able to bring a community together and inspire folks.

Unfortunately, on my end, one of the things I did get from my efforts here is an obsessive stalker that continues to attempt slander on me outside of the forums. I’ve said on numerous occasions I would like to be left alone by certain individuals, and I stand by that. Anyone that takes any effort to actually check validity of their claims, however, will see how false they are, especially given their behavior here on & off the forums on a regular basis.

I am saying this to just let people know one of the many reasons why I barely ever post anymore and don’t have the energy to. Dealing with toxic parties like this is draining, especially when I’d love to be left alone, yet certain parties keep on trying to cause issues. This thread has been great, but is it worth the harassment I’m getting now?

I don’t know. It’s happened on more than one occasion, and it’s very disgusting how some people try to harass outside of this space over different opinions. With that, I continue to be very disappointed with the WoW community and the inaction of Blizzard.

Edit: Actually, this is my official goodbye post. I wish all of you luck and hope you get what you want. I can still post on the forums, but I’m deciding not to. It’s not worth the stress anymore, and not worth the harassment. I’ll chat with those I’ve added outside of the game. But I think it’s time for me to take my leave permanently unless major change occurs. Given this community has shifted even more toxic, including from those who pretend to be good people on other platforms, I’m not really in the mood to suffer their nonsense any longer.


A Blood Prince approaches Greatfather Winter. He asks for his people to be able to join the Horde as official members for his Winter Veil present. He knows that this is the best path for the San’layn, both for survival and to give meaning to be something more, as well as reconnecting the San’layn with their friends and family in Silvermoon.

I’ll continue to hope to see San’layn on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday! :wine_glass::bat:


Also this, since I just seen it as well. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Love that story. Tell it to my child every night. :stuck_out_tongue:


The sleigh ride is working again in Orgrimmar! Hopefully it’ll stay fixed this time.

As I promised before, I now present to you the return of Santa’Layn! Off to deliver presents to the good members of the Horde!

Happy Winter Veil Eve! :wine_glass::bat:


San’layn: “Well… It was less tiring than my bat form.”



I posted some of the following text in my two megathreads, but I’ll be editing some parts to make it more themed for this megathread:

Happy New Year to the San’layn megathread! :vampire:

This year has been…less than stellar for a number of reasons. It has been a rather rough time to keep positive as a result. My hope is that the game will go in a better direction and that Activision employees will get better treatment and a much better work environment.

As for WoW itself, I’m not currently planning on quitting anytime soon. As much as Shadowlands has been a contender for my least favorite expansion, I’ve been enjoying doing stuff in game. In fact, I recently changed my main covenant to Necrolords and have been really enjoying it. Getting to create abominations, being able to summon a slime pet that helps briefly in battle, engaging in the arena, and liking my covenant abilities have really helped my enjoyment. Not to mention being Plague Deviser Marileth’s apprentice is a joy. I still am not fond of Shadowlands as a whole, but at least I can still find some fun things within it.

I am hoping we’ll at least get a new expansion announcement next year, seeing as we’re coming to the end of Shadowlands. Speaking of, the strongest rumor currently seems to be Dragon Isles. I’m all for it, myself, since it would mean we’d be back in the living world (of Warcraft!) and dragons have the potential for being an interesting theme. I am unsure of what storyline would go with it, though I do wonder if we might see the different Dragon Flights in a new covenant-like system. I assume they would all be involved somehow.

For San’layn, it’s possible they could fit somewhere in there. I feel like San’layn could be put in at almost any point. I mean, some of the new playable races in BfA came out of nowhere and nothing much would change if you replaced them with almost any other race. I still feel like there is a chance, especially given how San’layn seemed to be a popular request in general during BfA.

Regardless of what the next expansion is, I still remain committed to supporting playable Horde San’layn. I’ll report any findings I see and also continue to contribute to this megathread occasionally. As I said, I’m not planning to quit any time soon, so I figure I’ll continue to support the playable races I want as best as I can while I keep playing. Horde San’layn are still one of my most wanted playable races, and I want to make sure they keep getting support.

So whatever your plans are for this evening, please have a fun, happy, and safe New Year’s! Playable Horde San’layn support will continue into 2022!

San’layn for the Horde. Always! :wine_glass::bat:


Still here waiting for San’layn customizations for Blood Elves or separate San’layn Allied Race for the Horde. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Came across this older artwork by an artist who use to go by Breathing. Blizzard featured some of their work years past. Hope the San’layn and Darkfallen become customization options/allied race.


Happy new year, everyone! :fireworks:

With a new month, I’ve done another round of in-game playable race suggestions with references to their respective megathreads. San’layn are one of those, of course!

I’ll continue to support playable Horde San’layn as best as I can. I have a few posts in mind to make when inspiration strikes.

It may be the year of the tiger, but maybe we’ll see the year of the bat soon! :wine_glass::bat:


San’layn is the only true answer to what race should be next.

The best race ever! :bat::bat:


Happy New Year everyone! :partying_face:


With the next patch coming and the expansion ending, there are a couple things I’m going to keep my eye on. Granted, I’m not really expecting anything San’layn related, but we’ll see how things play out. I’m also at max renown with Venthyr and the other covenants, so I can check anything that comes up.

One thing I’ll be doing is keeping an eye on Kael’thas and see what all is done with him. At this point, I feel like not much will be done with him in the grand scheme of things. Chances are he might just stay in the Shadowlands after we’re done, though you never know if something will come up later on. Even if nothing comes from him, at least with San’layn, there are other directions and potential leaders for a Horde San’layn faction to work with.

The other thing I’m doing is working on my Avowed rep casually. They’re another Venthyr rep, and while it has nothing to do with San’layn, seeing as their purpose is to break down pride in souls to get them to redeem and that they’re doing this with Kael’thas, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to work towards exalted with them in case it means anything. There isn’t an achievement for it (mostly it’s just rewards you can buy from a vendor) and it is a bit of a stretch, but then again, the rep needed to unlock Void Elves in BfA had little to do with them. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and thanks to BfA, I’ve worked on a lot of reps in case they lead to something in the future.

If anyone is interested in working on Avowed rep, you can see the guide to them on Wowhead here:

As always, if I see anything of San’layn interest, I’ll be sure to report it here. Especially since we should be coming to a new expansion announcement at some point. :wine_glass::bat:


That avowed thing sounds neat… Maybe I’ll work on that too.

I do hope they add San’layn over venthyr, but I’ll not balk at the venthyr if they do… I’ll be disappointed to lose out on a long existent vampire race…


I have achieved exalted with The Avowed! The grind wasn’t too bad, though it was extremely helpful to have flying and be able to solo all the mobs. The Grand Inquisitor mobs were a bit annoying to solo, moreso Nicu thanks to all the quick spawning spirits nearby, but a few evenings of casual grinding while watching YouTube and I got there.

As I said, I don’t expect much coming from this rep in terms of Kael’thas, but if something comes up, I’ll be able to check it out myself. I try not to leave any stones unturned when it comes to things to look at for different race request megathreads. If something does come up with this rep, I’ll be sure to report my findings.

I suppose in such a case, we could still get San’layn as a customization race. Granted, I haven’t been too thrilled with how customization races have been treated. Wildhammer Dwarves deserve much better than to be tacked onto Bronzebeards without much fanfare or presence in-game.

Granted, I would much prefer San’layn to be their own allied race. Speaking generally, I don’t really like to think in terms of races of similar characteristics of some kind having to compete with each other over becoming playable. It just causes needless kerfuffles among the players and is not fun at all if a race is a “replacement” or “compromise” for another. Ideally, we’d see that character creation screen filled with races people want, and just because some races have a similar characteristic shouldn’t mean one should get in over the other, never letting that other race ever become playable.

As for the covenant races in general, I’ve made my stance on the Shadowlands races known a few times, though as I said before, I would never attack or harass anyone who is a fan of them. I know there have been people interested in them becoming playable, and the last thing I want is to create animosity. It isn’t fun when people talk down the races you want playable.

It remains to be seen whether they will or not become playable, though my own personal opinion is that is it hard to see them become playable for various reasons. We still have a bit more of Shadowlands to go through, and if they become playable, they become playable. I’ll likely make a few characters, honestly, though I really hope we get more character slots per account somehow. I still wouldn’t give up on San’layn of course, and I would still continue to support them. Even if they’d just become a customization race, which isn’t as preferable to a full race with its own slot on the character creation screen.

At this point, I’m moreso wanting to keep positive and support new playable races in general. There are fans of every race in the game, and if it makes someone’s dream to have said race become playable, then it’s a cool thing to see happen. We’ll see what happens as the game continues along, but hopefully we’ll see races people have been wanting and requesting a long time appear on there.

Anyway, whatever does happens, I’ll still continue to support San’layn appearing on the Horde side of that character creation screen the best I can. :wine_glass::bat:


So this likely isn’t a hint of anything to come in the future, but was still interesting enough to share.

Wowhead posted an article reporting on the changes to the official WoW web site’s playable race web pages. They go from changes from the old layout to the new one here:

Nothing much to note about it, though the fact that they’ve changed those pages in general to begin with, for the second time I think, makes me wonder if this could be preemptive planning for whenever we’ll see new playable races in the future. This is just me speculating and hoping, of course, but we’ll see what happens.

If you want to see the new web pages for each of the playable races, you can see it here:

As I said, it’s nothing much other than an interesting thing to note, but there is plenty of room on that web page and on the in-game character creation screen for new races! Maybe we’ll see it get filled with races people want to see playable someday! :wine_glass::bat:


That they can add more races easily (or so we suspect) could be a good sign.

Hope so.


I think the quality and dedication of this thread is enough to warrant San’layn :wine_glass::bat: