San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It has been how many years since this thing has been created? And I am only now just seeing the “Death by Glamour” racial joke.


Yeah that’s fair. I’d love something like a cloud of bats racial mount, but I feel like it’s a lost dream. I do hope if they go that route, they get basline toggle-able fangs, claws, & different eye colors (red and jet black).

And of course, it being unlocked by a night warrior questline.

At least 3 now :rofl: Haha I love the joke


i dont think we’ll ever get official high elves, separate from void elves. that graphic was made before mechagnomes, i think. bit outdated now.

sethrak is horde, everybody knows it, not to mention they have some odd body shapes. remember when i said they wouldnt do ethereals because 100 levels of armor pieces would have to be redesigned to fit them. sethrak and naga have same problem

Quoted for truth regarding the models difficulting the implementation of weirdly shaped races.

It is simple too much effort for something that may not give enough revenue.

i’ll help with that.
you are a high elf, so am i. you’re even more specifically a blood elf, and i, a void elf. relief eh?

That gives me full metal alchemist vibes lol. The homunculi!

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Yeah! Professor Luna is a fleshcrafter in my novel, granted she is using that magic way too early so faces consequences in a following scene. Here is the context to that piece though! (With luna as the narrator)


Personally I saw it more from a Hellsing PoV… Alucard is the one that summons “familiars” to defend in battle.

The Homunculi just shaped their bodies weirdly (well, with the exception of Pride -who had his shadow to achieve the stuff- and Wrath -who was more a human/homunculi hybrid-.

We got this effect too which is SUPER neat.

I can’t share an MP4 here though .-.

I was thinking more of the fleshcrafting process.

Although in that universe it was basically impossible to ressurect someone.
Envy sort of worked light a fleshcrafted beast.

Forgive me if I’m being rude, but shouldn’t it be “worked with the person you’re speaking to?” Something about that sentence bothers me.

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Best manga / anime ever!!! Things DO have a cost and stupid choices even a higher one.

Ed all things considered was very superior to your average “shonen anime hero” trope. The guy GREW UP along the story (at least on the manga and the second anime)… heck, everybody did. That isn´t something you see everyday in your average shonen.

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It’s definitely a great story any one can enjoy.

I think it works either way to be honest! And no need to apologize! I like the way I worded it, but the way you worded it works too.

“Work with” is fair because it implies it’ll not work in general,

“Work to” specifically is talking directly to that person, so “working to the person” means it’s not working directly to them? If that makes sense? I don’t know if it does.

But yeah, I do think either works, and it’s good to point out errors if you see them! I just think grammatically it works either way.

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Ah. It may also come down to how people talk differently from area to area. Glad I didn’t hurt your feelings! I know that as someone who used to write, I’d like it if someone pointed out a mistake I’d made before hand. Your grammar is pretty good, probably better than mine. I just obsess over word choices.

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Nah that’s fine, yeah it might be a regional thing! I am definitely not perfect when it comes to grammar, but no one is. I make a few weird decisions with how I talk at times too. Besides, if someone points out an issue to me, it’s better that I go off and fix it, because I can do so! The book isn’t out until October 9, though I do have a physical copy right now.

I did think “Hospice” was a synonym for “hospital” for the longest time, so there is that. But yeah, you’re always free to correct and I won’t get angry! I might point out why I made my decision, but sometimes I could just be flat out wrong, and that’s okay too! Like I said, better to fix than let lie.


Congratulations on your book. I hope to one day write my own books, but due to mental/physical issues, perfectionism, and procrastination I have yet to. Hopefully, I make it past the threshold between planning and writing. Oh plotting is something I have trouble with, I guess it’s because of executive dysfunction.

Yeah, I’ve made mistakes like that before too. In fact, I often write words with letters swapped or sentences with odd word order.


You got this! It takes me a while due to my ADHD, but I always encourage writing! I wish you the best with your journey and ideas, and am going to sound SUPER cliche, but never give up!


Sometimes clichés are prevalent because they’re true. Thank you.


I wish I could give all your posts more than one like because we are pretty much on the same page about them all. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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