San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I think it’s Blizzard and the, “Rule of Cool,” so the current story never innovates, and, “Epic Do-Over,” so the story also never does anything more than just repeat.


Maybe if they had a game director who’s one trick in the book wasn’t raiding and they’d understand that doing the same thing every expansion wasn’t what most people actually want in a story. :stuck_out_tongue:


Honestly, if we could get dark ranger and San’layn options for blood elves and Nathanos-type undead (whether vampire or not) as Forsaken options I’d be a very happy woman. Sheesh I might even go back to maining undead full-time like I did from vanilla-cata _


So, lessee…

Horde AR, for San’layn.

I’d say it requires at least one less than Exalted with Blood Elves, maybe one above Friendly with Forsaken due to the undead angle? If that idea of mine above about half-undead Forsaken and San’layn were in game, I’d definitely want the Forsaken and San’layn in on it, too.

As for if San’layn could be a basic race, added normally, … Hm…

I’d say it’d depend on level and quest line. The Dreven quest and after would be required, however past that I’d make a quest line that can be found at the requisite level, say unsquished, what, 110 or so? Whatever level Alliance were with the Dreven quest.

And yes, this is for Horde. I’d figure that’s about enough, just maybe some decently high Forsaken and Blood Elf rep, and then go.

Still, building this race certainly seems to be fun for a great many of you, glad to read that in here. Also the mounts ideas are more than just amazing, the bat winged like Pegasus Vilesteed could be all kinds of fun, especially giving it a partially Nightmare style look…


Right, exactly! It’s the lore of the San’layn that has me really loving them. It’s why I made a point that, yeah… I’m going to find one elf race boring versus another that might look similar.

It’s also why I say humans can be boring, but not how they look. I adore the story of vampyr humans, for example, or any of the pirate groups with humans. I ADORE the human lore of how they came from Vry’kul (seriously… they descended from GIANTS who were originally STONE. That’s just rad as heck.) but were too small, exiled and had to survive. That aspect of human lore? So neat. Towns, cities, medieval conflict… I don’t like that sort of thing at all, which is why I say the modern lore is boring to me.

This applies to Blood Elves, who I originally liked because of their struggles. Everyone is like “You’re a barbie you can’t call people boring” or “human with ears”, but ignore the fact that I specifically cite lore. I don’t cite something as boring just based off of looks–even if it really isn’t my cup of tea. San’layn both have the aesthetics AND lore that make me adore them.

I think a good example of a race I find 100% NOT boring and love, but just don’t see myself playing, are Zandalari trolls. I love their lore so much, but just am not a troll person. I do think they look aesthetically pleasing, though. I just… hm. I can’t explain it.

But yeah, it all comes back to lore. I cite venthyr as hating both their lore and looks, so they are a gigantic pass for me (explained this already though many times over so won’t repeat why :stuck_out_tongue: )

The struggle of San’layn is neat. If they were just vampires wasting time at parties all day, I wouldn’t be as interested. But they are highly intelligent tacticians with the potential to seriously help the Horde against the scourge. Or Azeroth in general.

I feel like a fool for having to look this up, lol, I’m not going to lie.

Yes I do like that look a lot, I think it’s an awesome option. For the gargoyles? YES. That’s neat, I love that idea. Has that ever been brought up here? Shame on us if not, big shame.

Oh yes I love this name. Also your mount idea previously, that sounds very unique and fun.

As for mounts, I think we have so many good ideas here, not going to lie. Though I still would love a racial mount where they turn into a bat/a cloud of bats, but I’m not sure if we’d get that. Regardless, it’s cool.

Though, one issue is that allied races don’t have racial flying mounts. Come to think of it… do all core races have them? Blood Elves have the dragonhawks, yeah, humans have gryphons (I think this applies to dwarves too?), Orcs wyverns… hm. Anyway, I would hope they add racial flying mounts to all ARs as well, I will admit.

Yeah as people have pointed out above, I think this would work if we had a neutrality option, or open options for all. It is no secret, at all, that I am not a fan of the faction war. I really, REALLY want neutral guild options. That is a big thing on my wishlist. And it wouldn’t be shattering the faction war either, just giving those of us with the desire to to make the choice.

Now, some might be against these races showing up in major cities. I guess for races already in game it would be an issue with those people, but with what you said, ARs who are on one faction to start but could choose that questline/be neutral would be able to perhaps. Personally? I wouldn’t mind seeing non-Horde races in Horde cities though, but that is just me. I know some are SUPER passionate about not wanting that.

Ugh so much this 1 million times over.

Yep, for sure there. ><

Haha yeah that’s why I started that other thread! I don’t think I shared it on this one though, I’ll toss it in since it’s relevant. I’m a derp and didn’t add it to my megathread index… my own thread… oops…


It was in the beginning of the thread(s). Might have been the first thread.

I think I made a joke about the San’layn hanging upside don like a bat while the Gargoyle carried them by their feet.

It was also brought up as a hunter pet idea.


So, just for sake of consensus, is the name Vilesteed good for a hybrid undead or half-undead part living bat winged pegasus style Nightmare? I’d say red flames for “hair,” like that blue horse with Arthas above, and then purple short fur for the rest, and a black transition line, maybe a shadow-like touch to it if done right?

Basically the flames emit from black mane and fur, the rest of the horse/Nightmare is purple or some shade of it, possible options for some dark grey or off purple patches as some horses do have them. Wings can be purple and black wings, or a dark sheen of blood red or another deep red. Can be ridden normally and fly with flight training…?


Another point to mention here is that San’layn were said to be among Kael’thas’ greatest followers.

I imagine in life, they were some of the elite of Silvermoon. This considering they followed Kael’thas and helped to take on the Lich King of all people. It must mean that they were fairly formidable in more ways than one.

So if they were to join the Horde, you have a lot of soldiers that are capable of quite a bit. Not just in combat, but things like stealth and spy missions, especially with a bat form, would always be useful. They have a lot to offer the Horde, and the Horde can have a lot to offer them in return with giving them a home and reconnecting with Silvermoon.

Not to mention with them being vampiric, it likely has enhanced their capabilities with physical strength and certain blood magic related features. There are quite a bit of potential here. :wine_glass::bat:



Wasn’t one of the first four bosses, the Blood Elf Female in there, supposedly San’layn?

Edit: Icecrown Citadel raid.

Blood Queen Lana’thel is a San’layn, was the leader of the San’layn during WotLK, and was formerly one of Kael’thas followers:

We run into her soul in Shadowlands, though we can’t really do anything with it. I covered it in this post:

I’d be curious to learn more about her life before she became a San’layn, as well as her meeting Kael’thas in the Shadowlands seeing as his followers became San’layn as they followed him into battle.

Not really sure what to expect in the future, whether she’ll play a part or not. It is a possibility our of several possibilities for San’layn storylines, though. :wine_glass::bat:


Still here, still waving my arms and screaming for San’layn.


Yeah I think this is a great idea, very creative too. I like the visuals as well. I might modify the red ‘flames’ and maybe even do blood effects? Like a flowing blood mane that’s liquid but in a floaty-fashion? I can’t give any good examples of this off the top of my head, but hopefully people will get what I mean.

Oh yes, this is very important for sure. IT’s why I’m still sad there’s no mention of the San’layn at all with KAel’thas being a thing now, but who knows, it could come in the future! It’s a very important part of San’layn lore, though, regardless.

And ah yes, Lana’thel. My favorite WoW character. Sadly just a boss, though with a cool plotline, but I wish we saw more of her.


I’d like to see undead lynxes for the San’layn ground mount. Fiery eyed, midnight colored Lynxes with rotting patches of flesh exposing bone, monstrous fangs, torn ears, and flaming/bloody manes.


I support this


Bumping this thread cause Hordies deserve their undead / zombie elves one way or another.

And two fronts will increase on the odds so… either as an AR or a customization, this should happen.

Nah, San´layn should -just like Worgen- transform into a huge Bat cloud, that´s a classic as far as Vampire themes are concerned. Nothing better for a “mount” -or at least one of the flying types-.

Still waitingh for a yellow colored Hawkstrider, i mean I think they can manage a way to “hide” the obvious ripoff.


The would still need to make a secondary mount like they did for Worgen for mount collectors.


Hmmm… on that case I think I´d personally vouch for a Gargoyle. Seems unique enough -though the trick would be on the design of the Gargoyle.

BRB consulting Baal about Balkanic folklore that could be of help.

Also: Fallyn, how about adding a customization toggle option to have drops of blood falling from the claws on the hands? Similar to the old poison effect rogues used to have ( :sob: :sob: :sob: yes, I miss it SO freaking much, why did the devs removed it I´ll never understand).


Gods I really hope this is a thing someday, it’s something I want above all (well aside from the obvious aesthetics I’ve mentioned) for the San’layn. It just fits so well.

Yeah gargoyles are a great choice, I agree entirely. I just wonder if they’d “No-go” it since all AR mounts are land mounts. Though ‘gargoyle with tattered wings’ could work…

…but then you look at skeletal drakes with literal bones for wings and I suppose ‘tattered wings’ would be silly not to fly in WoW universe too. It’s a debacle I’m trying to think through and can’t sollve unless everyone gets flying mounts as well.

That sounds awesome as all hell! I love it. I didn’t think of that, that’s a super cool suggestion. I wish ‘aesthetic racials’ were more of a thing, to be honest. And yeah, I think I know what you mean? I joined in Cata and could have sworn I remember rogues having that at one point? But anyway it is sad that it’s now gone.


Cues cinematic involving San´layn acting like the bats in that infamous scene of “Batrman Begins”.

A racial that cause lose of control (maybe a fear?) while they look like a clud of bats… nice.

Well, maybe we should push Fen to make that infamous “flying racial” mounts thread. And go wild while at it.

Now in regards to Gargoyles I don´t think the wings would be an issue, maybe a desing that has the “wings” built from blood or something (so while they are in the ground they don´t look so obvious). Think the Pegasus that came with the Hearthstone game (happened in MoP if my memory is right. Wingless in the ground but when he flies the wings appear as an arcane magic effect).

Yup, used to exist in WotLK and in Cata. I´m still mourning it´s loss, it was one of the only unique things rogue-wise (when people comes to suggest “class customizations” I confess I go blank regarding rogues apart from this old visual effect).

Feel free to add the blood dripping effect to the OP ^^.


I just wanna say…

Keep it up.

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