The thing is, Classic existing just makes it easier for Blizz to make the Vanilla world accessible in the modern game. Then all of the removed Vanilla stuff would be obtainable again, and Blizz could stop “trying to figure out how to add it” (which is just a bad excuse to not add it, let’s be real).
I’ve had that thought as well. It does seem like it’d make it easier to add it back in.
A lot of it could be just slapped on existing Cata quests, some of which they used to actually be on before they were replaced by Cata models. The way the Wardrobe works with quest rewards would make this a non issue, as they wouldn’t need to readd the item, just put the style as a reward from the quest.
It would be beyond easy for them to do as is.
But if they did add a Vanilla Chromie Time, then we’d for sure get all of it back, and they’d have no excuse to dodge it. Plus, it would be fun to be able to explore the Vanilla world on modern characters.
Very true! In fact, the Temple of En’kila was a chokepoint area, and a strategic strong area for the scourge. It is also the highest concentration of San’layn, possibly even beyond ICC. Not sure which was more concentrated, but I proposed way back that it could be the ‘base’ of sorts for San’layn should they ever become an Allied Race.
Yeah that one, I thought it actually sounded cool, so of course it wasn’t reality and they had to go with a much less interesting concept (to me personally).
Shoutout to Saurok, totally game for this idea. And the idea in general. Playable Saurok and playable San’layn are my dreams (along with housing and neutral guilds).
My favorite quests are in the Plaguelands (Fiona specifically) so it still makes me kinda sad that it’s not a thing. Plus it is SO ANNOYING how the worst content (WoD) is the fastest. I want to return and do Wrath stuff but nope, it’s the longest way of doing things. And yes, before someone says “But Falls you can still do what you want”, it’s still content I’ve gone through TONS of times, but at least I like the setting in that case better. I still want to level quickly because there’s legit nothing new that I don’t already know which apparently escapes people.
It could definitely work as an allied race hub for San’layn, with that and the above Necropolis.
Part of me does wonder if with the Lich King’s helm being destroyed, if that would help the San’layn gain free will back. You’d think that would’ve happened with Bolvar becoming the Lich King, but maybe it’s a bit more complicated than that. Still, I’d like to think by now that the San’layn would’ve regained their free will by now.
Lots to think about with this line of thinking!
Hopefully some Horde friendly Saurok!
Saurok, Ogres, and San’layn make up my “Horde Triforce of Hope!™” and them being playable on the Horde would be a dream come true for me!
Courage! (Saurok)
Wisdom! (San’layn)
Power! (Ogres)
Other races would be icing on the cake, of course.
Imagine that Zelda game.
Link is a Saurok.
Zelda a San’layn.
Ganondorf an Ogre.
All the enemy monsters are based on humans.
Well, I wouldn’t want Ogres to be evil. I’d want them to be good and all for being part of the campaign to join the Horde. Maybe they’d be more akin to Gorons instead.
I imagine San’layn using dark magic and such also, as opposed to light related magic that Zelda can utilize. Maybe something similar to what Hilda from Link Between Worlds would likely utilize.
The Gerudos aren’t evil in general.
(did I get their name right?)
It’d be more of a flipping the races around deal.
Ogres definetly also are not all “evil”.
Yup! You got it right.
Besides San’layn/Undead Elves, I’d love to have a race of cat people in either the style of Tigons (cat version of worgen for trolls), or Saberon. I guess I’d be down for small cute and fierce cat people similar to the vulpera.
So I’m a big derp and didn’t know these existed. Like I kinda knew but it never quite… clicked? At all? That this was comparative to worgen.
This is bloody awesome, I would 100% support the addition of these. People have been asking for a worgen-like race on the Horde forever, these would legit be perfect. Plus, people do enjoy trolls, so… I dunno, I feel like it could be a thing. I still find it kinda sad that they removed claws of shirvalla… that was so super bloody cool.
Perhaps they did so to add something like that, but I doubt it. Fun detected -.-
It mentions that the name “Tigon” is taken from the game files, but it’s kind of odd that they would have named them that internally, as tigons are a real thing.
In real life a tigon is the offspring of a tiger and a lion.
Specifically a male tiger and female lion.
The opposite is a liger, from a female tiger and male lion.
This would be clawesome!
Eh, I’d rather they use one of the existing cat races. I’m kind of sick of new stuff by this point.
If we’re going to get a playable cat men race, I personally lean towards Saberon. Mostly because they’re a society and are naturally cat men. Some escaped to Azeroth and they come in all sorts of different fur designs, so I’d like to see them get more love, expanded lore, and become playable. This is just my own personal preference, of course.
I recall among the several “leaks” of allied races before, one of them was a Horde race of cursed cat/boar Trolls, which has me wonder if they might’ve been related to the Tigons. This is assuming that it was true and they were considered.
At any rate, I would love to see cat men of some kind as a playable race. Would love to remake my Vah Shir and Kerran character from Everquest 1 and 2.
The cool thing about potential races in WoW is that there are several possibilities that would just add a lot of flavor to the character creation screen. San’layn, Saurok, Sethrak, Saberon, Kelfin, Ogres, and many more. A lot of them being very much requested and just adding more variety to the game in general. It’s a reason I try to support races people want in general, as I know they would make some dreams come true and make people really happy, like with the Vulpera and Mecha Gnome megathreads.
And as I keep saying, we have plenty of room on that character creation screen for these races to get on and get some love and development.
The map leak was pretty cool looking too.
Yeah, it was in reply to Bagzak, so had to
I would not be opposed to using some of the venthyr castle assets in the construction of a San’layn hub area. If Kael’thas gets worked into it somehow, just have some dredgers sent along to help. I think Deathholme would be a cool spot to build in, but that temple would be cool too, fixer upper add some cool structures and buildings.
I’d think it’d have been like the Death Knights…Bolvar allowed them their free will, but they knew he could dominate them if he saw fit. It’s why they were organizing to destroy him when he started acting odd before Sylvanas showed up. Now without the helm, it’s total free will.
Pretty interesting…I still think a manasaber version that nightborne could turn into would be kinda cool I still want me some Night elven worgen as well.
It says that on the page as well =D
San’layn and Naga! Would be nice to see a return of some races like that.
For sure, I’d play both quite eagerly. Would quite like to make some sort of heavy armored naga to smash stuff.
If there was a racial flying mount that was the mist/cloud of bats…what about another racial feature being able to use it as a slow fall…maybe a double jump style that changes and lets you glide like a demon hunter?
Demon hunters might consider it stepping on toes, but maybe let them use their wings as a flying mount option as well similar to how the Kyrian “mount” and fly off.
Imagine that pairing. Naga for the Alliance, San’layn for the Horde. Would be super interesting! Especially if the vampyr got more bat-like features as options too.
I’d love this. A castable mount like worgen could work too, even if the San’layn was grounded for like a cloud of bats or mist thing in order to be fair. A glide could make it more fair, yeah, when compared to worgen. Though a racial flying mount doesn’t seem too crazy to me. Maybe the Alliance could get an equivalent.
Did more art! This is my San’layn bard, Rexton. As you can see, he has ripped bat-like ears. And is very fancy.
I had to also get a quick separate piece of his mage familiar (which is the astral rabbit pet in game x3 With a bit more flair).
Note to those new to the thread: I’m a beginner artist so am still learning a lot!
I’d think grounded until you unlock flying then free to fly as well.
I was thinking the glide could just be an additional perk.
I think all flying mounts should have a built in glide or at least a damage reduction on falling.
Compared to worgen, I’d expect the flying mount/bat swarm mode to be an outdoor only thing, where maybe the slow fall/glide version wouldn’t necessarily have to be, same as how it works on demon hunters.
I still wish there was an option to keep your wings exposed as a demon hunter if you wanted…letting them be used as a flying mount would be pretty neat as well.