San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah I definitely never forget to press the button to switch from my PvP trinkets to my PvE trinkets which includes my “badbadbadbad” life saver trinkets.

Who could possibly do that?

Also, pls let us transmog the Love is in the Air gas mask, bonus points if it’s not just for clothies.

And holiday clothing year round I love the Brewfest clothing


Remembering when the chefs hat was an item.


Soon to be one of the cool kids, aaaaaaaw yeah.

Also I’m aware of a certain type of information going around about tomorrow (I’m not saying the word, I don’t know if threads get locked because of it.)

Gonna say big, big, BIG meh, if that’s all, well then I’ll be extremely disappointed.

Can’t lie that this sunglasses news, as small as it is to most, is huge for me though.


Honestly can’t wait to see you in your sunglasses again. lol


Yeah… there wasn’t even anything remotely interesting shown. At all. Like I was surprised at just how lacking in enthusiasm I was for pretty much anything announced. The sunglasses being mogable was far more exciting to me than anything they showed, going to be honest. No new customization, once more just focusing on raiding content (that looks just… lackluster and dull)… nothing even remotely interesting when it comes to the story.

Personally, not a fan. I’m starting to grow tired of giving suggestions here, like night warrior questline stuff to unlock San’layn or an allied race. It’s abundantly clear that they’re not going to listen to our suggestions and just… keep going with this uninteresting nonsense (again, to me personally).


The hopeful part of me wants to say that since the amount of information we got was next to nothing and the fact that the entire thing was in powerpoint not to mention how much they padded the deepdive… that patch 9.1 is months away. So there still might be hope for customization in 9.1 at least.

But the bitter cynical part of me says that instead of granting the customization you and I want and any of the other requests, they’re going to ignore them instead. There are so many little things that would make me like Shadowlands a salt grain more such as an update on the Scourge situation, the Dark Ranger Questline, San’layn helping out against the Scourge even in the background and seeing a Dark Ranger in current content.

Yes, I’m obsessed but it’s because they refuse to answer one way or another if Dark Ranger/San’layn customization will ever be made available. Even a no would be better than keeping me in limbo waiting for an answer.


I honestly wasn’t expecting a whole lot other than flying, myself. At least for flying, it sounds like it just requires renown, though that could always change. I’m hoping it’ll be account wide and not on a per-character basis.

Speaking only for myself, I’ll be more excited once we’re out of the Shadowlands. As I said before, take the setting out of the afterlife and have it elsewhere on Azeroth, and I’d be enjoying it much more. At this point, we may see the next expansion announced at the next Blizzcon along with the final patch for Shadowlands, which I assume could be the next patch. Honestly, I’m looking more forward to what comes after Shadowlands than what comes within it.

As was announced, Sylvanas was stated to be the final boss of the upcoming raid. I’ll be keeping an eye out for info on the raid to see what sort of mooks and jobbers will be there. Hopefully, there won’t be San’layn fighting for her there. I’d rather they help us instead and join the Horde, where they would get treated much better. Kael’thas will likely be involved with the raid also, since Kel’thuzad will be there, so I’ll keep an eye out on what they do with him also.

In terms of San’layn, as I said before, having no news might be a blessing as opposed to seeing them appear as enemies, as Horde-friendly San’layn can still appear in the future in some fashion. We’ll see what happens in the Shadowlands storyline, of course, but even if they don’t show up at all, it doesn’t mean we won’t ever see them appear again.

Regardless, I still plan to help support playable Horde San’layn as best as I can. :bat:


Gods flying better be account bound or I might just flat out stop playing regardless.


I was expecting little and am still disappointed.


Yeah, me too. I actually laughed when they played the cinematic again. So obvious they have nothing to show except the basic concept of the patch.


It was also disheartening to see that the TBC Classic panel was longer than the Shadowlands one. TBC Classic panel at least took the time to elaborate on some questions people likely had on how things would be handled after a session of “the good ole days!” talk. Shadowlands info was more or less given after the halfway point of the panel.

Not really sure what to think, there. x- x


In “fairness” TBCC is a whole expansion, as opposed to a single patch cycle.

Also since we’re starting off with a .5 Patch and the previous interview somewhere about the designers not wanting to burn through their own storyline too fast points at Zuldazar and G’huun, this feels like it’s gonna be a slow burn and buildup.


oh oh oh did you see the Night Fae mount?


Burn the witch! She replied twice in a row. Dark Magic I say!



That’s my big concern. Nothing in the patch looks like content people have asked for. It’s just a continuation of…well…shadowlands. I’ve seen many people want to return to the scourge storyline, for example. They didn’t address that at all, and yeah, they hardcore padded it. The first 15 minutes was nothing at all, and they even replayed the cinematic. It was completely bare bones. The mounts and pets of the new zone just look like argus stuff 2.0, to be honest. The aesthetic is kinda lost on me… not my thing. At least with Argus, it had a demonic theme. This time… ech (personal opinion).

Agreed. They know if they give a flat out ‘no’, people will stop playing, though. Why they can’t just add in a short questline and give red eyes for elves for Dark Rangers, and then claws (you know… that demon hunters have) & fangs (you know… that night elves have) for toggleable stuff, I don’t know. Unless they’re saving that sort of thing for something bigger and more interesting, but I highly, highly doubt it. I just constantly wonder now if there even is a point to continuing the thread. I’ve been going for years without any word, giving so many ideas, others have given ideas…

I’m not going to give up yet, but gods I won’t prevent myself from mentioning how frustrating it all is. Like the vampirates questline in legion–it was a tiny tidbit, but it meant a lot. There’s tiny tidbits everywhere, I don’t understand why they can’t just throw us a bone. I’m not even asking for an allied race anymore though I would greatly prefer it.

Not only would this disappoint me, but it would make certain people flood this thread and be incredibly toxic. I hope that does not happen.

Yeah. And I have no interest in Classic. I collect & roleplay. I move forward, not reman stagnant. Something like that, to me, is useless. Which apparently is offensive to some people. But I’m allowed to have my opinions and not like things, for gods’ sakes. If people can’t handle my opinon on whether or not I want to play a video game, they need to take a step back and think. Long and hard. About why someone else’s lack of interest to a game offends them so much.

The best patch added to the game ever because of sunglasses, of course :sunglasses:

Yes–that did make me pretty happy. I love the design so much. I’m really hoping the flying goes something like this:
-Requirements to unlock is renown 40 on one character, and you unlock it for your entire account
-The mount is an achievement–hitting renown 40 on your covenant, then anyone on your account in that covenant can use it

^I think that would be the best way to go.

My rogue is night fae and working on catchup; but yeah, the night fae mount is by far my favorite, and I can’t wait to see it in game. I adore that design so much, quite like the Vulpines. Though they did say that design was a wolf, I thought it looked more like a fox!


I hope not either. We don’t know if Sylvanas took any of her minions with her to the Shadowlands, which it seemed to be random banshees and other undead mooks. I imagine a lot of San’layn wouldn’t be happy with her treatment of Dreven, since she likely viewed him and San’layn in general as expendable, and it would be hard for me to imagine them sticking with her solely because of “ghouls before fools.” Assuming any others were following her for…reasons.

Even if we do see some as her followers in that raid, as I said before, it isn’t like there wouldn’t be other San’layn covens elsewhere to work with who would be more Horde-friendly. It wouldn’t disqualify San’layn from ever becoming playable at all, either.

I’ll hope for the best and see what that raid brings us when we get more info on it. As I said, I hope there aren’t any San’layn as her minions there. They could be much more than just angry loot pinatas and jobbers.

I would much prefer them being their own race slot as well. I don’t trust handling of any customization races at the moment given how Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls have been treated (the later of which still has no official info of why Sand Trolls are a part of the Horde now). I feel like San’layn as a customization race would just be a damp squib with a bitter taste left in the mouths of others. I’m sure others would be happy, but I honestly wouldn’t.

Admittingly, it can get very frustrating at times in general. I’ve mentioned before how I’ve waited since Burning Crusade to get playable Horde Ogres, only to have them get abandoned and forgotten. Sometimes, it can get very hard to get motivated to continue working on my megathreads, especially seeing the direction the game goes during expansions.

Still, I feel like it’s important to keep trying in some fashion. It’s hard to know if it has any effect, but at least it’s something in the grand scheme of things. I do think come next expansion, assuming we’re back on Azeroth (and hopefully we will be), I’ll feel a lot better myself and feel more inspired.

I found it odd how during the Shadowlands panel, there was an emphasis on the forums. “We collect feedback on the forums! Be sure to leave feedback on the forums!” I have no idea if this was just PR speak, and if they do take feedback how they do it and how meaningful it is, but it was interesting to see that mentioned as I don’t think they ever put emphasis on the forums much before in presentations.

Well anyway, as I stated before, I’m in it for the long haul for the races I want playable. It may not be a guarantee to see them playable, but I’m still planning to stand with y’all in supporting playable Horde San’layn as best as I can. I’ll also continue to march for Ogres and Saurok in the Horde, of course. Someone needs to show them some love, and I think I’m the Darkspear Troll to do it.

There is also that QnA tomorrow, though we’ll see if anything of interest comes of it. I’ll also continue to hope for the best as the game progresses in the expansion and beyond, and will keep an eye out for anything of interest to report as we get closer to the next major patch. :bat:


I look forward to the new content but at the same time I’m disappointed that there was pretty much nothing at all on customization for anything. Nothing about allied races. Nothing about new customizations for any race at all, especially with that being a big feature of the expansion.

Flying is nice but not something I’m all excited about. I don’t really miss it much when I can’t fly.

It’ll be interesting seeing the new area and Torghast stuff.

I feel like they’d get a lot of good feedback if they actually did something with the forum feedback they ask for and are getting. There’s been tons of great ideas for things players would like to see and then when an event comes up where things like that are mentioned…nothing. :-/


Well, I didn’t want to but I’m going on subscription strike.

Not waiting months in the current environment just to see them do this again in 9.2


Didn’t want to steal without giving credit to Bagzak.

Gonna say, I’m tired of the “yeah give suggestions” thing they have, and then being ignored and having them add no suggestions. I think I might take a break from the forums. Not sure yet. Only reason I play now is for my guild. I don’t want to abandon it. But the game sincerely isn’t fun anymore. Nothing to do for RP, no new customizations. It just… is so tiresome. sigh