San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

So on Wowpedia, it is mentioned that the Venthyr are harmed by light, which can cause some bad side effects. The specific of those effects I’ll put behind a spoiler tag to be on the safe side:

Why Venthyr won't be sunbathing anytime soon

“If a venthyr is exposed to the Light for too long, they become an ash ghoul. The only remedy is to find a dark spot, and to consume the anima that venthyr extract, referred to as liquid shadows. It is noted to taste bad to the dredgers.”

In terms of sunlight, I recall San’layn not really being affected by it. When you fight Prince Valanar, if I recall correctly, at the end of the Alliance Borean Tundra questline, it can be sunny outside and he seems unaffected by it. Most of the other areas involving the San’layn either are dark (Ice Crown Citadel and Nazmir) or they’re indoors. Doesn’t seem like they get too hampered by it, however.

If Venthyr have a problem with light, I assume the same would apply if they came to the living world and went under sunlight. Maybe they’ll invent some really innovative sunscreen or something, who knows? Still, that combined with the idea that they deal with specific souls that come into the afterlife make it a bit more weird to consider them as a playable race candidate, IMO.

I did read some talk on the forums of how Venthyr, as well as other covenants, operate similar to Kyrians in that they assimilate some of the dead that arrive their into their covenant and turn them into one of their own (much like how Kyrians turn anyone into blue humans). I actually have found time to go through Shadowlands, so I was going to see if any of this was mentioned in the game when I reach the Venthyr area.

Assuming it is true, then we have more issues like I mentioned with the Kyrians a post ago with covenant races becoming playable. It becomes harder for me to imagine the covenant races ever becoming playable the more I learn about them.

I’ll again stress that what I typed above is my own personal opinion and things can happen as we continue in Shadowlands.


Yeah so the light thing with Venthyr is an anomaly ever since I saw an interview with Blizzard answering a particular question. I’ll dig around for it soon (just waking up now), but essentially it confirms that the light burning the Venthyr? It’s holy light.

So it’s… strange. Because we know that the undead are harmed by holy light too. It makes me wonder: “During the part where we’re helping Theotar, if we’re on a forsaken or Death Knight, are we in pain as well? What about during the quest where we have to stand directly into the light?”

So, we know via the lore that light doesn’t explicitly kill the undead unless used for that purpose–but it does burn them. Badly. Feeling-wise, not damage wise, again unless intentional.

With the Venthyr, they seem turned up all the way to light sensitivity, which is interesting. They might take more damage from holy, maybe?

San’layn and DK aren’t affected by sunlight, and at this point, I don’t know if Venthyr are either. It’s quite the mystery since the light in there is “holy” and not “sun”. Big “hm”.

I enjoyed Theotar a bit, even if I don’t prefer Venthyr. Reminds me a lot of Malkavians from “Vampire the Masquerade”, which I think is what they were going for.


Fallynn…don’t want to spoil you, but I did all of the zones’ storylines. The last chapter of Revendreth has you adjust mirrors that are reflecting light, and the protagonists shine the light on the Venthyr near Castle Nathria, and like any other Vampire, especially in the Underworld movies, then burn and turn into a pile of ash!

Yeah I’ve gone through all of the storyline, it’s holy light according to one of the interviews (still looking for it, but I distinctly remember reading it.) Holy light burns the undead, but not to that high of a degree unless it’s intentionally being used that way (otherwise it’d be mentioned that DK & Forsaken are taking damage).


Question is…where would the Venthyr have access to Holy Light, in all of Revendreth?

There was a war against the Light at some point according to Maldraxxus.

So it might be some kind of scar or old battlefield that they just use for punishment.

Like making people walk through a minefield.


The light that they’re being burned by IS Holy light. I’m still researching where I saw it in the interview but it seems virtually impossible to find specific old interview questions.

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I didn’t say that it wasn’t Holy Light. I merely ASKED where the Venthyr would have access to it? Maybe from the Ember Ward? That is filled with Holy Light! That’s where! Question answered. Because that’s where the mirrors are getting the light from, that burned the Castle Nathria Venthyr, thus turning into a pile of ash.

For reference’s sake. Remember the vampiress in one of the Underworld movies, who was chained to a stone pillar, and her father had the light shine down on her, burning her and turning her into a pile of ash? Was that Holy Light in those movies? I doubt it - mere sunlight.

^ This right here is where they have access to the light, pretty much. I also did a world quest where some void creatures attacked Kyrians, so other cosmic powers are messing with the Shadowlands even as we speak.


I did this one with my voidwalker out ironically.

And god I hated that one.


Yeah I have to agree, it was really annoying >< Like I think people could steal the portals, you could be interrupted by mobs while casting, etc.

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The light is attacking the Shadowlands. I have done Loremaster of Shadowlands (sadly one of the requirements is bugged so I may have to redo the Revendrenth part on an alt : /). We see that Revendreth has been attacked by the light for something they did before. I am unsure what that is, I found no in-game references for what they did, but I would assume it has something to do with Sire Denathrius who is now the villain. And may have helped Zovaal in the past before he got Jailed.

We also see in Bastion that the Kyrian faced of attacks from the Void. Both of those forces wanted to get into the Shadowlands. We know the light can choose to heal or damage a person based on the intent of the user, so I would like to know which entity is currently waging war on Revendreth.

I think that is more for foreshadowing for a future expansion/content based on a war with the void and light. In Ardenweald we are exposed to the forces of life as well, and have to consider who is the Winterqueen’s sister.

I have seen Venthyr in Oribos, I will keep an eye in the future if we see them in other zones like Bastion which I think has sunlight, or some sort of illumination in the sky.

I would be interested if the Venthyr had angered An’she who is Elune’s brother, that would be funny. As An’she represents the sun.


Yes, and when closing the portals they could bug and summon 3-4 mobs with 50k health ontop of you that would mind blast you and zap your healthbar into non-existance.


I have to say that there are a couple things I am really enjoying in Shadowlands.

  1. The return of old characters with Draka and Zuljin being the tops for me so far. Hope they add in some lore/story with those characters in future patches.
  2. The fact that our covenants lets us go out and help the other covenants. Nice to see that we get to help you lesser covenants out. :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. Torghast isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Glad they got rid of the timer. I like the skills I get in there also. I only did it once but I plan on going back till I get that Maw mount. I hate running in the Maw. Hoping to see some special, and maybe even secret, characters in there in the future.
  4. I actually like the soulbinds. Far better imo then Azerite traits because I actually can pick what I want for most of them and not handed ones I hate.
  5. New cosmetic head pieces. Would love for them to add in more cosmetic items for other armor pieces but it’s a start. I like the drust most of all and then the masquerade.
    ` Six Fun Cosmetic Helms NOT Restricted to Covenants In Shadowlands - And How to To Get Them - Wowhead News

To each their own.


This is clickable, I think you have TL3.

Also I didn’t know he was back, best bring back ever.


I enjoy those parts too! (1) is super neat. I’m excited to see Kael’s return. Zuljin I kinda hope he gets better? I dunno. I don’t think he’ll ever get over his hatred for Blood Elves but I can’t really blame him (even though I love elves). Draka I really enjoy in the Shadowlands–particularly her “We protect the weak” line I recall her saying. She has a different (and in my opinion stronger) mentality than most in Shadowlands.

Hahaha true, and the rewards are great too if you like gold.

Been so busy so have not dipped in. I haven’t tried it yet extensively, but yeah my goal will be the mount as well. I wonder if they’ll add more rewards in the future!

Yeah I LOVE that they’re adding more cosmetic craftable, I hope they continue. It’s good for the economy and those that are mog collectors. I’ll be able to make the Candle on my alchemist soon :stuck_out_tongue: I just need to stop being lazy and get the rubies for the recipie.

Also grats on TL3!

Edit: also I’ve been going for and it seems like, most likely, it’s once a day chance per boss. I farmed for HOURS on some toons and saw nothing, but have not seen comments where someone gets it after such, only in the beginning of killing bosses. Though reading into it more, some say you can get it after farming a while? I dunno anymore x.x


I just checked, and Warsnarl has Trust Level 2. If you want to know how to check your Trust Level, this is one way:

Keep at it, and you’ll be at Trust Level 3! :smiley:


Thanks everyone, even if it isn’t true, lol.

I have no intentions of getting TL3. Too much work and the community manager and I don’t see eye to eye. Too many bans over very stupid stuff that should’ve been caught imo. No thank you and good day. :wave:


So I came across video from the beta that shows off dealing with Kael’thas as part of the Venthyr covenant campaign, which I don’t believe is in the game yet. Most of it isn’t voice acted, but some of it is.

Note that the video does contain spoilers and is also from when it was in beta:

Figured I’d share it in case someone notices anything of interest. I’ll keep an eye out for any videos of this when it hits live servers eventually. :bat:


I’m kinda wondering if this is intentional as a plot point/reference.
It does have me a bit curious.

I’ve not gotten to Revendreth yet. Looking forward to it though. I think it’ll be a bit yet, as I’m just finishing up Maldraxxus.