San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

But if more sets were class exclusive, I wouldn’t be able to have tattoos on my velf rogue. :cry:

I liked the system in Legion, where they made armor sets for each class, but you could get a non-restricted version from Emerald Nightmare.

Here’s her current mog, but in SL for the new skin. She’s rocking a Monk chest and DH legs, but I find the look quite Ranger-ish.

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Warsnarl here. This is my alt that I finally did some PvP on to get his final transmog weapon. That was brutal cause this guy sucks at PvP and the reward didn’t have the weapon I wanted so had to do it ALL over again with my DK in order to get the pummeler, ugh.

Anyway, I hope that they are not allowed in PvP outside of SL if they are not allowed in PvE content outside SL. I haven’t PvP’d, until recently, since 2011 but I’d think that would be rather unfair. I don’t find most if not all classes fun anymore so don’t even touch PvP. Had to though because next week the transmogs might go away and I NEEDED that transmog for my shaman.

I don’t like zone or level restricted transmogs tbh. What harm will it do if I use max level transmogs on my level one? They need to remove that crap. I think in the future they’ll remove the zone restriction but I’m more interested in having the level restriction removed.

Sad thing is that if players are enjoying something in WoW it gets nerfed or removed. So much so that there is a meme “Fun detected” I always see when that happens. I for one play games for fun so if Blizz is going to continue to remove the fun I might be on my last leg in Shadowlands.

Fun in games > then anything else in games.

To each their own.


In SLs you can transmog any pre-SLs gear at level one I believe, if not one then ten. Thank the heavens, the more I can get into a character the easier and more fun it is to level.

By the way, you have a great guild name and class/race choice.


Yea, I think they said 10 for most stuff not Classic or TBC. And I think Legion and BFA might be higher but can’t remember. I’ll try to find the link.

The guild name, class/race and transmog are all part of the theme. I theme toons. Thanks.


FREEDOM! Glorious temporary freedom! My class is finished and I should have an A! \ ^ o ^ /

Since I have some time before my next class starts (Business Finance…oooo, scary!), I’m going to continue to work on getting that new Ogre megathread up now that I can focus on it. Got some work done currently, but you know how it goes…responsible adult means less time for fun stuff.

I’ve been trying to get excited for Shadowlands, but it keeps becoming hard to do so. Especially since I’m trying to go in with an open mind before I judge anything.

On the bright side, character customizations should be coming with the prepatch, if I understood it correctly. I’ve been wanting to apply some customization options on a few of my alts, so that at least will be fun. :smiley:


This made me lol. A few? Every one of my toons is getting some customization work done ESPECIALLY my corrupted orcs.

First will be my Mag’har orcs, followed by corrupted orcs, then forsaken for my Elvira look alike and finally Darkspear trolls. I do have a BE male so I will have to add the beard to him.

And since just about everything can be changed individually I will have to fine tune all 40+ toons. From eye color, hair color, hair style, nose, ears, facial hair, piercings, tats, body paint, etc… The very first day will probably be nothing but changes to my lineup. Then I want to experience the new leveling and unlock those transmogs especially the axe and Horde insignia shield.


Happy for you guys! Unfortunately I won’t be using any of the new stuff, I am not a fan at all of what blood elves got and think the jewelry looks terrible. I will be getting some cloud serpents though and maybe messing with mogs.


Not even going to change your ear size? The shorter two ears look more vampire like to me then those huge default ones.

I’d also add the opaque green eyes where you can see the pupils and the silver hoops. Just wish they’d give an option to get rid of those wickedly long eyebrows. Bugs that heck out of me that they poke out of helms.

EDITED: I noticed you have the Arcanite Ripper. You wouldn’t happen to have the Necromedes, the Death Resonator? I so want that.


I’m going to use the blue eyes (just for the lulz of it) but they aren’t my desired eye color…

RED would be nice



Eh, maybe, but that has to be one of the least exciting changes to me. Most of the art I have of this character has her regular ears anyway. And yeah, I HATE the eyebrows so much. That would have been nice to pick normal ones. As for the eye colors… Bleh. Not interested in that or the boring ear jewelry either, there isn’t any variety and I’m not going to put in the effort or gold to change to something so lackluster on multiple toons. (Which isn’t different in the slightest from what I have already)

Yeah I have Necromedes as well as a transmog! It’s what I used before the Ripper. However, Falls now uses this one, I got it on the BMAH and was very lucky!


Awesome! That’s the only transmog I’ve wanted for a long time. It is what Invincible is for mounts to me. Still don’t have that stupid mount either after something like 250+ tries.


Hey remember what I complained about before?

They changed it based on feedback! Glad they listened!

(Maybe that means they’re looking at other things too… liiiike customization or Allied races feedback ;o)


If only it was this easy to drag Ion out of hiding for aesthetic sandbox requests.


I once bid 2 million gold on the Arcanite Ripper, and was outbid.

Then, the next day it came up on another server I had gold on.

So after failing to get it for 2 mil, I ended up getting it for…


I consider myself very lucky for being outbid haha.


Just popping in to once again show some support for the San’layn! :bat:

How have we had playable Werewolves for all these years now, yet still don’t have a playable Vampire counterpart? Come on, Blizzard.


I guess they probably think it doesn’t have enough variety or something who knows, blizz is really stingy about adding races that look similar to others for some reason.

Red and Orange!


I’m almost the same. I’ll definitely be using some of the new stuff, but the main thing I wanted (pre-existing assets btw) isn’t coming. Some of my characters will look a little different, but pretty much the same. Zuro gets a scar of the eyepatch eye and his right tusk broken, and some greenish-grey hair, which is something some people would kill for, but it’s pretty small, and that’s my most changed character.

The only real changes I see coming are for alts I’m making in SLs, all existing characters will look pretty much the same, and the alts won’t look hugely different either.

Oh, I guess they’re changing orc beards too, some of them are paper beards and they’re getting some actual 3D-ness in SLs, my favorite beard is a paper beard.

no dragonmaw

me want

I am not opposed to fixing my nightborne, the poor thing looks really meh and she’s using the coolest options they have imo.


I just had to get Nightfallen rep for the Balance of Power quest I’m currently doing, and playing as the NPC Nightborne model using the disguise in the city makes me weep for what could have been.

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@Fallynn You must’ve given me some of your luck. I just got Necromedes on my 5th try this go around. I think that makes around 7 tries all-time.

Now if you could throw a LOT of luck my way so I can get Invincible I would serve you in the after life. :bat::elf: