San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah I just wish the Bill the Pony thing was expanded upon in the movie, however I understand entirely there was far too much to be in a movie from the books. Nowadays though? LotR being a show itself would be super cool. Then they could include nearly everything, I assume.

I think it’s important that things like this remain their own entity and are not guidelines for every fantasy writer. I like how Blizzard takes their own direction and lore, and while there’s a lot of inspiration from it, doesn’t follow it like some sort of template.

There are some fantasy elitists that take LotR as the one true guide for fantasy, and that’s it–that’s incredibly uncreative for me.

Relating to vampires in general, too, we can see this trend. “They need to be this way” or “That way”, and creativity isn’t rewarded if you don’t follow the ‘meta’ in fantasy (See what I did there? :stuck_out_tongue: )

Of course, there is, simply put, bad lore out there. Looking at you, Twilight. The vampire lore in that series is an abomination, what with the sparkling in the sun that makes everyone take vampires and their fans less seriously. There’s a way to do paranormal romance, and that? That’s not it.

I enjoy the concept of daywalkers, like how L. J. Smith did so in Night World. But the thing about lore and fantasy in general is that it’s flexible. We’re not all going to agree on certain things, like I am adamant (aside from a very few exceptions) that:
-Vampires should drink blood and target humanoids for it
-Vampires should have fangs and probably claws

Those are two things that I will always hold important when it comes to those of which I prefer, anyway. I know there’s non-fang vampires, like Cirque du freak (TERRIBLE movie by the way, but I think I enjoyed the books. Dunno, was a long time ago.)

So yeah! I like when fantasy can deviate from the norm and be its own thing–while still honoring classics like LotR. LotR is very important for establishing the genre and should be honored as such. Of course, it has its flaws and started-cliches that I personally hate, but as an entity on its own? I really enjoyed it. Especially the ents, those were really neat to see. I think those and the Nazgul (not sure if I’m getting them right) were my favorites.

Edit: ALSO there was hair jewelry that actually looked nice for the elves in that. Why couldn’t we have gotten that jewelry for blood elves?


And Morbius from the Spiderman 90s cartoon, who wants to use his hand suckers to take your plasma!


well now the sanlayn serve the jailer and we are going to kill them in ICC again

Source? Because if you’re citing the pre-patch, yeah no. Incorrect. They are ressurected to be killed again, and those are old San’layn. And in the pre-patch, it’s all old scourge too, not really a gigantic story point.

My post is regarding the new San’layn. Once again, same concept as Death Knights. Dreven very clearly wasn’t working for the Jailer and was seeking a home in the Horde.

I’ve not heard any new news on San’layn, especially in regard for “Working for the Jailer”.


Eating members of the horde is not the best way to find a home.

I am unsure how many times I’ll have to repeat myself on this matter, but here’s information for curious parties about my responses to various issues that have come up, directly quoted from the referred-to post as well.

Zombies are just fine and have been here since vanilla, and have a move called “Cannibalize” where they literally consume flesh, but blood drinking? That’s waaaay too far. /s

I’m fine with people disagreeing with me on that, as always. But… yeah, I’m not going to see eye-to-eye on that one, not ever.


She’s snakey royalty to boot. :stuck_out_tongue:



They are more interesting in the books. 3 different groups.

I wanted it for a mage.


I’ll always be sad Tolkien passed before he could get into the eastern portion of Middle Earth.

I always wanted to know more about Rhûn and the inhabitants, especially the Avari.


This new Drede mog…

I got the sword from island expeditions so I figured I would match it.


It’s a good mog. Fits in this thread.

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I’m still upset with the Hobbit animated and the Peter Jackson version for not including Tom Bombadil. He was such an awesome character and they don’t even include him. Like wtf?!?!

The Silmarillion wasn’t bad. I like how they tell you how each of the races came about and the separation of the elves and their speech, as in Quenya and Sindarin.

I also have a book on how to speak the languages and how they came about plus it includes translations for elvish, dwarvish, black speech (orc) and a couple others. The only Nightborne I have is named Vanatari which means beautiful queen in Quenya. If I played dwarves I’d used that book for their names. Very few orcish words so don’t use it for them.

And I was unsubbed when the voting happened but I would’ve went with the nerubian because I am thinking of an actual nerubian and not some flying blood tick thingy everyone was thinking.


One of the greatest things about Tolkien is that he was a linguist so he knew how to craft languages. Everything about his languages correspond to how our languages came to be and how they progressed from roots in other languages. Like the transformation from Latin into Spanish and most of the other languages in Europe. I had a professor in college who was a linguist who loves Tolkien, always praised him for his craft.


I also voted for the book. :frowning:

The vast majority of languages from Europe are not descendant of Latin.

All Italic languages still alive are descendant of Latin, there’s a fair few Italic languages, but the vast majority of European languages are not Italic.

Tangent, but it bugs me when people say this.


Fair enough. I’m not a language major so I’ve got no deep understanding of it all. Thank you for correcting me and educating me. :blush:

After looking up a bit… so 3 language roots in Europe. The latin-romance, germanic, and balto-slavic?

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Those are the three main sub-families of the Indo-European family in Europe, which is by far the dominant language family in Europe.

Latin-Romance is most properly called Italic, but is generally referred to as Romance, because all modern Italic languages are descendant of Latin, spoken by the Romans.

Balto-Slavic was an older sub-family which split into the Baltic and Slavic sub-families.

Some other sub-families would be Illyrian (isolate, only includes Albanian), Celtic, Hellenic (Greek, which is considered by some to be multiple languages), and Armenian (isolate, only includes Armenian).

It’s important to distinguish between European and Indo-European, too. There are Indo-European languages that are not European languages (Persian and Bangladeshi for instance), and European languages that are not Indo-European (Finnish and Hungarian for example, which are Uralic languages).


I’d planned on using the “Door of Shadows” ability for San’layn roleplay outside of Shadowlands, but right now it looks like the abilities usable in Shadowlands are disabled for use outside of Shadowlands… I’m really not happy about this change. I was really, really looking forward to how that could be used in story and all.

It just… meh. Every time I find myself looking forward, somewhat, to shadowlands, I just get disappointed. At least there’s the transmog and mounts, but I sincerely hate “zone restricted” nonsense. It makes the game feel so much lesser and unfun.


I will admit, I am a salty warlock, because I’ll have to share covenant gear with priests and mages, which means I’m either going to get bad looking gear or they’re going to get amazingly good looking gear. The Venthyr set is a prime example, something that looks that cool should be warlock exclusive.

At the very least that should be allowed in open world content, I’ve no idea why it isn’t. The power of the Shadowlands isn’t restricted to the Shadowlands if Sylvanas and Arthas are anything to go off of.

My only hope for that change is that it includes PvP which it probably doesn’t.

There’s a few things I’m looking forward to, like the world PvP title, but overall, same.