San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Thanks so much! I appreciate it. It’s super special for obvious reasons hahaha, I’m glad I got the courage to actually draw her.


I’d love to see these guys added. They were so cool to fight against in the War Campaign. Hope y’all get what you want.


Oh, you. :slight_smile:


Oddly it’s in my vocabulary as a true word, and yes I’m aware of the irony HAH! I love it.


The Void Elf/Blood Elf thread is getting tiring…

So anyway, what would you guys say are the most important features if San’layn where to become a customization option?

I say it’s ears/fangs but I’m trying to figure out how to fraim the suggestion better.


Definitely prominent fangs, which we can do because we see such things on Night Elves. I’d go as far to even suggest goblin-like teeth, just for a more monster factor (see my images in initial post).

As for claws, Demon Hunters do have claws that you can see clearly. They might not jut out, but even claws like them would be lovely.

Different eyes of some sort would be the final thing–Most people default to red, but again if we want a more monstrous look, we could do a black eye with a tiny red orb in the center for effect. People want monsters? They can get them without making faces that look like they’ve been hit repeatedly with a shoe (looking at you, Venthyr).

Ripped ears would be a secondary really cool thing, along with blood spatters. To make them distinct, though, I think shorter bat-like ears would be a needed addition.

And, of course, not a feature but a requirement, lore to explain how they joined Horde as that currently is a hole. (more expanded vampyr curse lore would be lovely).

In exchange, I feel it’d be fine if humans got vampyr customization since we did see them that way in Stormheim.

This was much longer than I anticipated


Something that gives them their own identity, lets them stand out, and can be noticeable along with in-game representation of them officially joining the Horde. I’d want my character to be a San’layn and not a LARPing Blood Elf with pale skin and too much dark makeup on.

As for specific customization stuff…I honestly don’t know. I think others here would be better at offering suggestions than me in that regard. I’m more of a writer than a designer for the most part.

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I think a hairstyle/color like Shadowlands Kael has would be good.

A wee bit hard to compact into a small compressed list lol

There needs to be more Night Warrior type customization options.


Well, I did link to my night warrior idea in my official post :stuck_out_tongue: You could always just use those post links.


  1. Monstrous eyes (Black with a red dot in the center, or pure red)
  2. Monstrous teeth (Fangs or all serrated)
  3. Claws (Like demon hunters or longer)
  4. Lore to justify San’layn joining Horde
  5. Possible human vampyr options
  6. Gothic hair styles/facial piercings/spiked chokers

Hopefully a bit better :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh yeah…

How could I forget?

[Apr 22]


Going to use a different word so certain people don’t get perturbed…

They could easily repurpose Night Elf teeth or just have a new Geoset overlap.

Would it work if it was tied to Undead Skin Tones?

Would it be SO HARD to include some bits about San’layn and Kael’thas in Shadowlands?!

Nightborne and Void Elf would be perfect.

They could easily add those as jewelry options.

The easier it is the more it appeals to Blizzards sense of Laziness. lol


Who? o.o Forsaken are zombies, Worgen are werewolves, demon hunters are demons. All three are monsters. Are people really offput by that term?


Some people are literally disgusted by the idea of Undead Elf or Felblood Elf customizations. Like it would corrupt the entire race…

It like they forgot Death Knights and Warlocks where a thing and that they are on a faction with Forsaken.

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Well those people don’t have my respect Shrug They can deal with it and don’t have to play it, as far as I’m concerned.

I suppose it’s fine because I’m disgusted to have to even read their opinion at the matter at times.

And to them I’d say

And “I don’t care” :stuck_out_tongue:


Unfortunately there are a lot of them over there and it gets exhausting having having people think that your options somehow detracts from their completely separate options.




It’s unfortunate that people feel this way about felblood and undead elves because they are pretty good customization options. Maybe it’s better this way because if they do get added they’ll have even more options.


Yeah that’s why I just hang out in our thread, they don’t have the courage to come in here and actually give a good reason as to why not to add it aside from “I DON’T LIKE IT” AKA what many anti-high elf people used as an excuse ironically not too long ago.


Anyway, I’m sure Blizzard looks into all threads and not just that one. This whole ‘purity’ nonsense gets very annoying after a while and has no substance. If they want to only have access to characters that have little to no flaws? That’s on them. Some people want variety and creativity.


It’s not a hard concept.

If someone gets options they like it doesn’t affect the ones you like.

Some people like dark and gritty stuff and not perfect and pretty dang it!

Same tbh. Keeping my suggestions few and far between.

I REALLY hope so too, because they just seem perturbed at the very concept and go on several hour rants.

Like, did they forget that Death Knights, Warlocks, Shadow Priest, and Rogues where things?

Or that they are on a faction with Forsaken?

Let elves be goth!!!


Exactly. Like me! Some people are weird and like beautiful but scary at the same time. Let me tell you it’s hard to get people to understand that concept but motions to Demon Hunters they do it pretty well for us at least.

Hope they realize that their behavior won’t help them get Blizzard to give them what they want. Typically Blizz listens to constructive ideas, not “NO YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE THIS BECAUSE I SAID SO!” See: High elf additions. And Vulpera. :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully you guys will get those lore tidbits too (even if flavor text, which would satisfy me too in San’layn case. Though vampyr curse lore :pleading_face: )

It’s all good, you see I made this thread far more fancy and it’s bound to get attention now because of the pretty pictures. Right? RIGHT?!?!? insane sobbing

It’s been a day. (Yes, I am joking about, no worries)

Seriously though. I do hope Blizzard doesn’t take their nonsense into account. These bitter people can play their shiny sunny lightwell themed elves, no one is stopping them.


With the amount of customization that just came through on Night Elves and Draenei I’m hopeful Blood Elves will get a lot. The 3 new hairstyles for male / female wasn’t really enough. And the necklaces/jewelry/bracelets are so… meh they most likely won’t get seen because of armor.

Hopefully we get a bunch of new options. And hopefully we get the freaking stream we were told about weeks ago, ugh!

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