San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This zone just screams vampire. Even though it is not perfect I still love the look. Were is my San’layn?

Gargoyle with beard in screen 6 of 92 looks so good. Screen 8 of 92 gives a better front view. I want playable Horde gargoyle Blizz.

On a side note, DK’s will get new runeforges in Shadowlands and some remind me of vampires. Very cool imo.




crosses fingers for pre-patch information on San’layn

Come ooooon it would be perfect. The scourge are coming loose from their bounds bigtime, we don’t know how many San’layn have been created over these past 10 years (two missing blood princes, then Dreven out of the blue…), and there’s vampire stuff coming up.

I don’t want to get my hopes up again though, but this is an observation that now would be a great time x.x


I’m not a musically inclined person, but I was remembering the “Lament of the Highborne” song from Burning Crusade and was thinking about the San’layn having something similar, since they are related and also have a tragic history.

The song I’m referring to is this:

I’m imagining a base where San’layn are that new allied race San’layn would spawn in, where it plays a slower and somber version of the instrumental of Eversong Woods:

The theme for the area would be the somber music with occasional lyrics of male voices singing lyrics from a San’layn version of the song here and there, occasionally with a female voice singing a line also.

It’s a bit hard to explain in actual words, but it was an interesting thought I had to help set the mood of a San’layn area. If I can elaborate better, I’ll try to in another post. :bat:


I love Lament of the Highborne, it’s my favorite WoW song besides Daughter of the Sea. I was really disappointed when it didn’t play during the Belf heritage armor quest line. I think it would be perfect for either
the San’layn or Undead Elf intro zone. (San’layn, please?)


I really want to see this happen.
Honestly I’d be happy even if they became an unlockable customisation option for Belves rather than an entire AR.


Yeah! I just made a post on my ideas for that, I think it’s entirely doable to be honest.

(Gave a partial quote for my post just so you can jump to it if you’re interested in my ideas!)


I think something special will come with kael’thas. Is it safe to post spoilers here?


Yeah go for it, you can hide it in the cog symbol bar about the reply message. Like this: (The hide details button)

Big secret

Hope your day is going well!

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:open_mouth: thank you!

Revendreth Speculation

In the scorched area, there are several lightbound elementals and possibly a serious presence by the forces of “the light”. It’s reported the void has crept into Bastion as well so these two forces will have some weight on the story it seems.
With the Void elves, you see exiled Blood elves that for one reason or another wanted an alternative to the light fueled sunwell and are led by one of the three windrunner sisters. With Kael’thas maybe getting redemption, San’layn could be brought into the alliance under his leadership; KT can show elves or san’layn another way to deal with their thirst for energy through the alternative of anima (like the void for VE) and he was not involved in bringing the blood elves to the horde formally and of course the whole fel elf led slaughter is surely a sore spot for blood elves.
Void elves and San’layn for the alliance (alongside remnant high elves) could be a neat little plot point to fuel faction conflict between the alliance and the horde.

I forgot Zeiling was technically an undead shaman. Could be a sick Idea, I want little gargoyles to pop out of the ground!

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Sorry, I don’t support San’layn for the Alliance at all though >< Only Horde. I feel they’d fit much more with the Forsaken, and attempted to join in BfA with them as well. The Alliance butchered the San’layn to a large extent in the War Campaign as well, leading to the hole we’re in right now.

Not to mention, many people have stories and such with San’layn hordeside. I think I’d be done if they tossed 'em onto the Alliance, augh D:

Either that, or neutral works I guess. So long as my Hordies can be San’layn. I’m not a fan of the Alliance much at all, it’s why I appreciate void elves but don’t play them much.


If they can’t justify a full blown race because it is too similar to blood elves maybe they could absorb elements from Sire Denathrius or the nathrezim.

So I guess instead of elf vampires they could be super elf vampires.

Any excuse to get a darkhound mount.

Fair enough but even with Dreven’s activities; his own character defeats his intentions when the alliance found the ship full of forsaken sacrificed by dreven already with the intention of blaming it on the alliance. I personally wouldn’t use Dreven or his followers for any precedent and any ties with sylvanas for that matter.

It all hangs on Kael’thas I think and I really don’t see him welcomed back in the horde, especially after Lorthermar is adamant about a sunstrider never ruling silvermoon again. Not particularly tied to either faction myself, more of a fan of specific races.

Personally, I wish the scourge was a playable third faction and I’d faction swap what I could and delete what I couldn’t.

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I’m not a “FOR THE HORDE WOO!” so much as the fact that many people wanting San’layn have played them Hordeside and see it as making much more sense for them to be with Blood Elves and Forsaken. They’re ex-scourge, after all. The Alliance just seem uptight toward undead in general aside from Death Knights, and even then, it’s very shifty.

San’layn are bloodsucking monsters, they’ll need to take from their enemies.

This wouldn’t be a problem if we had neutral races and guilds, but alas. As for Kael… I still don’t see him being open to the Alliance myself, not after the Garithos incident and how they turned their backs upon Blood Elves. Kael was doing everything he could for his people, and ultimately got corrupted. We’ll be working with him in the Shadowlands and seeing that he can come around.

As for a scourge faction, meh. I don’t feel like being forced to play a mindless robot bent on murdering every living thing tbh :frowning: Unless it was the new scourge focused around free will.


Just going to say a big no to San’layn on the Alliance.

For one thing, forcing controversial/experimental races on the Alliance to try and add some dept has gotten old considering they rarely do anything with them.

For another thing, getting a second corrupted version of High Elves would be a PR disaster and cause unneeded strife in both factions.

For a third thing, Horde have wanted a form of Undead Elf since Vanilla, giving it to the Alliance would be a slap in the face.


I think a problem with the San’layn getting baked into Blood Elf customization is that it will barely scratch the surface and will most likely be eyes/skin color only.

Could we possibly see an allied race that used all of the desired customization for the San’layn and maybe covered other fallen/corrupted elves?

Maybe the quest will start off with the San’layn and they go and recruit the other elves such as the Felblood and Wretched. The old blood elves were pretty vampiric in nature so the racials could all be vampiric but just color coordinated with the color of eyes you choose for your character.

Due to the San’layn taking charge the mount would revolve around them. The heritage armor would be based on the ICC blood mage set but with separate colors like the Mag’har sets and they could have verdant spheres based on each set.

This could also add story and lore for the San’layn instead of them just being absorbed by the Blood Elves. This also could add theme protection in case the Alliance unfortunately gets the Venthyr.

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Honestly i really love the design, hope they add this as customization

Only way I’d be cool with San’layn being added is if they have a unique look and not an allied race Blood Elf look. That is one of the reasons I can’t see Blizz adding HE’s for those players that want them. New races that look similar to in-game, playable races should just be cosmetic and San’layn should be so much more then just a cosmetic.

We don’t need more reskins we need more unique races. Unfortunately Venthyr have a unique look while current San’layn don’t really. Now if they made them kind of like the ones in OP but slightly more unique I can see them being added.

:+1: Unique San’layn
:-1: Reskinned BE/NE San’layn

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Horde could get San’layn with blood magic for Blood Elves and Nightborne and Alliance could get skinny Drust with death magic for Kul Tirans and humans :man_shrugging:

So, its been datamined that they are changing how you unlock allied races in Shadowlands.

I think what will happen, and what they should do, is just charge money for allied races.

Why? Because then it means Blizz has incentive to add alot more different allied races, if they can make money off them.

Currently, allied races just serve to run subs longer.