San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah, your probably right about the wings though but imagine the butthurt if the gargoyle was a meta for vampires? :laughing:

Oh my bad I didn’t realize they were a separate race. I thought that dude was a vampire bat form

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I honestly would too, in a heartbeat :stuck_out_tongue: Woe is us, well someone will have to go ahead and bite the bullet to start one, looks like!

Right now it seems like we have the Nosferatu (Venthyr) Vs. Gangrel (Gargoyles) Vs. Toreador (San’layn) hahahahaha (Vampire the Masquerade reference in case people don’t know what that means!)

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That cartoon is the reason I like the gargogles. Pan’s labryinth has me appealing to the night fae. Supernatural and star ocean make me want to play Kyrians… Gargoyles look cool I would prefer them over the Venthyr right now. Not a big fan of the faces so far I think they need more work before live.

Of course I havent seen much of the beta besides datamining. I would at least enjoy disguise toys for all the new races that are usable in combat.

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You guys still have my full support (And I’m pretty sure I speak on behalf of most Vulpera fans too)

I hope you guys get vampires that make you happy


Found more official art by the way!

Ok so this is in an in-game painting, but it shows San’layn DO have fangs too :stuck_out_tongue:
Along with one of those art pieces shared there too, of the San’layn in the coffin.

In terms of official NON-fan art (and believe me, the fan art is gorgeous, but I was looking for official), I can’t find much else.

But this does show that San’layn 100% have the following:

  • Claws
  • Fangs
  • Bat-like Ears (Look, in almost every case, they’re shorter than Sin’dorei ears, and in many cases, bat-like.
  • Red/Amber/Black eyes

And so, if they are to become a customization, I really don’t want them to halfsies it.

AKA, “Just give red eyes to Blood Elves” wouldn’t cut it :stuck_out_tongue:

hugs Thanks so much :slight_smile: Means a lot. I’m so glad the Vulpera community got what they wanted (well, same here, I also love Vulpera XD). It’s tons of fun and I never expected to be able to make a DK as well!


Trust level 3 powers activate!


This makes we want a San’layn shaman or gargoyle O.o Dayummmmmmm

Love these sets.




I want to have sex with a vampire so please make this a reality. Thanks for your effort, many have been asking for this for awhile.

Demona is sexy as f

Friendly reminder that WoW is rated T (for teen) so comments relating to intimate behavior are considered wildly inappropriate. Yes, races have suggestive flirts and such, but it’s a bad idea to discuss.


I’ll just leave this here.

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CMD + F “Kael’thas.”

0/0 Results found.


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Yuppers. :+1:

The only thing I found interesting in the preview was the gargoyle people, to be honest. Otherwise… meh. For some reason, I just am not finding myself excited about the Revendreth stuff at all. The designs are great (aside from the Venthyr themselves, which… not a fan) and the theme is great. But the story? I just find myself not hooked. No mention of Kael indeed, and it’s just a bunch of new lore I’m not interested in while I wish they’d expand old lore, you know, of the vampires they introduced in Wrath.

Safe to say I wish I could be excited as everyone else. But I’m not. The more I see of Shadowlands, the less I want to play it.


Wow, another actual good Mail set! Blizz has been doing Mail wearers some good finally.

I’ll definitely be using some of the pieces from the black set in my Hunters Dark Ranger themed mog sets. :smiley:


I gotta admit, I’m feeling ehh on it, myself. Not as bad as when WoD was shown off, but still feeling kinda meh.

I’m trying to reserve judgement, as usually with expansions, it doesn’t really click with me until I actually see it in-game when it goes live on regular servers. Seeing some news at first got me excited, but seeing more and more of it is making me feel more neutral than anything. Not to mention Sylvanas becoming Garrosh -2.01387659³ and causing this mess to begin with hasn’t been an exciting start for me.

No new races or classes does kill some of my interest, but it’s mainly the theme of the expansion and the events leading up to it. At some point, they do need to write new things for WoW, so new worlds now and then aren’t too bad within reason, but I guess going to some form of the afterlife and bringing back past heroes and NPC’s, while I can understand the reasoning in a marketing sense, just isn’t grabbing me.

Despite its flaws, I did enjoy BfA, but I felt that what started like an epic symphony just ends with a sudden wet fart as the Horde and Alliance are back to being at “peace” until the next time someone urinates in the other’s Cheerios again and we’re back to engaging in another slobber knocker.

As I said, I want to reserve judgement until I actually am playing the new content when it goes live, but it does say a lot when the most exciting thing so far is the new character creation screen. We’ll be at this for around 2 years or so when it does launch, so it’s going to be a long ride. I guess all I can reasonably hope for at this point is a skeletal instrument I can interact with to create a fun dance number with the locals:

Whatever happens, I’m in it for the long haul. :bat:

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Mhm… mhm… those are certainly very nice…

Of course, due to obvious reasons my heart already belongs to Maldraxxus. Still, at least the vampire fans will look nice as they gaze upon my constructed abomination with envy.

Yea I am conflicted right now between Maldraxxus and Venthyr. I have been asking for tombstone totems for undead shamans to be introduced and now we sort of have them! If shadowlands wasn’t the perfect time to get an undead shaman at least I can get that sweet transmog! I hope Zeiling will be shown in the zones. If he wears that set it would be cool.